define("ace/mode/csound_preprocessor_highlight_rules",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/oop","ace/mode/text_highlight_rules"], function(require, exports, module){"use strict"; var oop = require("../lib/oop"); var TextHighlightRules = require("./text_highlight_rules").TextHighlightRules; var CsoundPreprocessorHighlightRules = function (embeddedRulePrefix) { this.embeddedRulePrefix = embeddedRulePrefix === undefined ? "" : embeddedRulePrefix; this.semicolonComments = { token: "comment.line.semicolon.csound", regex: ";.*$" }; this.comments = [ { token: "punctuation.definition.comment.begin.csound", regex: "/\\*", push: [ { token: "punctuation.definition.comment.end.csound", regex: "\\*/", next: "pop" }, { defaultToken: "comment.block.csound" } ] }, { token: "comment.line.double-slash.csound", regex: "//.*$" }, this.semicolonComments ]; this.macroUses = [ { token: ["", "punctuation.definition.macro-parameter-value-list.begin.csound"], regex: /(\$[A-Z_a-z]\w*\.?)(\()/, next: "macro parameter value list" }, { token: "", regex: /\$[A-Z_a-z]\w*(?:\.|\b)/ } ]; this.numbers = [ { token: "constant.numeric.float.csound", regex: /(?:\d+[Ee][+-]?\d+)|(?:\d+\.\d*|\d*\.\d+)(?:[Ee][+-]?\d+)?/ }, { token: ["storage.type.number.csound", "constant.numeric.integer.hexadecimal.csound"], regex: /(0[Xx])([0-9A-Fa-f]+)/ }, { token: "constant.numeric.integer.decimal.csound", regex: /\d+/ } ]; this.bracedStringContents = [ { token: "constant.character.escape.csound", regex: /\\(?:[\\abnrt"]|[0-7]{1,3})/ }, { token: "constant.character.placeholder.csound", regex: /%[#0\- +]*\d*(?:\.\d+)?[diuoxXfFeEgGaAcs]/ }, { token: "constant.character.escape.csound", regex: /%%/ } ]; this.quotedStringContents = [ this.macroUses, this.bracedStringContents ]; var start = [ this.comments, { token: "keyword.preprocessor.csound", regex: /#(?:e(?:nd(?:if)?|lse)\b|##)|@@?[ \t]*\d+/ }, { token: "keyword.preprocessor.csound", regex: /#include/, push: [ this.comments, { token: "string.csound", regex: /([^ \t])(?:.*?\1)/, next: "pop" } ] }, { token: "keyword.preprocessor.csound", regex: /#includestr/, push: [ this.comments, { token: "string.csound", regex: /([^ \t])(?:.*?\1)/, next: "pop" } ] }, { token: "keyword.preprocessor.csound", regex: /#[ \t]*define/, next: "define directive" }, { token: "keyword.preprocessor.csound", regex: /#(?:ifn?def|undef)\b/, next: "macro directive" }, this.macroUses ]; this.$rules = { "start": start, "define directive": [ this.comments, { token: "", regex: /[A-Z_a-z]\w*/ }, { token: "punctuation.definition.macro-parameter-name-list.begin.csound", regex: /\(/, next: "macro parameter name list" }, { token: "punctuation.definition.macro.begin.csound", regex: /#/, next: "macro body" } ], "macro parameter name list": [ { token: "variable.parameter.preprocessor.csound", regex: /[A-Z_a-z]\w*/ }, { token: "punctuation.definition.macro-parameter-name-list.end.csound", regex: /\)/, next: "define directive" } ], "macro body": [ { token: "constant.character.escape.csound", regex: /\\#/ }, { token: "punctuation.definition.macro.end.csound", regex: /#/, next: "start" }, start ], "macro directive": [ this.comments, { token: "", regex: /[A-Z_a-z]\w*/, next: "start" } ], "macro parameter value list": [ { token: "punctuation.definition.macro-parameter-value-list.end.csound", regex: /\)/, next: "start" }, { token: "punctuation.definition.string.begin.csound", regex: /"/, next: "macro parameter value quoted string" }, this.pushRule({ token: "punctuation.macro-parameter-value-parenthetical.begin.csound", regex: /\(/, next: "macro parameter value parenthetical" }), { token: "punctuation.macro-parameter-value-separator.csound", regex: "[#']" } ], "macro parameter value quoted string": [ { token: "constant.character.escape.csound", regex: /\\[#'()]/ }, { token: "invalid.illegal.csound", regex: /[#'()]/ }, { token: "punctuation.definition.string.end.csound", regex: /"/, next: "macro parameter value list" }, this.quotedStringContents, { defaultToken: "string.quoted.csound" } ], "macro parameter value parenthetical": [ { token: "constant.character.escape.csound", regex: /\\\)/ }, this.popRule({ token: "punctuation.macro-parameter-value-parenthetical.end.csound", regex: /\)/ }), this.pushRule({ token: "punctuation.macro-parameter-value-parenthetical.begin.csound", regex: /\(/, next: "macro parameter value parenthetical" }), start ] }; }; oop.inherits(CsoundPreprocessorHighlightRules, TextHighlightRules); (function () { this.pushRule = function (params) { if (Array.isArray( { for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {[i] = this.embeddedRulePrefix +[i]; } } return { regex: params.regex, onMatch: function (value, currentState, stack, line) { if (stack.length === 0) stack.push(currentState); if (Array.isArray( { for (var i = 0; i <; i++) { stack.push([i]); } } else { stack.push(; } = stack[stack.length - 1]; return params.token; }, get next() { return Array.isArray( ?[ - 1] :; }, set next(next) { if (!Array.isArray( { = next; } }, get token() { return params.token; } }; }; this.popRule = function (params) { if ( { = this.embeddedRulePrefix +; } return { regex: params.regex, onMatch: function (value, currentState, stack, line) { stack.pop(); if ( { stack.push(; = stack[stack.length - 1]; } else { = stack.length > 1 ? stack[stack.length - 1] : stack.pop(); } return params.token; } }; }; }).call(CsoundPreprocessorHighlightRules.prototype); exports.CsoundPreprocessorHighlightRules = CsoundPreprocessorHighlightRules; }); define("ace/mode/csound_score_highlight_rules",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/oop","ace/mode/csound_preprocessor_highlight_rules"], function(require, exports, module){"use strict"; var oop = require("../lib/oop"); var CsoundPreprocessorHighlightRules = require("./csound_preprocessor_highlight_rules").CsoundPreprocessorHighlightRules; var CsoundScoreHighlightRules = function (embeddedRulePrefix) {, embeddedRulePrefix); this.quotedStringContents.push({ token: "invalid.illegal.csound-score", regex: /[^"]*$/ }); var start = this.$rules.start; start.push({ token: "keyword.control.csound-score", regex: /[aBbCdefiqstvxy]/ }, { token: "invalid.illegal.csound-score", regex: /w/ }, { token: "constant.numeric.language.csound-score", regex: /z/ }, { token: ["keyword.control.csound-score", "constant.numeric.integer.decimal.csound-score"], regex: /([nNpP][pP])(\d+)/ }, { token: "keyword.other.csound-score", regex: /[mn]/, push: [ { token: "empty", regex: /$/, next: "pop" }, this.comments, { token: "", regex: /[A-Z_a-z]\w*/ } ] }, { token: "keyword.preprocessor.csound-score", regex: /r\b/, next: "repeat section" }, this.numbers, { token: "keyword.operator.csound-score", regex: "[!+\\-*/^%&|<>#~.]" }, this.pushRule({ token: "punctuation.definition.string.begin.csound-score", regex: /"/, next: "quoted string" }), this.pushRule({ token: "punctuation.braced-loop.begin.csound-score", regex: /{/, next: "loop after left brace" })); this.addRules({ "repeat section": [ { token: "empty", regex: /$/, next: "start" }, this.comments, { token: "constant.numeric.integer.decimal.csound-score", regex: /\d+/, next: "repeat section before label" } ], "repeat section before label": [ { token: "empty", regex: /$/, next: "start" }, this.comments, { token: "", regex: /[A-Z_a-z]\w*/, next: "start" } ], "quoted string": [ this.popRule({ token: "punctuation.definition.string.end.csound-score", regex: /"/ }), this.quotedStringContents, { defaultToken: "string.quoted.csound-score" } ], "loop after left brace": [ this.popRule({ token: "constant.numeric.integer.decimal.csound-score", regex: /\d+/, next: "loop after repeat count" }), this.comments, { token: "invalid.illegal.csound", regex: /\S.