Remove old code
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2016 Opsmate, Inc.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
// Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
// with this file, You can obtain one at
// This software is distributed WITHOUT A WARRANTY OF ANY KIND.
// See the Mozilla Public License for details.
package certspotter
import (
func reverseHashes(hashes []ct.MerkleTreeNode) {
for i := 0; i < len(hashes)/2; i++ {
j := len(hashes) - i - 1
hashes[i], hashes[j] = hashes[j], hashes[i]
func VerifyConsistencyProof(proof ct.ConsistencyProof, first *ct.SignedTreeHead, second *ct.SignedTreeHead) bool {
// TODO: make sure every hash in proof is right length? otherwise input to hashChildren is ambiguous
if second.TreeSize < first.TreeSize {
// Can't be consistent if tree got smaller
return false
if first.TreeSize == second.TreeSize {
if !(bytes.Equal(first.SHA256RootHash[:], second.SHA256RootHash[:]) && len(proof) == 0) {
return false
return true
if first.TreeSize == 0 {
// The purpose of the consistency proof is to ensure the append-only
// nature of the tree; i.e. that the first tree is a "prefix" of the
// second tree. If the first tree is empty, then it's trivially a prefix
// of the second tree, so no proof is needed.
if len(proof) != 0 {
return false
return true
// Guaranteed that 0 < first.TreeSize < second.TreeSize
node := first.TreeSize - 1
lastNode := second.TreeSize - 1
// While we're the right child, everything is in both trees, so move one level up.
for node%2 == 1 {
node /= 2
lastNode /= 2
var newHash ct.MerkleTreeNode
var oldHash ct.MerkleTreeNode
if node > 0 {
if len(proof) == 0 {
return false
newHash = proof[0]
proof = proof[1:]
} else {
// The old tree was balanced, so we already know the first hash to use
newHash = first.SHA256RootHash[:]
oldHash = newHash
for node > 0 {
if node%2 == 1 {
// node is a right child; left sibling exists in both trees
if len(proof) == 0 {
return false
newHash = hashChildren(proof[0], newHash)
oldHash = hashChildren(proof[0], oldHash)
proof = proof[1:]
} else if node < lastNode {
// node is a left child; rigth sibling only exists in the new tree
if len(proof) == 0 {
return false
newHash = hashChildren(newHash, proof[0])
proof = proof[1:]
} // else node == lastNode: node is a left child with no sibling in either tree
node /= 2
lastNode /= 2
if !bytes.Equal(oldHash, first.SHA256RootHash[:]) {
return false
// If trees have different height, continue up the path to reach the new root
for lastNode > 0 {
if len(proof) == 0 {
return false
newHash = hashChildren(newHash, proof[0])
proof = proof[1:]
lastNode /= 2
if !bytes.Equal(newHash, second.SHA256RootHash[:]) {
return false
return true
func hashNothing() ct.MerkleTreeNode {
return sha256.New().Sum(nil)
func hashLeaf(leafBytes []byte) ct.MerkleTreeNode {
hasher := sha256.New()
return hasher.Sum(nil)
func hashChildren(left ct.MerkleTreeNode, right ct.MerkleTreeNode) ct.MerkleTreeNode {
hasher := sha256.New()
return hasher.Sum(nil)
type CollapsedMerkleTree struct {
nodes []ct.MerkleTreeNode
size uint64
func calculateNumNodes(size uint64) int {
numNodes := 0
for size > 0 {
numNodes += int(size & 1)
size >>= 1
return numNodes
func EmptyCollapsedMerkleTree() *CollapsedMerkleTree {
return &CollapsedMerkleTree{}
func NewCollapsedMerkleTree(nodes []ct.MerkleTreeNode, size uint64) (*CollapsedMerkleTree, error) {
if len(nodes) != calculateNumNodes(size) {
return nil, errors.New("NewCollapsedMerkleTree: nodes has incorrect size")
return &CollapsedMerkleTree{nodes: nodes, size: size}, nil
func CloneCollapsedMerkleTree(source *CollapsedMerkleTree) *CollapsedMerkleTree {
nodes := make([]ct.MerkleTreeNode, len(source.nodes))
copy(nodes, source.nodes)
return &CollapsedMerkleTree{nodes: nodes, size: source.size}
func (tree *CollapsedMerkleTree) Add(hash ct.MerkleTreeNode) {
tree.nodes = append(tree.nodes, hash)
size := tree.size
for size%2 == 0 {
left, right := tree.nodes[len(tree.nodes)-2], tree.nodes[len(tree.nodes)-1]
tree.nodes = tree.nodes[:len(tree.nodes)-2]
tree.nodes = append(tree.nodes, hashChildren(left, right))
size /= 2
func (tree *CollapsedMerkleTree) CalculateRoot() ct.MerkleTreeNode {
if len(tree.nodes) == 0 {
return hashNothing()
i := len(tree.nodes) - 1
hash := tree.nodes[i]
for i > 0 {
i -= 1
hash = hashChildren(tree.nodes[i], hash)
return hash
func (tree *CollapsedMerkleTree) GetSize() uint64 {
return tree.size
func (tree *CollapsedMerkleTree) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(map[string]interface{}{
"nodes": tree.nodes,
"size": tree.size,
func (tree *CollapsedMerkleTree) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
var rawTree struct {
Nodes []ct.MerkleTreeNode `json:"nodes"`
Size uint64 `json:"size"`
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &rawTree); err != nil {
return errors.New("Failed to unmarshal CollapsedMerkleTree: " + err.Error())
if len(rawTree.Nodes) != calculateNumNodes(rawTree.Size) {
return errors.New("Failed to unmarshal CollapsedMerkleTree: nodes has incorrect length")
tree.size = rawTree.Size
tree.nodes = rawTree.Nodes
return nil
@ -1,358 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Opsmate, Inc.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
// Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
// with this file, You can obtain one at
// This software is distributed WITHOUT A WARRANTY OF ANY KIND.
