package Email::SpoofingDemo::DNS::ZoneFile; use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use v5.10; use Exporter qw(import); use File::Slurp; use Try::Tiny; our @EXPORT_OK = qw(get_txt get_zone_file import_zone_file remove_txt set_txt zone_file_path); sub safe_system { my @argv = @_; my $retval = system @argv; die $! if ($retval == -1); if ($retval != 0) { my $status = $retval >> 8; die join(" ", @argv) . " exited with status $status\n"; }; return 1; } sub is_dynamic_zone { my ($zone, $dynamic_zones) = @_; return grep { $_ eq $zone } @$dynamic_zones; } sub rndc_freeze { my ($zone) = @_; safe_system('rndc', 'freeze', $zone); } sub rndc_thaw { my ($zone) = @_; safe_system('rndc', 'thaw', $zone); } sub rndc_reload { my ($zone) = @_; safe_system('rndc', 'reload', $zone); } sub encode_txt { my ($text) = @_; my $chunk_length = 255; my $text_bytes = $text; utf8::encode($text_bytes); my @parts; for (my $i = 0; $i < length($text_bytes); $i += $chunk_length) { my $part = substr($text_bytes, $i, 255); $part =~ s/[\x00-\x1f"\x7f-\xff]/sprintf('\\%03d', ord($0))/eg; push @parts, qq{"$part"}; } return join(" ", @parts); } sub relative_to_absolute { my ($zone, $relative_owner) = @_; if ($relative_owner eq '') { return $zone; } else { return "$relative_owner.$zone"; } } sub nsupdate { my ($zone, @instructions) = @_; open(my $pipe, '|-', 'nsupdate') or die "Can’t fork: $!"; say $pipe qq{zone $zone}; say $pipe $_ foreach (@instructions); close($pipe); return (($? >> 8) == 0); } sub get_txt { my ($zone, $relative_owner, $filter, $sublabels_ok) = @_; $filter //= qr{.*}; $sublabels_ok //= 0; my @dig_opts = qw(+nottlid +noclass +norecurse +noall +answer @; my $owner_suffix = relative_to_absolute($zone, $relative_owner); my $qname = ($sublabels_ok ? $zone : $owner_suffix); my $qtype = ($sublabels_ok ? 'AXFR' : 'TXT'); my $owner_match_re = ($sublabels_ok ? qr/^([^.]+\.)*$owner_suffix\.$/i : qr/^$qname\.$/i); my @result; open(my $pipe, '-|', 'dig', @dig_opts, $qtype, $qname) or die "Can’t fork: $!"; while (<$pipe>) { chomp; next if /^;/; next if /^\s*$/; my ($owner, $type, $data) = split(" ", $_, 3); unless ($type eq 'TXT') { next; } unless ($owner =~ $owner_match_re) { next; } my $concat_data = ($data =~ s/"((?:[^\\"]|\\"|\\\d{3})*)"\s*/$1/gr); unless ($concat_data =~ $filter) { next; } push @result, { owner => ($owner =~ s/\.$//r), txt => $concat_data }; } close($pipe); if (wantarray) { return @result; } else { return $result[0]; } } sub set_txt { my ($zone, $relative_owner, $txt) = @_; my $owner = relative_to_absolute($zone, $relative_owner); my $txt_encoded = encode_txt($txt); nsupdate( $zone, "update delete $owner 0 IN TXT", "update add $owner IN TXT $txt_encoded", "send"); } sub remove_txt { my ($zone, $relative_owner) = @_; my $owner = relative_to_absolute($zone, $relative_owner); nsupdate( $zone, "update delete $owner 0 IN TXT", "send"); } sub check_zone { my ($zone_contents, $origin) = @_; open(my $pipe, '|-', 'named-checkzone', $origin, '-') or die "Can’t fork: $!"; print $pipe $zone_contents; close($pipe); return (($? >> 8) == 0); } sub zone_file_path { my ($zone, $base_dir, $force) = @_; my @components = reverse(split(/\./, $zone)); my $path = $base_dir . '/' . (join('/', @components)) . ".zone"; if (not -f $path and not $force) { return undef; } return $path; } sub get_zone_file { my ($zone, $base_dir, $dynamic_zones) = @_; my $path = zone_file_path($zone, $base_dir); return undef if not defined $path; rndc_freeze($zone) if is_dynamic_zone($zone, $dynamic_zones); my $contents; try { $contents = read_file($path); } finally { rndc_thaw($zone) if is_dynamic_zone($zone, $dynamic_zones); }; return $contents; } sub import_zone_file { my ($zone, $base_dir, $contents, $dynamic_zones) = @_; if ($contents =~ /^\s*$/) { warn "Zone to import is empty"; return undef; } my $path = zone_file_path($zone, $base_dir); if (not defined $path) { warn "No zone file for $zone in $base_dir"; return undef; } if (not check_zone($contents, $zone)) { warn "Zone file contents do not pass syntax check"; return undef; } rndc_freeze($zone) if is_dynamic_zone($zone, $dynamic_zones); try { write_file($path, $contents); rndc_reload($zone) unless is_dynamic_zone($zone, $dynamic_zones); } catch { die $_; } finally { rndc_thaw($zone) if is_dynamic_zone($zone, $dynamic_zones); }; return 1; } 1;