*/ } ], "loop after repeat count": [ this.popRule({ token: "", regex: /[A-Z_a-z]\w*\b/, next: "loop after macro name" }), this.comments, { token: "invalid.illegal.csound", regex: /\S.*/ } ], "loop after macro name": [ start, this.popRule({ token: "punctuation.braced-loop.end.csound-score", regex: /}/ }) ] }); this.normalizeRules(); }; oop.inherits(CsoundScoreHighlightRules, CsoundPreprocessorHighlightRules); exports.CsoundScoreHighlightRules = CsoundScoreHighlightRules; }); define("ace/mode/lua_highlight_rules",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/oop","ace/mode/text_highlight_rules"], function(require, exports, module){"use strict"; var oop = require("../lib/oop"); var TextHighlightRules = require("./text_highlight_rules").TextHighlightRules; var LuaHighlightRules = function () { var keywords = ("break|do|else|elseif|end|for|function|if|in|local|repeat|" + "return|then|until|while|or|and|not"); var builtinConstants = ("true|false|nil|_G|_VERSION"); var functions = ( "string|xpcall|package|tostring|print|os|unpack|require|" + "getfenv|setmetatable|next|assert|tonumber|io|rawequal|" + "collectgarbage|getmetatable|module|rawset|math|debug|" + "pcall|table|newproxy|type|coroutine|_G|select|gcinfo|" + "pairs|rawget|loadstring|ipairs|_VERSION|dofile|setfenv|" + "load|error|loadfile|" + "sub|upper|len|gfind|rep|find|match|char|dump|gmatch|" + "reverse|byte|format|gsub|lower|preload|loadlib|loaded|" + "loaders|cpath|config|path|seeall|exit|setlocale|date|" + "getenv|difftime|remove|time|clock|tmpname|rename|execute|" + "lines|write|close|flush|open|output|type|read|stderr|" + "stdin|input|stdout|popen|tmpfile|log|max|acos|huge|" + "ldexp|pi|cos|tanh|pow|deg|tan|cosh|sinh|random|randomseed|" + "frexp|ceil|floor|rad|abs|sqrt|modf|asin|min|mod|fmod|log10|" + "atan2|exp|sin|atan|getupvalue|debug|sethook|getmetatable|" + "gethook|setmetatable|setlocal|traceback|setfenv|getinfo|" + "setupvalue|getlocal|getregistry|getfenv|setn|insert|getn|" + "foreachi|maxn|foreach|concat|sort|remove|resume|yield|" + "status|wrap|create|running|" + "__add|__sub|__mod|__unm|__concat|__lt|__index|__call|__gc|__metatable|" + "__mul|__div|__pow|__len|__eq|__le|__newindex|__tostring|__mode|__tonumber"); var stdLibaries = ("string|package|os|io|math|debug|table|coroutine"); var deprecatedIn5152 = ("setn|foreach|foreachi|gcinfo|log10|maxn"); var keywordMapper = this.createKeywordMapper({ "keyword": keywords, "support.function": functions, "keyword.deprecated": deprecatedIn5152, "constant.library": stdLibaries, "constant.language": builtinConstants, "variable.language": "self" }, "identifier"); var decimalInteger = "(?:(?:[1-9]\\d*)|(?:0))"; var hexInteger = "(?:0[xX][\\dA-Fa-f]+)"; var integer = "(?:" + decimalInteger + "|" + hexInteger + ")"; var fraction = "(?:\\.\\d+)"; var intPart = "(?:\\d+)"; var pointFloat = "(?:(?:" + intPart + "?" + fraction + ")|(?:" + intPart + "\\.))"; var floatNumber = "(?:" + pointFloat + ")"; this.$rules = { "start": [{ stateName: "bracketedComment", onMatch: function (value, currentState, stack) { stack.unshift(, value.length - 2, currentState); return "comment"; }, regex: /\-\-\[=*\[/, next: [ { onMatch: function (value, currentState, stack) { if (value.length == stack[1]) { stack.shift(); stack.shift(); = stack.shift(); } else { = ""; } return "comment"; }, regex: /\]=*\]/, next: "start" }, { defaultToken: "comment" } ] }, { token: "comment", regex: "\\-\\-.