// See the Mozilla Public License for details.
package cmd
import (
const defaultLogList = ""
var batchSize = flag.Int("batch_size", 1000, "Max number of entries to request at per call to get-entries (advanced)")
var numWorkers = flag.Int("num_workers", 2, "Number of concurrent matchers (advanced)")
var script = flag.String("script", "", "Script to execute when a matching certificate is found")
var logsURL = flag.String("logs", defaultLogList, "File path or URL of JSON list of logs to monitor")
var noSave = flag.Bool("no_save", false, "Do not save a copy of matching certificates")
var verbose = flag.Bool("verbose", false, "Be verbose")
var showVersion = flag.Bool("version", false, "Print version and exit")
var startAtEnd = flag.Bool("start_at_end", false, "Start monitoring logs from the end rather than the beginning")
var allTime = flag.Bool("all_time", false, "Scan certs from all time, not just since last scan")
var state *State
var printMutex sync.Mutex
func homedir() string {
homedir, err := os.UserHomeDir()
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("unable to determine home directory: %w", err))
return homedir
func DefaultStateDir(programName string) string {
return filepath.Join(homedir(), "."+programName)
func DefaultConfigDir(programName string) string {
return filepath.Join(homedir(), "."+programName)
func LogEntry(info *certspotter.EntryInfo) {
if !*noSave {
var alreadyPresent bool
var err error
alreadyPresent, info.Filename, err = state.SaveCert(info.IsPrecert, info.FullChain)
if err != nil {
log.Print(err) // important error (system)
if alreadyPresent {
if *script != "" {
if err := info.InvokeHookScript(*script); err != nil {
log.Print(err) // important error (system)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "\n")
func loadLogList() ([]*loglist.Log, error) {
list, err := loglist.Load(*logsURL)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error loading log list: %s", err)
return list.AllLogs(), nil
type logHandle struct {
scanner *certspotter.Scanner
state *LogState
tree *certspotter.CollapsedMerkleTree
verifiedSTH *ct.SignedTreeHead
func makeLogHandle(logInfo *loglist.Log) (*logHandle, error) {
ctlog := new(logHandle)
logKey, err := x509.ParsePKIXPublicKey(logInfo.Key)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Bad public key: %s", err)
ctlog.scanner = certspotter.NewScanner(logInfo.URL, logInfo.LogID, logKey, &certspotter.ScannerOptions{
BatchSize: *batchSize,
NumWorkers: *numWorkers,
Quiet: !*verbose,
ctlog.state, err = state.OpenLogState(logInfo)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error opening state directory: %s", err)
ctlog.tree, err = ctlog.state.GetTree()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error loading tree: %s", err)
ctlog.verifiedSTH, err = ctlog.state.GetVerifiedSTH()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error loading verified STH: %s", err)
if ctlog.tree == nil && ctlog.verifiedSTH == nil { // This branch can be removed eventually
legacySTH, err := state.GetLegacySTH(logInfo)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error loading legacy STH: %s", err)
if legacySTH != nil {
log.Print(logInfo.URL, ": Initializing log state from legacy state directory")
ctlog.tree, err = ctlog.scanner.MakeCollapsedMerkleTree(legacySTH)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error reconstructing Merkle Tree for legacy STH: %s", err)
if err := ctlog.state.StoreTree(ctlog.tree); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error storing tree: %s", err)
if err := ctlog.state.StoreVerifiedSTH(legacySTH); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error storing verified STH: %s", err)
return ctlog, nil
func (ctlog *logHandle) refresh() error {
if *verbose {
log.Print(ctlog.scanner.LogUri, ": Retrieving latest STH from log")
latestSTH, err := ctlog.scanner.GetSTH()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error retrieving STH from log: %s", err)
if ctlog.verifiedSTH == nil {
if *verbose {
log.Printf("%s: No existing STH is known; presuming latest STH (%d) is valid", ctlog.scanner.LogUri, latestSTH.TreeSize)
ctlog.verifiedSTH = latestSTH
if err := ctlog.state.StoreVerifiedSTH(ctlog.verifiedSTH); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error storing verified STH: %s", err)
} else {
if err := ctlog.state.StoreUnverifiedSTH(latestSTH); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error storing unverified STH: %s", err)
return nil
func (ctlog *logHandle) verifySTH(sth *ct.SignedTreeHead) error {
isValid, err := ctlog.scanner.CheckConsistency(ctlog.verifiedSTH, sth)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error fetching consistency proof: %s", err)
if !isValid {
return fmt.Errorf("Consistency proof between %d and %d is invalid", ctlog.verifiedSTH.TreeSize, sth.TreeSize)
return nil
func (ctlog *logHandle) audit() error {
sths, err := ctlog.state.GetUnverifiedSTHs()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error loading unverified STHs: %s", err)
for _, sth := range sths {
if *verbose {
log.Printf("%s: Verifying consistency of STH %d (%x) with previously-verified STH %d (%x)", ctlog.scanner.LogUri, sth.TreeSize, sth.SHA256RootHash, ctlog.verifiedSTH.TreeSize, ctlog.verifiedSTH.SHA256RootHash)
if err := ctlog.verifySTH(sth); err != nil {
log.Printf("%s: Unable to verify consistency of STH %d (%s) (if this error persists, it should be construed as misbehavior by the log): %s", ctlog.scanner.LogUri, sth.TreeSize, ctlog.state.UnverifiedSTHFilename(sth), err) // important error (log)
