
275 lines
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UTFT.h - Multi-Platform library support for Color TFT LCD Boards
Copyright (C)2015 Rinky-Dink Electronics, Henning Karlsen. All right reserved
This library is the continuation of my ITDB02_Graph, ITDB02_Graph16
and RGB_GLCD libraries for Arduino and chipKit. As the number of
supported display modules and controllers started to increase I felt
it was time to make a single, universal library as it will be much
easier to maintain in the future.
Basic functionality of this library was origianlly based on the
demo-code provided by ITead studio (for the ITDB02 modules) and
NKC Electronics (for the RGB GLCD module/shield).
This library supports a number of 8bit, 16bit and serial graphic
displays, and will work with both Arduino, chipKit boards and select
TI LaunchPads. For a full list of tested display modules and controllers,
see the document UTFT_Supported_display_modules_&_controllers.pdf.
When using 8bit and 16bit display modules there are some
requirements you must adhere to. These requirements can be found
in the document UTFT_Requirements.pdf.
There are no special requirements when using serial displays.
You can find the latest version of the library at
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 license.
Please see the included documents for further information.
Commercial use of this library requires you to buy a license that
will allow commercial use. This includes using the library,
modified or not, as a tool to sell products.
The license applies to all part of the library including the
examples and tools supplied with the library.
#ifndef UTFT_h
#define UTFT_h
#define UTFT_VERSION 281
#define LEFT 0
#define RIGHT 9999
#define CENTER 9998
#define PORTRAIT 0
#define LANDSCAPE 1
#define HX8347A 0
#define ILI9327 1
#define SSD1289 2
#define ILI9325C 3
#define ILI9325D_8 4
#define ILI9325D_16 5
#define HX8340B_8 6
#define HX8340B_S 7
#define HX8352A 8
#define ST7735 9
#define PCF8833 10
#define S1D19122 11
#define SSD1963_480 12
#define SSD1963_800 13
#define S6D1121_8 14
#define S6D1121_16 15
#define SSD1289LATCHED 16
//#define NOT_IN_USE 17
//#define NOT_IN_USE 18
#define SSD1289_8 19
#define SSD1963_800ALT 20
#define ILI9481 21
#define ILI9325D_16ALT 22
#define S6D0164 23
#define ST7735S 24
#define ILI9341_S5P 25
#define ILI9341_S4P 26
#define R61581 27
#define ILI9486 28
#define CPLD 29
#define HX8353C 30
#define ST7735_ALT 31
#define ITDB32 0 // HX8347-A (16bit)
#define ITDB32WC 1 // ILI9327 (16bit)
#define TFT01_32W 1 // ILI9327 (16bit)
#define ITDB32S 2 // SSD1289 (16bit)
#define TFT01_32 2 // SSD1289 (16bit)
#define CTE32 2 // SSD1289 (16bit)
#define ITDB24 3 // ILI9325C (8bit)
#define ITDB24D 4 // ILI9325D (8bit)
#define ITDB24DWOT 4 // ILI9325D (8bit)
#define ITDB28 4 // ILI9325D (8bit)
#define TFT01_24_8 4 // ILI9325D (8bit)
#define DMTFT24104 4 // ILI9325D (8bit)
#define DMTFT28103 4 // ILI9325D (8bit)
#define TFT01_24_16 5 // ILI9325D (16bit)
#define ITDB22 6 // HX8340-B (8bit)
#define ITDB22SP 7 // HX8340-B (Serial 4Pin)
#define ITDB32WD 8 // HX8352-A (16bit)
#define TFT01_32WD 8 // HX8352-A (16bit)
#define CTE32W 8 // HX8352-A (16bit)
#define ITDB18SP 9 // ST7735 (Serial 5Pin)
#define LPH9135 10 // PCF8833 (Serial 5Pin)
#define ITDB25H 11 // S1D19122 (16bit)
#define ITDB43 12 // SSD1963 (16bit) 480x272
#define TFT01_43 12 // SSD1963 (16bit) 480x272
#define ITDB50 13 // SSD1963 (16bit) 800x480
#define TFT01_50 13 // SSD1963 (16bit) 800x480
#define CTE50 13 // SSD1963 (16bit) 800x480
#define EHOUSE50 13 // SSD1963 (16bit) 800x480
#define ITDB24E_8 14 // S6D1121 (8bit)
#define TFT01_24R2 14 // S6D1121 (8bit)
#define ITDB24E_16 15 // S6D1121 (16bit)
#define INFINIT32 16 // SSD1289 (Latched 16bit) -- Legacy, will be removed later
#define ELEE32_REVA 16 // SSD1289 (Latched 16bit)
//#define NOT_IN_USE 17
//#define NOT_IN_USE 18
#define ELEE32_REVB 19 // SSD1289 (8bit)
#define TFT01_70 20 // SSD1963 (16bit) 800x480 Alternative Init
#define CTE70 20 // SSD1963 (16bit) 800x480 Alternative Init
#define EHOUSE70 20 // SSD1963 (16bit) 800x480 Alternative Init
#define CTE32HR 21 // ILI9481 (16bit)
#define CTE28 22 // ILI9325D (16bit) Alternative Init
#define TFT01_28 22 // ILI9325D (16bit) Alternative Init
#define CTE22 23 // S6D0164 (8bit)
#define TFT01_22 23 // S6D0164 (8bit)
#define DMTFT22102 23 // S6D0164 (8bit)
#define TFT01_18SP 24 // ST7735S (Serial 5Pin)