*$" }, { stateName: "bracketedString", onMatch: function (value, currentState, stack) { stack.unshift(, value.length, currentState); return "string.start"; }, regex: /\[=*\[/, next: [ { onMatch: function (value, currentState, stack) { if (value.length == stack[1]) { stack.shift(); stack.shift(); = stack.shift(); } else { = ""; } return "string.end"; }, regex: /\]=*\]/, next: "start" }, { defaultToken: "string" } ] }, { token: "string", regex: '"(?:[^\\\\]|\\\\.)*?"' }, { token: "string", regex: "'(?:[^\\\\]|\\\\.)*?'" }, { token: "constant.numeric", regex: floatNumber }, { token: "constant.numeric", regex: integer + "\\b" }, { token: keywordMapper, regex: "[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z0-9_$]*\\b" }, { token: "keyword.operator", regex: "\\+|\\-|\\*|\\/|%|\\#|\\^|~|<|>|<=|=>|==|~=|=|\\:|\\.\\.\\.|\\.\\." }, { token: "paren.lparen", regex: "[\\[\\(\\{]" }, { token: "paren.rparen", regex: "[\\]\\)\\}]" }, { token: "text", regex: "\\s+|\\w+" }] }; this.normalizeRules(); }; oop.inherits(LuaHighlightRules, TextHighlightRules); exports.LuaHighlightRules = LuaHighlightRules; }); define("ace/mode/python_highlight_rules",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/oop","ace/mode/text_highlight_rules"], function(require, exports, module){/* * TODO: python delimiters */ "use strict"; var oop = require("../lib/oop"); var TextHighlightRules = require("./text_highlight_rules").TextHighlightRules; var PythonHighlightRules = function () { var keywords = ("and|as|assert|break|class|continue|def|del|elif|else|except|exec|" + "finally|for|from|global|if|import|in|is|lambda|not|or|pass|print|" + "raise|return|try|while|with|yield|async|await|nonlocal"); var builtinConstants = ("True|False|None|NotImplemented|Ellipsis|__debug__"); var builtinFunctions = ("abs|divmod|input|open|staticmethod|all|enumerate|int|ord|str|any|" + "eval|isinstance|pow|sum|basestring|execfile|issubclass|print|super|" + "binfile|bin|iter|property|tuple|bool|filter|len|range|type|bytearray|" + "float|list|raw_input|unichr|callable|format|locals|reduce|unicode|" + "chr|frozenset|long|reload|vars|classmethod|getattr|map|repr|xrange|" + "cmp|globals|max|reversed|zip|compile|hasattr|memoryview|round|" + "__import__|complex|hash|min|apply|delattr|help|next|setattr|set|" + "buffer|dict|hex|object|slice|coerce|dir|id|oct|sorted|intern|" + "ascii|breakpoint|bytes"); var keywordMapper = this.createKeywordMapper({ "invalid.deprecated": "debugger", "support.function": builtinFunctions, "variable.language": "self|cls", "constant.language": builtinConstants, "keyword": keywords }, "identifier"); var strPre = "[uU]?"; var strRawPre = "[rR]"; var strFormatPre = "[fF]"; var strRawFormatPre = "(?:[rR][fF]|[fF][rR])"; var decimalInteger = "(?:(?:[1-9]\\d*)|(?:0))"; var octInteger = "(?:0[oO]?[0-7]+)"; var hexInteger = "(?:0[xX][\\dA-Fa-f]+)"; var binInteger = "(?:0[bB][01]+)"; var integer = "(?:" + decimalInteger + "|" + octInteger + "|" + hexInteger + "|" + binInteger + ")"; var exponent = "(?:[eE][+-]?\\d+)"; var fraction = "(?:\\.\\d+)"; var intPart = "(?:\\d+)"; var pointFloat = "(?:(?:" + intPart + "?" + fraction + ")|(?:" + intPart + "\\.))"; var exponentFloat = "(?:(?:" + pointFloat + "|" + intPart + ")" + exponent + ")"; var floatNumber = "(?:" + exponentFloat + "|" + pointFloat + ")"; var stringEscape = "\\\\(x[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}|[0-7]{3}|[\\\\abfnrtv'\"]|U[0-9A-Fa-f]{8}|u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4})"; this.$rules = { "start": [{ token: "comment", regex: "#.*$" }, { token: "string", regex: strPre + '"{3}', next: "qqstring3" }, { token: "string", regex: strPre + '"(?=.)', next: "qqstring" }, { token: "string", regex: strPre + "'{3}", next: "qstring3" }, { token: "string", regex: strPre + "'(?