if sth.TreeSize > ctlog.verifiedSTH.TreeSize {
if *verbose {
log.Printf("%s: STH %d (%x) is now the latest verified STH", ctlog.scanner.LogUri, sth.TreeSize, sth.SHA256RootHash)
ctlog.verifiedSTH = sth
if err := ctlog.state.StoreVerifiedSTH(ctlog.verifiedSTH); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error storing verified STH: %s", err)
if err := ctlog.state.RemoveUnverifiedSTH(sth); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error removing redundant STH: %s", err)
return nil
func (ctlog *logHandle) scan(processCallback certspotter.ProcessCallback) error {
startIndex := int64(ctlog.tree.GetSize())
endIndex := int64(ctlog.verifiedSTH.TreeSize)
if endIndex > startIndex {
tree := certspotter.CloneCollapsedMerkleTree(ctlog.tree)
if err := ctlog.scanner.Scan(startIndex, endIndex, processCallback, tree); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error scanning log (if this error persists, it should be construed as misbehavior by the log): %s", err)
rootHash := tree.CalculateRoot()
if !bytes.Equal(rootHash, ctlog.verifiedSTH.SHA256RootHash[:]) {
return fmt.Errorf("Log has misbehaved: log entries at tree size %d do not correspond to signed tree root", ctlog.verifiedSTH.TreeSize)
ctlog.tree = tree
if err := ctlog.state.StoreTree(ctlog.tree); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error storing tree: %s", err)
return nil
func processLog(logInfo *loglist.Log, processCallback certspotter.ProcessCallback) int {
ctlog, err := makeLogHandle(logInfo)
if err != nil {
log.Print(logInfo.URL, ": ", err) // important error (system)
return 1
if err := ctlog.refresh(); err != nil {
log.Print(logInfo.URL, ": ", err) // important error (both system and log)
return 1
if err := ctlog.audit(); err != nil {
log.Print(logInfo.URL, ": ", err) // important error (system)
return 1
if *allTime {
ctlog.tree = certspotter.EmptyCollapsedMerkleTree()
if *verbose {
log.Printf("%s: Scanning all %d entries in the log because -all_time option specified", logInfo.URL, ctlog.verifiedSTH.TreeSize)
} else if ctlog.tree != nil {
if *verbose {
log.Printf("%s: Existing log; scanning %d new entries since previous scan", logInfo.URL, ctlog.verifiedSTH.TreeSize-ctlog.tree.GetSize())
} else if *startAtEnd {
ctlog.tree, err = ctlog.scanner.MakeCollapsedMerkleTree(ctlog.verifiedSTH)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("%s: Error reconstructing Merkle Tree: %s", logInfo.URL, err) // important error (log)
return 1
if *verbose {
log.Printf("%s: New log; not scanning %d existing entries because -start_at_end option was specified", logInfo.URL, ctlog.verifiedSTH.TreeSize)
} else {
ctlog.tree = certspotter.EmptyCollapsedMerkleTree()
if *verbose {
log.Printf("%s: New log; scanning all %d entries in the log (use the -start_at_end option to scan new logs from the end rather than the beginning)", logInfo.URL, ctlog.verifiedSTH.TreeSize)
if err := ctlog.state.StoreTree(ctlog.tree); err != nil {
log.Printf("%s: Error storing tree: %s\n", logInfo.URL, err) // important error (system)
return 1
if err := ctlog.scan(processCallback); err != nil {
log.Print(logInfo.URL, ": ", err) // important error (both system and log)
return 1
if *verbose {
log.Printf("%s: Final log size = %d, final root hash = %x", logInfo.URL, ctlog.verifiedSTH.TreeSize, ctlog.verifiedSTH.SHA256RootHash)
return 0
func ParseFlags() {
if *showVersion {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Cert Spotter %s\n", certspotter.Version)
func Main(statePath string, processCallback certspotter.ProcessCallback) int {
var err error
logs, err := loadLogList()
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s: %s\n", os.Args[0], err) // important error (loglist)
return 1
state, err = OpenState(statePath)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s: %s\n", os.Args[0], err) // important error (system)
return 1
locked, err := state.Lock()
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s: Error locking state directory: %s\n", os.Args[0], err) // important error (system)
return 1
if !locked {
var otherPidInfo string
if otherPid := state.LockingPid(); otherPid != 0 {
otherPidInfo = fmt.Sprintf(" (as process ID %d)", otherPid)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s: Another instance of %s is already running%s; remove the file %s if this is not the case\n", os.Args[0], os.Args[0], otherPidInfo, state.LockFilename()) // important error (system)
return 1
processLogResults := make(chan int)
for _, logInfo := range logs {
go func(logInfo *loglist.Log) {
processLogResults <- processLog(logInfo, processCallback)
exitCode := 0
for range logs {
exitCode |= <-processLogResults
if state.IsFirstRun() && exitCode == 0 {
if err := state.WriteOnceFile(); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s: Error writing once file: %s\n", os.Args[0], err) // important error (system)
exitCode |= 1
if err := state.Unlock(); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s: Error unlocking state directory: %s\n", os.Args[0], err) // important error (system)
exitCode |= 1
return exitCode
@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2017 Opsmate, Inc.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
// Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
// with this file, You can obtain one at
// This software is distributed WITHOUT A WARRANTY OF ANY KIND.
