Elodie relies on the great [ExifTool library by Phil Harvey](http://www.sno.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool/). You'll need to install it for your platform.
Some features for video files will only work with newer versions of ExifTool and have been tested on version 10.15 or higher. Check your version by typing `exiftool -ver` and see the [manual installation instructions for ExifTool](http://www.sno.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool/install.html#Unix) if needed.
You can clone Elodie from GitHub. You'll need `git` installed ([instructions](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git)).
git clone https://github.com/jmathai/elodie.git
cd elodie
pip install -r requirements.txt
### Give Elodie a test drive
Now that you've got the minimum dependencies installed you can start using Elodie. You'll need a photo, video or audio file and a folder you'd like Elodie to organize them into.
# Run these commands from the root of the repository you just cloned.
You'll notice that the photo was organized into an *Unknown Location* folder. That's because you haven't set up your MapQuest API ([instructions](#using-openstreetmap-data-from-mapquest)).
[Read a 3 part blog post on why I was created](https://medium.com/vantage/understanding-my-need-for-an-automated-photo-workflow-a2ff95b46f8f#.dmwyjlc57) and how [I can be used with Google Photos](https://medium.com/@jmathai/my-automated-photo-workflow-using-google-photos-and-elodie-afb753b8c724).
I work tirelessly to make sure your photos are always sorted and organized so you can focus on more important things. By photos I mean JPEG, DNG, NEF and common video and audio files.
I can be used as a GUI taskbar app or through the command line. My GUI app is great for updating EXIF on existing photos while my command line tools are great for setting up automated jobs.
Read the [instructions on building the GUI taskbar app](tree/master/app) for more information.
* AirDrop is fast, easy for anyone to use and once the transfer is finished your don't have to stick around. I'll move it to Dropbox/Google Drive and Dropbox/Google Drive will sync it to their servers.
This setup means you can quickly get photos off your or anyone's phone and know that they'll be organized and backed up in 3 locations by the time they're ready to view them.
My guess is you've got quite a few photos scattered around. The first thing I'll help you do is to get those photos organized. It doesn't matter if you have hundreds, thousands or tens of thousands of photos; the more the merrier.
I'm pretty fast but depending on how many photos you have you might want to grab a snack. When you run this command I'll `print` out my work as I go along. If you're bored you can open `/where/i/want/my/photos/to/go` in *Finder* and watch as I effortlessly copy your photos there.
You'll notice that your photos are now organized by date and location. Some photos do not have proper dates or location information in them. I do my best and in the worst case scenario I'll use the earlier of the files access or modified time. Ideally your photos have dates and location in the EXIF so my work is more accurate.
Back to your photos. When I'm done you should see something like this. Notice that I've renamed your files by adding the date and time they were taken. This helps keep them in chronological order when using most viewing applications. You'll thank me later.
Not too bad, eh? Wait a second, what's *Unknown Location*? If I'm not able to figure out where a photo was taken I'll place it into a folder named *Unknown Location*. This typically happens when photos do not have GPS information in their EXIF. You shouldn't see this for photos taken on a smartphone but it's often the case with digital cameras and SLRs. I can help you add GPS information to those photos and get them organized better. Let me show you how.
If you notice some photos were incorrectly organized you should definitely let me know. In the example above I put two photos into an *Unknown Location* folder because I didn't find GPS information in their EXIF. To fix this I'll help you add GPS information into the photos' EXIF and then I'll reorganize them.
Run the command below if you want to tell me the photos were taken in Las Vegas. You don't have to type all that in though. It's easier to just type `./elodie.py update --location="Las Vegas, NV" ` and select and drag the files from *OS X Finder* into the terminal.
Run the command below if I got the date wrong when organizing your photos. Similarly to the above command you can drag files from *Finder* into your terminal.
Organizing your existing photos is great. But I'd be lying if I said I was the only one who could help you with that. Unlike other programs I put the same effort into keeping your library organized into the future as I have in getting it organized in the first place.
In order to sort new photos that I haven't already organized I need someone to tell me about them. There's no single way to do this. You could use inotify, cron, Automator or my favorite app - Hazel; it doesn't matter.
If you'd like to let me know of a specific photo or group of photos to add to your library you would run one of the following command. Use fully qualified paths for everything since you won't be running this manually.
Look, it's not that I think databases are evil. One of my friends is a database. It's just that I've been doing this for a long time and I've always used a database for it. In the end they're more trouble than they're worth. I should have listened to my mother when she told me to not date a database.
It's a lot more work to organize photos without a database. No wonder everyone else uses them. But your happiness is my happiness. If a little elbow grease on my part makes you happy then I'm glad to do it.
### A bit on how I do all this without a database
Every photo is essentially a database. So it's more accurate to say I use the thousands of tiny databases you already have and use them to organize your photos.
I'm simple. I put a photo into its proper location. I can update a photo to have the right date or location. The latter triggers the first; creating a nice tidy loop of organizational goodness.
I use MapQuest to help me organize your photos by location. You'll need to sign up for a [free developer account](https://developer.mapquest.com/plan_purchase/steps/business_edition/business_edition_free) and get an API key. They give you 15,000 calls per month so I can't do any more than that unless you shell out some big bucks to them. Once I hit my limit the best I'll be able to do is *Unknown Location* until the following month.
Once you sign up you'll have to get an API key and copy it into a file named `~/.elodie/config.ini`. I've included a `config.ini-sample` file which you can copy to `config.ini`.
The best ways to provide feedback is by reaching out on Twitter at [@getelodie](https://twitter.com/getelodie), opening a [GitHub issue](https://github.com/jmathai/elodie/issues) or emailing me at [jaisen@jmathai.com](mailto:jaisen@jmathai.com).