=.)", next: "qstring" }, { token: "string", regex: strRawPre + '"{3}', next: "rawqqstring3" }, { token: "string", regex: strRawPre + '"(?=.)', next: "rawqqstring" }, { token: "string", regex: strRawPre + "'{3}", next: "rawqstring3" }, { token: "string", regex: strRawPre + "'(?=.)", next: "rawqstring" }, { token: "string", regex: strFormatPre + '"{3}', next: "fqqstring3" }, { token: "string", regex: strFormatPre + '"(?=.)', next: "fqqstring" }, { token: "string", regex: strFormatPre + "'{3}", next: "fqstring3" }, { token: "string", regex: strFormatPre + "'(?=.)", next: "fqstring" }, { token: "string", regex: strRawFormatPre + '"{3}', next: "rfqqstring3" }, { token: "string", regex: strRawFormatPre + '"(?=.)', next: "rfqqstring" }, { token: "string", regex: strRawFormatPre + "'{3}", next: "rfqstring3" }, { token: "string", regex: strRawFormatPre + "'(?=.)", next: "rfqstring" }, { token: "keyword.operator", regex: "\\+|\\-|\\*|\\*\\*|\\/|\\/\\/|%|@|<<|>>|&|\\||\\^|~|<|>|<=|=>|==|!=|<>|=" }, { token: "punctuation", regex: ",|:|;|\\->|\\+=|\\-=|\\*=|\\/=|\\/\\/=|%=|@=|&=|\\|=|^=|>>=|<<=|\\*\\*=" }, { token: "paren.lparen", regex: "[\\[\\(\\{]" }, { token: "paren.rparen", regex: "[\\]\\)\\}]" }, { token: ["keyword", "text", ""], regex: "(def|class)(\\s+)([\\u00BF-\\u1FFF\\u2C00-\\uD7FF\\w]+)" }, { token: "text", regex: "\\s+" }, { include: "constants" }], "qqstring3": [{ token: "constant.language.escape", regex: stringEscape }, { token: "string", regex: '"{3}', next: "start" }, { defaultToken: "string" }], "qstring3": [{ token: "constant.language.escape", regex: stringEscape }, { token: "string", regex: "'{3}", next: "start" }, { defaultToken: "string" }], "qqstring": [{ token: "constant.language.escape", regex: stringEscape }, { token: "string", regex: "\\\\$", next: "qqstring" }, { token: "string", regex: '"|$', next: "start" }, { defaultToken: "string" }], "qstring": [{ token: "constant.language.escape", regex: stringEscape }, { token: "string", regex: "\\\\$", next: "qstring" }, { token: "string", regex: "'|$", next: "start" }, { defaultToken: "string" }], "rawqqstring3": [{ token: "string", regex: '"{3}', next: "start" }, { defaultToken: "string" }], "rawqstring3": [{ token: "string", regex: "'{3}", next: "start" }, { defaultToken: "string" }], "rawqqstring": [{ token: "string", regex: "\\\\$", next: "rawqqstring" }, { token: "string", regex: '"|$', next: "start" }, { defaultToken: "string" }], "rawqstring": [{ token: "string", regex: "\\\\$", next: "rawqstring" }, { token: "string", regex: "'|$", next: "start" }, { defaultToken: "string" }], "fqqstring3": [{ token: "constant.language.escape", regex: stringEscape }, { token: "string", regex: '"{3}', next: "start" }, { token: "paren.lparen", regex: "{", push: "fqstringParRules" }, { defaultToken: "string" }], "fqstring3": [{ token: "constant.language.escape", regex: stringEscape }, { token: "string", regex: "'{3}", next: "start" }, { token: "paren.lparen", regex: "{", push: "fqstringParRules" }, { defaultToken: "string" }], "fqqstring": [{ token: "constant.language.escape", regex: stringEscape }, { token: "string", regex: "\\\\$", next: "fqqstring" }, { token: "string", regex: '"|$', next: "start" }, { token: "paren.lparen", regex: "{", push: "fqstringParRules" }, { defaultToken: "string" }], "fqstring": [{ token: "constant.language.escape", regex: stringEscape }, { token: "string", regex: "'|$", next: "start" }, { token: "paren.lparen", regex: "{", push: "fqstringParRules" }, { defaultToken: "string" }], "rfqqstring3": [{ token: "string", regex: '"{3}', next: "start" }, { token: "paren.lparen", regex: "{", push: "fqstringParRules" }, { defaultToken: "string" }], "rfqstring3": [{ token: "string", regex: "'{3}", next: "start" }, { token: "paren.lparen", regex: "{", push: "fqstringParRules" }, { defaultToken: "string" }], "rfqqstring": [{ token: "string", regex: "\\\\$", next: "rfqqstring" }, { token: "string", regex: '"|$', next: "start" }, { token: "paren.lparen", regex: "{", push: "fqstringParRules" }, { defaultToken: "string" }], "rfqstring": [{ token: "string", regex: "'|$", next: "start" }, { token: "paren.lparen", regex: "{", push: "fqstringParRules" }, { defaultToken: "string" }], "fqstringParRules": [{ token: "paren.lparen", regex: "[\\[\\(]" }, { token: "paren.rparen", regex: "[\\]\\)]" }, { token: "string", regex: "\\s+" }, { token: "string", regex: "'[^']*'" }, { token: "string", regex: '"[^"]*"' }, { token: "", regex: "(!s|!r|!a)" }, { include: "constants" }, { token: 'paren.rparen', regex: "}", next: 'pop' }, { token: 'paren.lparen', regex: "{", push: "fqstringParRules" }], "constants": [{ token: "constant.numeric", regex: "(?:" + floatNumber + "|\\d+)[jJ]\\b" }, { token: "constant.numeric", regex: floatNumber }, { token: "constant.numeric", regex: integer + "[lL]\\b" }, { token: "constant.numeric", regex: integer + "\\b" }, { token: ["punctuation", ""], regex: "(\\.)([a-zA-Z_]+)\\b" }, { token: keywordMapper, regex: "[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z0-9_$]*\\b" }] }; this.normalizeRules(); }; oop.inherits(PythonHighlightRules, TextHighlightRules); exports.PythonHighlightRules = PythonHighlightRules; }); define("ace/mode/csound_orchestra_highlight_rules",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/lang","ace/lib/oop","ace/mode/csound_preprocessor_highlight_rules","ace/mode/csound_score_highlight_rules","ace/mode/lua_highlight_rules","ace/mode/python_highlight_rules"], function(require, exports, module){"use strict"; var lang = require("../lib/lang"); var oop = require("../lib/oop"); var CsoundPreprocessorHighlightRules = require("./csound_preprocessor_highlight_rules").CsoundPreprocessorHighlightRules; var CsoundScoreHighlightRules = require("./csound_score_highlight_rules").CsoundScoreHighlightRules; var LuaHighlightRules = require("./lua_highlight_rules").LuaHighlightRules; var PythonHighlightRules = require("./python_highlight_rules").PythonHighlightRules; var CsoundOrchestraHighlightRules = function (embeddedRulePrefix) {, embeddedRulePrefix); var opcodes = [ "ATSadd", "ATSaddnz", "ATSbufread", "ATScross", "ATSinfo", "ATSinterpread", "ATSpartialtap", "ATSread", "ATSreadnz", "ATSsinnoi", "FLbox", "FLbutBank", "FLbutton", "FLcloseButton", "FLcolor", "FLcolor2", "FLcount", "FLexecButton", "FLgetsnap", "FLgroup", "FLgroupEnd", "FLgroup_end", "FLhide", "FLhvsBox", "FLhvsBoxSetValue", "FLjoy", "FLkeyIn", "FLknob", "FLlabel", "FLloadsnap", "FLmouse", "FLpack", "FLpackEnd", "FLpack_end", "FLpanel", "FLpanelEnd", "FLpanel_end", "FLprintk", "FLprintk2", "FLroller", "FLrun", 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"tb0_init", "tb1", "tb10", "tb10_init", "tb11", "tb11_init", "tb12", "tb12_init", "tb13", "tb13_init", "tb14", "tb14_init", "tb15", "tb15_init", "tb1_init", "tb2", "tb2_init", "tb3", "tb3_init", "tb4", "tb4_init", "tb5", "tb5_init", "tb6", "tb6_init", "tb7", "tb7_init", "tb8", "tb8_init", "tb9", "tb9_init", "vbap16", "vbap1move", "vbap4", "vbap4move", "vbap8", "vbap8move", "xscanmap", "xscans", "xscansmap", "xscanu", "xyin" ]; opcodes = lang.arrayToMap(opcodes); deprecatedOpcodes = lang.arrayToMap(deprecatedOpcodes); this.lineContinuations = [ { token: "constant.character.escape.line-continuation.csound", regex: /\\$/ }, this.pushRule({ token: "constant.character.escape.line-continuation.csound", regex: /\\/, next: "line continuation" }) ]; this.comments.push(this.lineContinuations); this.quotedStringContents.push(this.lineContinuations, { token: "invalid.illegal", regex: /[^"\\]*$/ }); var start = this.