// See the Mozilla Public License for details.
package cmd
import (
func fileExists(path string) bool {
_, err := os.Lstat(path)
return err == nil
func writeFile(filename string, data []byte, perm os.FileMode) error {
tempname := filename + ".new"
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(tempname, data, perm); err != nil {
return err
if err := os.Rename(tempname, filename); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func writeJSONFile(filename string, obj interface{}, perm os.FileMode) error {
tempname := filename + ".new"
f, err := os.OpenFile(tempname, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, perm)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := json.NewEncoder(f).Encode(obj); err != nil {
return err
if err := f.Close(); err != nil {
return err
if err := os.Rename(tempname, filename); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func readJSONFile(filename string, obj interface{}) error {
bytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
if err != nil {
return err
if err = json.Unmarshal(bytes, obj); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func readSTHFile(filename string) (*ct.SignedTreeHead, error) {
sth := new(ct.SignedTreeHead)
if err := readJSONFile(filename, sth); err != nil {
return nil, err
return sth, nil
func sha256sum(data []byte) []byte {
sum := sha256.Sum256(data)
return sum[:]
func sha256hex(data []byte) string {
return hex.EncodeToString(sha256sum(data))
@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2017 Opsmate, Inc.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
// Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
// with this file, You can obtain one at
// This software is distributed WITHOUT A WARRANTY OF ANY KIND.
// See the Mozilla Public License for details.
package cmd
import (
type LogState struct {
path string
// generate a filename that uniquely identifies the STH (within the context of a particular log)
func sthFilename(sth *ct.SignedTreeHead) string {
hasher := sha256.New()
switch sth.Version {
case ct.V1:
binary.Write(hasher, binary.LittleEndian, sth.Timestamp)
binary.Write(hasher, binary.LittleEndian, sth.SHA256RootHash)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unsupported STH version %d", sth.Version))
// For 6962-bis, we will need to handle a variable-length root hash, and include the signature in the filename hash (since signatures must be deterministic)
return strconv.FormatUint(sth.TreeSize, 10) + "-" + base64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString(hasher.Sum(nil)) + ".json"
func makeLogStateDir(logStatePath string) error {
if err := os.Mkdir(logStatePath, 0777); err != nil && !os.IsExist(err) {
return fmt.Errorf("%s: %s", logStatePath, err)
for _, subdir := range []string{"unverified_sths"} {
path := filepath.Join(logStatePath, subdir)
if err := os.Mkdir(path, 0777); err != nil && !os.IsExist(err) {
return fmt.Errorf("%s: %s", path, err)
return nil
func OpenLogState(logStatePath string) (*LogState, error) {
if err := makeLogStateDir(logStatePath); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error creating log state directory: %s", err)
return &LogState{path: logStatePath}, nil
func (logState *LogState) VerifiedSTHFilename() string {
return filepath.Join(logState.path, "sth.json")
func (logState *LogState) GetVerifiedSTH() (*ct.SignedTreeHead, error) {
sth, err := readSTHFile(logState.VerifiedSTHFilename())
if err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil, nil
} else {
return nil, err
return sth, nil
func (logState *LogState) StoreVerifiedSTH(sth *ct.SignedTreeHead) error {
return writeJSONFile(logState.VerifiedSTHFilename(), sth, 0666)
func (logState *LogState) GetUnverifiedSTHs() ([]*ct.SignedTreeHead, error) {
dir, err := os.Open(filepath.Join(logState.path, "unverified_sths"))
if err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return []*ct.SignedTreeHead{}, nil
} else {
return nil, err
filenames, err := dir.Readdirnames(0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sths := make([]*ct.SignedTreeHead, 0, len(filenames))
for _, filename := range filenames {
if !strings.HasPrefix(filename, ".") {
sth, _ := readSTHFile(filepath.Join(dir.Name(), filename))
if sth != nil {
sths = append(sths, sth)
return sths, nil
func (logState *LogState) UnverifiedSTHFilename(sth *ct.SignedTreeHead) string {
return filepath.Join(logState.path, "unverified_sths", sthFilename(sth))
func (logState *LogState) StoreUnverifiedSTH(sth *ct.SignedTreeHead) error {
filename := logState.UnverifiedSTHFilename(sth)
if fileExists(filename) {
return nil
return writeJSONFile(filename, sth, 0666)
func (logState *LogState) RemoveUnverifiedSTH(sth *ct.SignedTreeHead) error {
filename := logState.UnverifiedSTHFilename(sth)
err := os.Remove(filepath.Join(filename))
if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return err
return nil
func (logState *LogState) GetTree() (*certspotter.CollapsedMerkleTree, error) {
tree := new(certspotter.CollapsedMerkleTree)
if err := readJSONFile(filepath.Join(logState.path, "tree.json"), tree); err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil, nil
} else {
return nil, err
return tree, nil
func (logState *LogState) StoreTree(tree *certspotter.CollapsedMerkleTree) error {
return writeJSONFile(filepath.Join(logState.path, "tree.json"), tree, 0666)
@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2017 Opsmate, Inc.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
// Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
// with this file, You can obtain one at
// This software is distributed WITHOUT A WARRANTY OF ANY KIND.
