package ctwatch import ( // "container/list" "fmt" "log" "sync" "sync/atomic" "time" "crypto" "errors" "" "" ) type ProcessCallback func(*Scanner, *ct.LogEntry) const ( FETCH_RETRIES = 10 FETCH_RETRY_WAIT = 1 ) // ScannerOptions holds configuration options for the Scanner type ScannerOptions struct { // Number of entries to request in one batch from the Log BatchSize int // Number of concurrent proecssors to run NumWorkers int // Number of concurrent fethers to run ParallelFetch int // Don't print any status messages to stdout Quiet bool } // Creates a new ScannerOptions struct with sensible defaults func DefaultScannerOptions() *ScannerOptions { return &ScannerOptions{ BatchSize: 1000, NumWorkers: 1, ParallelFetch: 1, Quiet: false, } } // Scanner is a tool to scan all the entries in a CT Log. type Scanner struct { // Base URI of CT log LogUri string // Public key of the log publicKey crypto.PublicKey // Client used to talk to the CT log instance logClient *client.LogClient // Configuration options for this Scanner instance opts ScannerOptions // Stats certsProcessed int64 } // fetchRange represents a range of certs to fetch from a CT log type fetchRange struct { start int64 end int64 } // Worker function to process certs. // Accepts ct.LogEntries over the |entries| channel, and invokes processCert on them. // Returns true over the |done| channel when the |entries| channel is closed. func (s *Scanner) processerJob(id int, entries <-chan ct.LogEntry, processCert ProcessCallback, wg *sync.WaitGroup) { for entry := range entries { atomic.AddInt64(&s.certsProcessed, 1) processCert(s, &entry) } wg.Done() } func (s *Scanner) fetch(r fetchRange, entries chan<- ct.LogEntry, treeBuilder *MerkleTreeBuilder) error { success := false retries := FETCH_RETRIES retryWait := FETCH_RETRY_WAIT for !success { s.Log(fmt.Sprintf("Fetching entries %d to %d", r.start, r.end)) logEntries, err := s.logClient.GetEntries(r.start, r.end) if err != nil { if retries == 0 { s.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("Problem fetching entries %d to %d from log: %s", r.start, r.end, err.Error())) return err } else { s.Log(fmt.Sprintf("Problem fetching entries %d to %d from log (will retry): %s", r.start, r.end, err.Error())) time.Sleep(time.Duration(retryWait) * time.Second) retries-- retryWait *= 2 continue } } retries = FETCH_RETRIES retryWait = FETCH_RETRY_WAIT for _, logEntry := range logEntries { if treeBuilder != nil { treeBuilder.Add(hashLeaf(logEntry.LeafBytes)) } logEntry.Index = r.start entries <- logEntry r.start++ } if r.start > r.end { // Only complete if we actually got all the leaves we were // expecting -- Logs MAY return fewer than the number of // leaves requested. success = true } } return nil } // Worker function for fetcher jobs. // Accepts cert ranges to fetch over the |ranges| channel, and if the fetch is // successful sends the individual LeafInputs out into the // |entries| channel for the processors to chew on. // Will retry failed attempts to retrieve ranges indefinitely. // Sends true over the |done| channel when the |ranges| channel is closed. /* disabled becuase error handling is broken func (s *Scanner) fetcherJob(id int, ranges <-chan fetchRange, entries chan<- ct.LogEntry, wg *sync.WaitGroup) { for r := range ranges { s.fetch(r, entries, nil) } wg.Done() } */ // Returns the smaller of |a| and |b| func min(a int64, b int64) int64 { if a < b { return a } else { return b } } // Returns the larger of |a| and |b| func max(a int64, b int64) int64 { if a > b { return a } else { return b } } // Pretty prints the passed in number of |seconds| into a more human readable // string. func humanTime(seconds int) string { nanos := time.Duration(seconds) * time.Second hours := int(nanos / (time.Hour)) nanos %= time.Hour minutes := int(nanos / time.Minute) nanos %= time.Minute seconds = int(nanos / time.Second) s := "" if hours > 0 { s += fmt.Sprintf("%d hours ", hours) } if minutes > 0 { s += fmt.Sprintf("%d minutes ", minutes) } if seconds > 0 { s += fmt.Sprintf("%d seconds ", seconds) } return s } func (s Scanner) Log(msg string) { if !s.opts.Quiet { log.Print(s.LogUri + ": " + msg) } } func (s Scanner) Warn(msg string) { log.Print(s.LogUri + ": " + msg) } func (s *Scanner) GetSTH() (*ct.SignedTreeHead, error) { latestSth, err := s.logClient.GetSTH() if err != nil { return nil, err } if s.publicKey != nil { verifier, err := ct.NewSignatureVerifier(s.publicKey) if err != nil { return nil, err } if err := verifier.VerifySTHSignature(*latestSth); err != nil { return nil, errors.New("STH signature is invalid: " + err.Error()) } } return latestSth, nil } func (s *Scanner) CheckConsistency(first *ct.SignedTreeHead, second *ct.SignedTreeHead) (bool, *MerkleTreeBuilder, error) { var proof ct.ConsistencyProof if first.TreeSize > second.TreeSize { // No way this can be valid return false, nil, nil } else if first.TreeSize == second.TreeSize { // The proof *should* be empty, so don't bother contacting the server. // This is necessary because the digicert server returns a 400 error if first==second. proof = []ct.MerkleTreeNode{} } else { var err error proof, err = s.logClient.GetConsistencyProof(int64(first.TreeSize), int64(second.TreeSize)) if err != nil { return false, nil, err } } valid, treeBuilder := VerifyConsistencyProof(proof, first, second) return valid, treeBuilder, nil } func (s *Scanner) Scan(startIndex int64, endIndex int64, processCert ProcessCallback, treeBuilder *MerkleTreeBuilder) error { s.Log("Starting scan..."); s.certsProcessed = 0 startTime := time.Now() /* TODO: only launch ticker goroutine if in verbose mode; kill the goroutine when the scanner finishes ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second) go func() { for range ticker.C { throughput := float64(s.certsProcessed) / time.Since(startTime).Seconds() remainingCerts := int64(endIndex) - int64(startIndex) - s.certsProcessed remainingSeconds := int(float64(remainingCerts) / throughput) remainingString := humanTime(remainingSeconds) s.Log(fmt.Sprintf("Processed: %d certs (to index %d). Throughput: %3.2f ETA: %s", s.certsProcessed, startIndex+int64(s.certsProcessed), throughput, remainingString)) } }() */ // Start processor workers jobs := make(chan ct.LogEntry, 100000) var processorWG sync.WaitGroup for w := 0; w < s.opts.NumWorkers; w++ { processorWG.Add(1) go s.processerJob(w, jobs, processCert, &processorWG) } // Start fetcher workers /* parallel fetcher - disabled for now because it complicates tree building var ranges list.List for start := startIndex; start < int64(endIndex); { end := min(start+int64(s.opts.BatchSize), int64(endIndex)) - 1 ranges.PushBack(fetchRange{start, end}) start = end + 1 } var fetcherWG sync.WaitGroup fetches := make(chan fetchRange, 1000) for w := 0; w < s.opts.ParallelFetch; w++ { fetcherWG.Add(1) go s.fetcherJob(w, fetches, jobs, &fetcherWG) } for r := ranges.Front(); r != nil; r = r.Next() { fetches <- r.Value.(fetchRange) } close(fetches) fetcherWG.Wait() */ for start := startIndex; start < int64(endIndex); { end := min(start+int64(s.opts.BatchSize), int64(endIndex)) - 1 if err := s.fetch(fetchRange{start, end}, jobs, treeBuilder); err != nil { return err } start = end + 1 } close(jobs) processorWG.Wait() s.Log(fmt.Sprintf("Completed %d certs in %s", s.certsProcessed, humanTime(int(time.Since(startTime).Seconds())))) return nil } // Creates a new Scanner instance using |client| to talk to the log, and taking // configuration options from |opts|. func NewScanner(logUri string, publicKey crypto.PublicKey, opts *ScannerOptions) *Scanner { var scanner Scanner scanner.LogUri = logUri scanner.publicKey = publicKey scanner.logClient = client.New(logUri) scanner.opts = *opts return &scanner }