$rules.start; start.splice(1, 0, { token: ["text.csound", "", 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"keyword.control.csound", regex: /\b[ik]?goto\b/, next: "goto before label" }), this.pushRule({ token: "keyword.control.csound", regex: /\b(?:r(?:einit|igoto)|tigoto)\b/, next: "goto before label" }), this.pushRule({ token: "keyword.control.csound", regex: /\bc(?:g|in?|k|nk?)goto\b/, next: ["goto before label", "goto before argument"] }), this.pushRule({ token: "keyword.control.csound", regex: /\btimout\b/, next: ["goto before label", "goto before argument", "goto before argument"] }), this.pushRule({ token: "keyword.control.csound", regex: /\bloop_[gl][et]\b/, next: ["goto before label", "goto before argument", "goto before argument", "goto before argument"] }), this.pushRule({ token: "support.function.csound", regex: /\b(?:readscore|scoreline(?:_i)?)\b/, next: "Csound score opcode" }), this.pushRule({ token: "support.function.csound", regex: /\bpyl?run[it]?\b(?!$)/, next: "Python opcode" }), this.pushRule({ token: "support.function.csound", regex: /\blua_(?:exec|opdef)\b(?!$)/, next: "Lua opcode" }), { token: "support.variable.csound", regex: /\bp\d+\b/ }, { regex: /\b([A-Z_a-z]\w*)(?:(:)([A-Za-z]))?\b/, onMatch: function (value, currentState, stack, line) { var tokens = value.split(this.splitRegex); var name = tokens[1]; var type; if (opcodes.hasOwnProperty(name)) type = "support.function.csound"; else if (deprecatedOpcodes.hasOwnProperty(name)) type = "invalid.deprecated.csound"; if (type) { if (tokens[2]) { return [ { type: type, value: name }, { type: "punctuation.type-annotation.csound", value: tokens[2] }, { type: "", value: tokens[3] } ]; } return type; } return "text.csound"; } }); this.$rules["macro parameter value list"].splice(2, 0, { token: "punctuation.definition.string.begin.csound", regex: /{{/, next: "macro parameter value braced string" }); var scoreHighlightRules = new CsoundScoreHighlightRules("csound-score-"); this.addRules({ "macro parameter value braced string": [ { token: "constant.character.escape.csound", regex: /\\[#'()]/ }, { token: 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"string.braced.csound" } ], "goto before argument": [ this.popRule({ token: "text.csound", regex: /,/ }), start ], "goto before label": [ { token: "text.csound", regex: /\s+/ }, this.comments, this.popRule({ token: "", regex: /\w+/ }), this.popRule({ token: "empty", regex: /(?!\w)/ }) ], "Csound score opcode": [ this.comments, { token: "punctuation.definition.string.begin.csound", regex: /{{/, next: scoreHighlightRules.embeddedRulePrefix + "start" }, this.popRule({ token: "empty", regex: /$/ }) ], "Python opcode": [ this.comments, { token: "punctuation.definition.string.begin.csound", regex: /{{/, next: "python-start" }, this.popRule({ token: "empty", regex: /$/ }) ], "Lua opcode": [ this.comments, { token: "punctuation.definition.string.begin.csound", regex: /{{/, next: "lua-start" }, this.popRule({ token: "empty", regex: /$/ }) ], "line continuation": [ this.popRule({ token: "empty", regex: /$/ }), this.semicolonComments, { token: "invalid.illegal.csound", regex: /\S.*/ } ] }); var 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= ";"; this.blockComment = { start: "/*", end: "*/" }; this.$id = "ace/mode/csound_orchestra"; this.snippetFileId = "ace/snippets/csound_orchestra"; }).call(Mode.prototype); exports.Mode = Mode; }); (function() { window.require(["ace/mode/csound_orchestra"], function(m) { if (typeof module == "object" && typeof exports == "object" && module) { module.exports = m; } }); })();