// See the Mozilla Public License for details.
package cmd
import (
type State struct {
path string
func legacySTHFilename(logInfo *loglist.Log) string {
return strings.Replace(strings.Replace(logInfo.URL, "://", "_", 1), "/", "_", -1)
func readVersionFile(statePath string) (int, error) {
versionFilePath := filepath.Join(statePath, "version")
versionBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(versionFilePath)
if err == nil {
version, err := strconv.Atoi(string(bytes.TrimSpace(versionBytes)))
if err != nil {
return -1, fmt.Errorf("%s: contains invalid integer: %s", versionFilePath, err)
if version < 0 {
return -1, fmt.Errorf("%s: contains negative integer", versionFilePath)
return version, nil
} else if os.IsNotExist(err) {
if fileExists(filepath.Join(statePath, "sths")) {
// Original version of certspotter had no version file.
// Infer version 0 if "sths" directory is present.
return 0, nil
return -1, nil
} else {
return -1, fmt.Errorf("%s: %s", versionFilePath, err)
func writeVersionFile(statePath string) error {
version := 1
versionString := fmt.Sprintf("%d\n", version)
versionFilePath := filepath.Join(statePath, "version")
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(versionFilePath, []byte(versionString), 0666); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%s: %s\n", versionFilePath, err)
return nil
func makeStateDir(statePath string) error {
if err := os.Mkdir(statePath, 0777); err != nil && !os.IsExist(err) {
return fmt.Errorf("%s: %s", statePath, err)
for _, subdir := range []string{"certs", "logs"} {
path := filepath.Join(statePath, subdir)
if err := os.Mkdir(path, 0777); err != nil && !os.IsExist(err) {
return fmt.Errorf("%s: %s", path, err)
return nil
func OpenState(statePath string) (*State, error) {
version, err := readVersionFile(statePath)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error reading version file: %s", err)
if version < 1 {
if err := makeStateDir(statePath); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error creating state directory: %s", err)
if version == 0 {
log.Printf("Migrating state directory (%s) to new layout...", statePath)
if err := os.Rename(filepath.Join(statePath, "sths"), filepath.Join(statePath, "legacy_sths")); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error migrating STHs directory: %s", err)
for _, subdir := range []string{"evidence", "legacy_sths"} {
os.Remove(filepath.Join(statePath, subdir))
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(statePath, "once"), []byte{}, 0666); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error creating once file: %s", err)
if err := writeVersionFile(statePath); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error writing version file: %s", err)
} else if version > 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s was created by a newer version of Cert Spotter; please remove this directory or upgrade Cert Spotter", statePath)
return &State{path: statePath}, nil
func (state *State) IsFirstRun() bool {
return !fileExists(filepath.Join(state.path, "once"))
func (state *State) WriteOnceFile() error {
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(state.path, "once"), []byte{}, 0666); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error writing once file: %s", err)
return nil
func (state *State) SaveCert(isPrecert bool, certs [][]byte) (bool, string, error) {
if len(certs) == 0 {
return false, "", fmt.Errorf("Cannot write an empty certificate chain")
fingerprint := sha256hex(certs[0])
prefixPath := filepath.Join(state.path, "certs", fingerprint[0:2])
var filenameSuffix string
if isPrecert {
filenameSuffix = ".precert.pem"
} else {
filenameSuffix = ".cert.pem"
if err := os.Mkdir(prefixPath, 0777); err != nil && !os.IsExist(err) {
return false, "", fmt.Errorf("Failed to create prefix directory %s: %s", prefixPath, err)
path := filepath.Join(prefixPath, fingerprint+filenameSuffix)
file, err := os.OpenFile(path, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_EXCL, 0666)
if err != nil {
if os.IsExist(err) {
return true, path, nil
} else {
return false, path, fmt.Errorf("Failed to open %s for writing: %s", path, err)
for _, cert := range certs {
if err := pem.Encode(file, &pem.Block{Type: "CERTIFICATE", Bytes: cert}); err != nil {
return false, path, fmt.Errorf("Error writing to %s: %s", path, err)
if err := file.Close(); err != nil {
return false, path, fmt.Errorf("Error writing to %s: %s", path, err)
return false, path, nil
func (state *State) OpenLogState(logInfo *loglist.Log) (*LogState, error) {
return OpenLogState(filepath.Join(state.path, "logs", base64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString(logInfo.LogID[:])))
func (state *State) GetLegacySTH(logInfo *loglist.Log) (*ct.SignedTreeHead, error) {
sth, err := readSTHFile(filepath.Join(state.path, "legacy_sths", legacySTHFilename(logInfo)))
if err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil, nil
} else {
return nil, err
return sth, nil
func (state *State) RemoveLegacySTH(logInfo *loglist.Log) error {
err := os.Remove(filepath.Join(state.path, "legacy_sths", legacySTHFilename(logInfo)))
os.Remove(filepath.Join(state.path, "legacy_sths"))
return err
func (state *State) LockFilename() string {