#define TFT01_22SP 25 // ILI9341 (Serial 5Pin)
#define TFT01_24SP 25 // ILI9341 (Serial 5Pin)
#define TFT22SHLD 25 // ILI9341 (Serial 5Pin)
#define DMTFT28105 25 // ILI9341 (Serial 5Pin)
#define MI0283QT9 26 // ILI9341 (Serial 4Pin)
#define CTE35IPS 27 // R61581 (16bit)
#define CTE40 28 // ILI9486 (16bit)
#define EHOUSE50CPLD 29 // CPLD (16bit)
#define CTE50CPLD 29 // CPLD (16bit)
#define CTE70CPLD 29 // CPLD (16bit)
#define DMTFT18101 30 // HX8353C (Serial 5Pin)
#define TFT18SHLD 31 // ST7735 (Serial 5Pin) Alternative Init
#define SERIAL_4PIN 4
#define SERIAL_5PIN 5
#define LATCHED_16 17
#define NOTINUSE 255
// VGA color palette
#define VGA_BLACK 0x0000
#define VGA_WHITE 0xFFFF
#define VGA_RED 0xF800
#define VGA_GREEN 0x0400
#define VGA_BLUE 0x001F
#define VGA_SILVER 0xC618
#define VGA_GRAY 0x8410
#define VGA_MAROON 0x8000
#define VGA_YELLOW 0xFFE0
#define VGA_OLIVE 0x8400
#define VGA_LIME 0x07E0
#define VGA_AQUA 0x07FF
#define VGA_TEAL 0x0410
#define VGA_NAVY 0x0010
#define VGA_FUCHSIA 0xF81F
#define VGA_PURPLE 0x8010
#if defined(__AVR__)
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "hardware/avr/HW_AVR_defines.h"
#elif defined(__PIC32MX__)
#include "WProgram.h"
#include "hardware/pic32/HW_PIC32_defines.h"
#elif defined(__arm__)
#include "Arduino.h" // This will include energia.h where appropriate
#include "hardware/arm/HW_ARM_defines.h"
struct _current_font
uint8_t* font;
uint8_t x_size;
uint8_t y_size;
uint8_t offset;
uint8_t numchars;
class UTFT
UTFT(byte model, int RS, int WR, int CS, int RST, int SER=0);
void InitLCD(byte orientation=LANDSCAPE);
void clrScr();
void drawPixel(int x, int y);
void drawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
void fillScr(byte r, byte g, byte b);
void fillScr(word color);
void drawRect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
void drawRoundRect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
void fillRect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
void fillRoundRect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
void drawCircle(int x, int y, int radius);
void fillCircle(int x, int y, int radius);
void setColor(byte r, byte g, byte b);
void setColor(word color);
word getColor();
void setBackColor(byte r, byte g, byte b);
void setBackColor(uint32_t color);
word getBackColor();
void print(char *st, int x, int y, int deg=0);
void print(String st, int x, int y, int deg=0);
void printNumI(long num, int x, int y, int length=0, char filler=' ');
void printNumF(double num, byte dec, int x, int y, char divider='.', int length=0, char filler=' ');
void setFont(uint8_t* font);
uint8_t* getFont();
uint8_t getFontXsize();
uint8_t getFontYsize();
void drawBitmap(int x, int y, int sx, int sy, bitmapdatatype data, int scale=1);
void drawBitmap(int x, int y, int sx, int sy, bitmapdatatype data, int deg, int rox, int roy);
void lcdOff();
void lcdOn();
void setContrast(char c);
int getDisplayXSize();
int getDisplayYSize();
void setBrightness(byte br);
void setDisplayPage(byte page);
void setWritePage(byte page);
The functions and variables below should not normally be used.
They have been left publicly available for use in add-on libraries
that might need access to the lower level functions of UTFT.
Please note that these functions and variables are not documented
and I do not provide support on how to use them.
byte fch, fcl, bch, bcl;
byte orient;
long disp_x_size, disp_y_size;
byte display_model, display_transfer_mode, display_serial_mode;
regtype *P_RS, *P_WR, *P_CS, *P_RST, *P_SDA, *P_SCL, *P_ALE;
regsize B_RS, B_WR, B_CS, B_RST, B_SDA, B_SCL, B_ALE;
byte __p1, __p2, __p3, __p4, __p5;
_current_font cfont;
boolean _transparent;
void LCD_Writ_Bus(char VH,char VL, byte mode);
void LCD_Write_COM(char VL);
void LCD_Write_DATA(char VH,char VL);
void LCD_Write_DATA(char VL);
void LCD_Write_COM_DATA(char com1,int dat1);
void _hw_special_init();
void setPixel(word color);
void drawHLine(int x, int y, int l);
void drawVLine(int x, int y, int l);
void printChar(byte c, int x, int y);
void setXY(word x1, word y1, word x2, word y2);
void clrXY();
void rotateChar(byte c, int x, int y, int pos, int deg);
void _set_direction_registers(byte mode);
void _fast_fill_16(int ch, int cl, long pix);
void _fast_fill_8(int ch, long pix);
void _convert_float(char *buf, double num, int width, byte prec);
#if defined(ENERGIA)
volatile uint32_t* portOutputRegister(int value);