/** * ControlP5 ControlKey * use ControlKeys to map key combinations to particular events. * multi-keypress supported. * * by Andreas Schlegel, 2012 * www.sojamo.de/libraries/controlp5 * */ import controlP5.*; ControlP5 cp5; int col; int colEllipse; boolean visible; void setup() { size(400, 600); smooth(); noStroke(); col = color(0); colEllipse = color(0,255,90); cp5 = new ControlP5(this); // press key 1 to change background to white cp5.mapKeyFor(new ControlKey() {public void keyEvent() {col = color(255);}}, '1'); // press key 2 to change background to black cp5.mapKeyFor(new ControlKey() {public void keyEvent() {col = color(0);}}, '2'); // press key 1 and ALT to make circles visible cp5.mapKeyFor(new ControlKey() {public void keyEvent() {visible = true;}}, ALT,'1'); // press key 2 and ALT to hide circles cp5.mapKeyFor(new ControlKey() {public void keyEvent() {visible = false;}}, ALT,'2'); // press key 1 and ALT and SHIFT to change the color of circles cp5.mapKeyFor(new ControlKey() {public void keyEvent() {colEllipse = color(random(255));}}, ALT,'1',SHIFT); } void draw() { background(col); if(visible) { fill(colEllipse); ellipse(100,100,50,50); ellipse(150,400,200,200); } }