return filepath.Join(state.path, "lock")
func (state *State) Lock() (bool, error) {
file, err := os.OpenFile(state.LockFilename(), os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_EXCL, 0666)
if err != nil {
if os.IsExist(err) {
return false, nil
} else {
return false, err
if _, err := fmt.Fprintf(file, "%d\n", os.Getpid()); err != nil {
return false, err
if err := file.Close(); err != nil {
return false, err
return true, nil
func (state *State) Unlock() error {
return os.Remove(state.LockFilename())
func (state *State) LockingPid() int {
pidBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(state.LockFilename())
if err != nil {
return 0
pid, err := strconv.Atoi(string(bytes.TrimSpace(pidBytes)))
if err != nil {
return 0
return pid
@ -10,17 +10,8 @@
package certspotter
import (
@ -29,49 +20,6 @@ func IsPrecert(entry *ct.LogEntry) bool {
return entry.Leaf.TimestampedEntry.EntryType == ct.PrecertLogEntryType
func GetFullChain(entry *ct.LogEntry) [][]byte {
certs := make([][]byte, 0, len(entry.Chain)+1)
if entry.Leaf.TimestampedEntry.EntryType == ct.X509LogEntryType {
certs = append(certs, entry.Leaf.TimestampedEntry.X509Entry)
for _, cert := range entry.Chain {
certs = append(certs, cert)
return certs
func formatSerialNumber(serial *big.Int) string {
if serial != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("%x", serial)
} else {
return ""
func sha256sum(data []byte) []byte {
sum := sha256.Sum256(data)
return sum[:]
func sha256hex(data []byte) string {
return hex.EncodeToString(sha256sum(data))
type EntryInfo struct {
LogUri string
Entry *ct.LogEntry
IsPrecert bool
FullChain [][]byte // first entry is logged X509 cert or pre-cert
CertInfo *CertInfo
ParseError error // set iff CertInfo is nil
Identifiers *Identifiers
IdentifiersParseError error
Filename string
Bygone bool
type CertInfo struct {
TBS *TBSCertificate
@ -133,201 +81,6 @@ func MakeCertInfoFromLogEntry(entry *ct.LogEntry) (*CertInfo, error) {
func (info *CertInfo) NotBefore() *time.Time {
if info.ValidityParseError == nil {
return &info.Validity.NotBefore
} else {
return nil
func (info *CertInfo) NotAfter() *time.Time {
if info.ValidityParseError == nil {
return &info.Validity.NotAfter
} else {
return nil
func (info *CertInfo) PubkeyHash() string {
return sha256hex(info.TBS.GetRawPublicKey())
func (info *CertInfo) PubkeyHashBytes() []byte {
return sha256sum(info.TBS.GetRawPublicKey())
func (info *CertInfo) Environ() []string {
env := make([]string, 0, 10)
env = append(env, "PUBKEY_HASH="+info.PubkeyHash()) // deprecated, not documented
env = append(env, "PUBKEY_SHA256="+info.PubkeyHash())
if info.SerialNumberParseError != nil {
env = append(env, "SERIAL_PARSE_ERROR="+info.SerialNumberParseError.Error())
} else {
env = append(env, "SERIAL="+formatSerialNumber(info.SerialNumber)) // generally unsafe to use
if info.ValidityParseError != nil {
env = append(env, "VALIDITY_PARSE_ERROR="+info.ValidityParseError.Error())
} else {
env = append(env, "NOT_BEFORE="+info.Validity.NotBefore.String())
env = append(env, "NOT_BEFORE_UNIXTIME="+strconv.FormatInt(info.Validity.NotBefore.Unix(), 10))
env = append(env, "NOT_AFTER="+info.Validity.NotAfter.String())
env = append(env, "NOT_AFTER_UNIXTIME="+strconv.FormatInt(info.Validity.NotAfter.Unix(), 10))
if info.SubjectParseError != nil {
env = append(env, "SUBJECT_PARSE_ERROR="+info.SubjectParseError.Error())
} else {
env = append(env, "SUBJECT_DN="+info.Subject.String())
if info.IssuerParseError != nil {
env = append(env, "ISSUER_PARSE_ERROR="+info.IssuerParseError.Error())
} else {
env = append(env, "ISSUER_DN="+info.Issuer.String())
return env
func (info *EntryInfo) HasParseErrors() bool {
return info.ParseError != nil ||
info.IdentifiersParseError != nil ||
info.CertInfo.SubjectParseError != nil ||
info.CertInfo.IssuerParseError != nil ||
info.CertInfo.SANsParseError != nil ||
info.CertInfo.SerialNumberParseError != nil ||
info.CertInfo.ValidityParseError != nil ||
info.CertInfo.IsCAParseError != nil
func (info *EntryInfo) Fingerprint() string {
if len(info.FullChain) > 0 {
return sha256hex(info.FullChain[0])
} else {
return ""
func (info *EntryInfo) FingerprintBytes() []byte {
if len(info.FullChain) > 0 {
return sha256sum(info.FullChain[0])
} else {
return []byte{}
func (info *EntryInfo) typeString() string {
if info.IsPrecert {
return "precert"
} else {
return "cert"
func (info *EntryInfo) typeFriendlyString() string {
if info.IsPrecert {
return "Pre-certificate"
} else {
return "Certificate"
func yesnoString(value bool) string {
if value {
return "yes"
} else {
return "no"
func (info *EntryInfo) Environ() []string {
env := []string{
"FINGERPRINT=" + info.Fingerprint(), // deprecated, not documented
"CERT_SHA256=" + info.Fingerprint(),
"CERT_PARSEABLE=" + yesnoString(info.ParseError == nil), // seems redundant with PARSE_ERROR
"LOG_URI=" + info.LogUri, // questionable utility
"ENTRY_INDEX=" + strconv.FormatInt(info.Entry.Index, 10), // questionable utility
if info.Filename != "" {
env = append(env, "CERT_FILENAME="+info.Filename)
if info.ParseError != nil {
env = append(env, "PARSE_ERROR="+info.ParseError.Error())
} else if info.CertInfo != nil {
certEnv := info.CertInfo.Environ()
env = append(env, certEnv...)
