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2015-10-07 08:47:51 +02:00
Author: Jaisen Mathai <jaisen@jmathai.com>
Media package that handles all video operations
# load modules
from sys import argv
from datetime import datetime
from fractions import Fraction
import LatLon
2015-10-07 08:47:51 +02:00
import mimetypes
import os
import pyexiv2
2015-10-07 08:47:51 +02:00
import re
import subprocess
import time
Media class for general video operations
class Media(object):
@param, source, string, The fully qualified path to the video file
def __init__(self, source=None):
self.source = source
self.exif_map = {
'date_taken': ['Exif.Photo.DateTimeOriginal', 'Exif.Image.DateTime'], #, 'EXIF FileDateTime'],
'latitude': 'Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLatitude',
'latitude_ref': 'Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLatitudeRef',
'longitude': 'Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLongitude',
'longitude_ref': 'Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLongitudeRef',
'album': 'Xmp.elodie.album'
pyexiv2.xmp.register_namespace('https://github.com/jmathai/elodie/', 'elodie')
except KeyError:
def get_album(self):
if(not self.is_valid()):
return None
exif = self.get_exif()
return exif[self.exif_map['album']].value
except KeyError:
return None
2015-10-07 08:47:51 +02:00
Get the full path to the video.
@returns string
def get_file_path(self):
return self.source
Check the file extension against valid file extensions as returned by get_valid_extensions()
@returns, boolean
def is_valid(self):
source = self.source
# we can't use self.__get_extension else we'll endlessly recurse
return os.path.splitext(source)[1][1:].lower() in self.get_valid_extensions()
Get latitude or longitude of photo from EXIF
@returns, float or None if not present in EXIF or a non-photo file
def get_coordinate(self, type='latitude'):
if(not self.is_valid()):
return None
key = self.exif_map['longitude'] if type == 'longitude' else self.exif_map['latitude']
exif = self.get_exif()
if(key not in exif):
return None
# this is a hack to get the proper direction by negating the values for S and W
latdir = 1
if(key == self.exif_map['latitude'] and str(exif[self.exif_map['latitude_ref']].value) == 'S'):
latdir = -1
londir = 1
if(key == self.exif_map['longitude'] and str(exif[self.exif_map['longitude_ref']].value) == 'W'):
londir = -1
coords = exif[key].value
if(key == 'latitude'):
return float(str(LatLon.Latitude(degree=coords[0], minute=coords[1], second=coords[2]))) * latdir
return float(str(LatLon.Longitude(degree=coords[0], minute=coords[1], second=coords[2]))) * londir
except KeyError:
return None
Get the date which the photo was taken.
The date value returned is defined by the min() of mtime and ctime.
@returns, time object or None for non-photo files or 0 timestamp
def get_date_taken(self):
if(not self.is_valid()):
return None
source = self.source
seconds_since_epoch = min(os.path.getmtime(source), os.path.getctime(source))
# We need to parse a string from EXIF into a timestamp.
# EXIF DateTimeOriginal and EXIF DateTime are both stored in %Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S format
# we use date.strptime -> .timetuple -> time.mktime to do the conversion in the local timezone
# EXIF DateTime is already stored as a timestamp
# Sourced from https://github.com/photo/frontend/blob/master/src/libraries/models/Photo.php#L500
exif = self.get_exif()
for key in self.exif_map['date_taken']:
if(key in exif):
if(re.match('\d{4}(-|:)\d{2}(-|:)\d{2}', str(exif[key].value)) is not None):
seconds_since_epoch = time.mktime(exif[key].value.timetuple())
except BaseException as e:
print e
if(seconds_since_epoch == 0):
return None
return time.gmtime(seconds_since_epoch)
Read EXIF from a photo file.
We store the result in a member variable so we can call get_exif() often without performance degredation
@returns, list or none for a non-photo file
def get_exif(self):
if(not self.is_valid()):
return None
if(self.exif is not None):
return self.exif
source = self.source
self.exif = pyexiv2.ImageMetadata(source)
return self.exif
2015-10-07 08:47:51 +02:00
Get the file extension as a lowercased string.
@returns, string or None for a non-video
def get_extension(self):
if(not self.is_valid()):
return None
source = self.source
return os.path.splitext(source)[1][1:].lower()
Get a dictionary of metadata for a photo.
All keys will be present and have a value of None if not obtained.
@returns, dictionary or None for non-photo files
def get_metadata(self):
if(not self.is_valid()):
return None
source = self.source
metadata = {
'date_taken': self.get_date_taken(),
'latitude': self.get_coordinate('latitude'),
'longitude': self.get_coordinate('longitude'),
'album': self.get_album(),
'mime_type': self.get_mimetype(),
'base_name': os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(source))[0],
'extension': self.get_extension()
return metadata
2015-10-07 08:47:51 +02:00
Get the mimetype of the file.
@returns, string or None for a non-video
def get_mimetype(self):
if(not self.is_valid()):
return None
source = self.source
mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(source)
if(mimetype == None):
return None
return mimetype[0]
def get_class_by_file(Media, _file):
extension = os.path.splitext(_file)[1][1:].lower()
if(extension in Photo.get_valid_extensions()):
return Photo
elif(extension in Video.get_valid_extensions()):
return Video
return None