if info.IdentifiersParseError != nil {
env = append(env, "IDENTIFIERS_PARSE_ERROR="+info.IdentifiersParseError.Error())
} else if info.Identifiers != nil {
env = append(env, "DNS_NAMES="+info.Identifiers.dnsNamesString(","))
env = append(env, "IP_ADDRESSES="+info.Identifiers.ipAddrsString(","))
return env
func writeField(out io.Writer, name string, value interface{}, err error) {
if err == nil {
fmt.Fprintf(out, "\t%13s = %s\n", name, value)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(out, "\t%13s = *** UNKNOWN (%s) ***\n", name, err)
func (info *EntryInfo) Write(out io.Writer) {
fingerprint := info.Fingerprint()
fmt.Fprintf(out, "%s:\n", fingerprint)
if info.IdentifiersParseError != nil {
writeField(out, "Identifiers", nil, info.IdentifiersParseError)
} else if info.Identifiers != nil {
for _, dnsName := range info.Identifiers.DNSNames {
writeField(out, "DNS Name", dnsName, nil)
for _, ipaddr := range info.Identifiers.IPAddrs {
writeField(out, "IP Address", ipaddr, nil)
if info.ParseError != nil {
writeField(out, "Parse Error", "*** "+info.ParseError.Error()+" ***", nil)
} else if info.CertInfo != nil {
writeField(out, "Pubkey", info.CertInfo.PubkeyHash(), nil)
writeField(out, "Issuer", info.CertInfo.Issuer, info.CertInfo.IssuerParseError)
writeField(out, "Not Before", info.CertInfo.NotBefore(), info.CertInfo.ValidityParseError)
writeField(out, "Not After", info.CertInfo.NotAfter(), info.CertInfo.ValidityParseError)
if info.Bygone {
writeField(out, "BygoneSSL", "True", info.CertInfo.ValidityParseError)
writeField(out, "Log Entry", fmt.Sprintf("%d @ %s (%s)", info.Entry.Index, info.LogUri, info.typeFriendlyString()), nil)
writeField(out, "", ""+fingerprint, nil)
if info.Filename != "" {
writeField(out, "Filename", info.Filename, nil)
func (info *EntryInfo) InvokeHookScript(command string) error {
cmd := exec.Command(command)
cmd.Env = os.Environ()
infoEnv := info.Environ()
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, infoEnv...)
stderrBuffer := bytes.Buffer{}
cmd.Stderr = &stderrBuffer
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
if _, isExitError := err.(*exec.ExitError); isExitError {
return fmt.Errorf("Script failed: %s: %s", command, strings.TrimSpace(stderrBuffer.String()))
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to execute script: %s: %s", command, err)
return nil
func MatchesWildcard(dnsName string, pattern string) bool {
for len(pattern) > 0 {
if pattern[0] == '*' {
@ -1,299 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2016 Opsmate, Inc.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
// Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
// with this file, You can obtain one at
// This software is distributed WITHOUT A WARRANTY OF ANY KIND.
// See the Mozilla Public License for details.
// This file contains code from
// See ct/AUTHORS and ct/LICENSE for copyright and license information.
package certspotter
import (
// "container/list"
type ProcessCallback func(*Scanner, *ct.LogEntry)
// ScannerOptions holds configuration options for the Scanner
type ScannerOptions struct {
// Number of entries to request in one batch from the Log
BatchSize int
// Number of concurrent proecssors to run
NumWorkers int
// Don't print any status messages to stdout
Quiet bool
// Creates a new ScannerOptions struct with sensible defaults
func DefaultScannerOptions() *ScannerOptions {
return &ScannerOptions{
BatchSize: 1000,
NumWorkers: 1,
Quiet: false,
// Scanner is a tool to scan all the entries in a CT Log.
type Scanner struct {
// Base URI of CT log
LogUri string
// Public key of the log
publicKey crypto.PublicKey
LogId ct.SHA256Hash
// Client used to talk to the CT log instance
logClient *client.LogClient
// Configuration options for this Scanner instance
opts ScannerOptions
// fetchRange represents a range of certs to fetch from a CT log
type fetchRange struct {
start int64
end int64
// Worker function to process certs.
// Accepts ct.LogEntries over the |entries| channel, and invokes processCert on them.
// Returns true over the |done| channel when the |entries| channel is closed.
func (s *Scanner) processerJob(id int, certsProcessed *int64, entries <-chan ct.LogEntry, processCert ProcessCallback, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
for entry := range entries {
atomic.AddInt64(certsProcessed, 1)
processCert(s, &entry)
func (s *Scanner) fetch(r fetchRange, entries chan<- ct.LogEntry, tree *CollapsedMerkleTree) error {
for r.start <= r.end {
s.Log(fmt.Sprintf("Fetching entries %d to %d", r.start, r.end))
logEntries, err := s.logClient.GetEntries(context.Background(), r.start, r.end)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, logEntry := range logEntries {
if tree != nil {
logEntry.Index = r.start
entries <- logEntry
return nil
// Worker function for fetcher jobs.
// Accepts cert ranges to fetch over the |ranges| channel, and if the fetch is
// successful sends the individual LeafInputs out into the
// |entries| channel for the processors to chew on.
// Will retry failed attempts to retrieve ranges indefinitely.
// Sends true over the |done| channel when the |ranges| channel is closed.
/* disabled becuase error handling is broken
func (s *Scanner) fetcherJob(id int, ranges <-chan fetchRange, entries chan<- ct.LogEntry, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
for r := range ranges {
s.fetch(r, entries, nil)
// Returns the smaller of |a| and |b|
func min(a int64, b int64) int64 {
if a < b {
return a
} else {
return b
// Returns the larger of |a| and |b|
func max(a int64, b int64) int64 {
if a > b {
return a
} else {
return b
// Pretty prints the passed in number of |seconds| into a more human readable
// string.
func humanTime(seconds int) string {
nanos := time.Duration(seconds) * time.Second
hours := int(nanos / (time.Hour))
nanos %= time.Hour
minutes := int(nanos / time.Minute)
nanos %= time.Minute
seconds = int(nanos / time.Second)
s := ""
if hours > 0 {
s += fmt.Sprintf("%d hours ", hours)
if minutes > 0 {
s += fmt.Sprintf("%d minutes ", minutes)
if seconds > 0 {
s += fmt.Sprintf("%d seconds ", seconds)
return s
func (s Scanner) Log(msg string) {
if !s.opts.Quiet {
log.Print(s.LogUri, ": ", msg)
func (s *Scanner) GetSTH() (*ct.SignedTreeHead, error) {
latestSth, err := s.logClient.GetSTH(context.Background())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if s.publicKey != nil {
verifier, err := ct.NewSignatureVerifier(s.publicKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := verifier.VerifySTHSignature(*latestSth); err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("STH signature is invalid: " + err.Error())
latestSth.LogID = s.LogId
return latestSth, nil
func (s *Scanner) CheckConsistency(first *ct.SignedTreeHead, second *ct.SignedTreeHead) (bool, error) {
if first.TreeSize == 0 || second.TreeSize == 0 {
// RFC 6962 doesn't define how to generate a consistency proof in this case,
// and it doesn't matter anyways since the tree is empty. The DigiCert logs
// return a 400 error if we ask for such a proof.
return true, nil
} else if first.TreeSize < second.TreeSize {
proof, err := s.logClient.GetConsistencyProof(context.Background(), int64(first.TreeSize), int64(second.TreeSize))
if err != nil {
return false, err
return VerifyConsistencyProof(proof, first, second), nil
} else if first.TreeSize > second.TreeSize {
proof, err := s.logClient.GetConsistencyProof(context.Background(), int64(second.TreeSize), int64(first.TreeSize))
if err != nil {
return false, err
return VerifyConsistencyProof(proof, second, first), nil
} else {
// There is no need to ask the server for a consistency proof if the trees
// are the same size, and the DigiCert log returns a 400 error if we try.
return bytes.Equal(first.SHA256RootHash[:], second.SHA256RootHash[:]), nil
func (s *Scanner) MakeCollapsedMerkleTree(sth *ct.SignedTreeHead) (*CollapsedMerkleTree, error) {
if sth.TreeSize == 0 {
return &CollapsedMerkleTree{}, nil
entries, err := s.logClient.GetEntries(context.Background(), int64(sth.TreeSize-1), int64(sth.TreeSize-1))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(entries) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Log did not return entry %d", sth.TreeSize-1)
leafHash := hashLeaf(entries[0].LeafBytes)
var tree *CollapsedMerkleTree
if sth.TreeSize > 1 {
auditPath, _, err := s.logClient.GetAuditProof(context.Background(), leafHash, sth.TreeSize)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tree, err = NewCollapsedMerkleTree(auditPath, sth.TreeSize-1)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error returned bad audit proof for %x to %d", leafHash, sth.TreeSize)
} else {
tree = EmptyCollapsedMerkleTree()
if !bytes.Equal(tree.CalculateRoot(), sth.SHA256RootHash[:]) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Calculated root hash does not match signed tree head at size %d", sth.TreeSize)
return tree, nil
func (s *Scanner) Scan(startIndex int64, endIndex int64, processCert ProcessCallback, tree *CollapsedMerkleTree) error {
s.Log("Starting scan...")
certsProcessed := new(int64)
startTime := time.Now()
/* TODO: only launch ticker goroutine if in verbose mode; kill the goroutine when the scanner finishes
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second)
go func() {
for range ticker.C {
throughput := float64(s.certsProcessed) / time.Since(startTime).Seconds()
remainingCerts := int64(endIndex) - int64(startIndex) - s.certsProcessed
remainingSeconds := int(float64(remainingCerts) / throughput)
remainingString := humanTime(remainingSeconds)
s.Log(fmt.Sprintf("Processed: %d certs (to index %d). Throughput: %3.2f ETA: %s", s.certsProcessed,
startIndex+int64(s.certsProcessed), throughput, remainingString))
// Start processor workers
jobs := make(chan ct.LogEntry, 100)
var processorWG sync.WaitGroup
for w := 0; w < s.opts.NumWorkers; w++ {
go s.processerJob(w, certsProcessed, jobs, processCert, &processorWG)
for start := startIndex; start < int64(endIndex); {
end := min(start+int64(s.opts.BatchSize), int64(endIndex)) - 1
if err := s.fetch(fetchRange{start, end}, jobs, tree); err != nil {
return err
start = end + 1
s.Log(fmt.Sprintf("Completed %d certs in %s", *certsProcessed, humanTime(int(time.Since(startTime).Seconds()))))
return nil
// Creates a new Scanner instance using |client| to talk to the log, and taking
// configuration options from |opts|.
func NewScanner(logUri string, logId ct.SHA256Hash, publicKey crypto.PublicKey, opts *ScannerOptions) *Scanner {
var scanner Scanner
scanner.LogUri = logUri
scanner.LogId = logId
scanner.publicKey = publicKey
scanner.logClient = client.New(strings.TrimRight(logUri, "/"))
scanner.opts = *opts
return &scanner
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2022 Opsmate, Inc.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
// Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
// with this file, You can obtain one at
// This software is distributed WITHOUT A WARRANTY OF ANY KIND.
// See the Mozilla Public License for details.
package certspotter
const Version = "0.14.0"
Reference in New Issue