Add funcions to insert Sqlite tables dynamically
This commit is contained in:
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ from ordigi.database import Sqlite
from import Media, get_all_subclasses
from ordigi.images import Images
from ordigi.summary import Summary
from ordigi.utils import get_date_regex, camel2snake
class Collection(object):
@ -244,21 +245,21 @@ class Collection(object):
return src_checksum
def _add_db_data(self, dest_path, metadata, checksum):
loc_keys = ('latitude', 'longitude', 'city', 'state', 'country', 'default')
loc_values = []
for key in loc_keys:
metadata['location_id'] = self.db.add_location(*loc_values)
def _get_row_data(self, table, metadata):
row_data = {}
for title in self.db.tables[table]['header']:
key = camel2snake(title)
row_data[title] = metadata[key]
file_keys = ('original_name', 'date_original', 'album', 'location_id')
file_values = []
for key in file_keys:
dest_path_rel = os.path.relpath(dest_path, self.root)
self.db.add_file_data(dest_path_rel, checksum, *file_values)
return row_data
def _add_db_data(self, dest_path, metadata):
loc_values = self._get_row_data('location', metadata)
metadata['location_id'] = self.db.add_row('location', loc_values)
row_data = self._get_row_data('metadata', metadata)
self.db.add_row('metadata', row_data)
def record_file(self, src_path, dest_path, src_checksum, metadata):
def _update_exif_data(self, dest_path, media):
if self.album_from_folder:
media.file_path = dest_path
@ -275,11 +276,14 @@ class Collection(object):
has_errors = False
if checksum:
if not self.dry_run:
self._add_db_data(dest_path, metadata, checksum)
updated = self._update_exif_data(dest_path, media)
if updated:
dest_checksum = self.checksum(dest_path)
media.metadata['file_path'] = os.path.relpath(dest_path,
media.metadata['checksum'] = checksum
self._add_db_data(dest_path, media.metadata)
self.summary.append((src_path, dest_path))
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
from datetime import datetime
import json
import os
from pathlib import Path
@ -28,20 +29,64 @@ class Sqlite:
self.db_type = 'SQLite format 3'
self.types = {
'text': (str, datetime),
'integer': (int,),
'real': (float,)
self.filename = Path(db_dir, + '.db')
self.con = sqlite3.connect(self.filename)
# Allow selecting column by name
self.con.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
self.cur = self.con.cursor()
metadata_header = {
'FilePath': 'text not null',
'Checksum': 'text',
'Album': 'text',
'LocationId': 'integer',
'DateTaken': 'text',
'DateOriginal': 'text',
'DateCreated': 'text',
'DateModified': 'text',
'CameraMake': 'text',
'CameraModel': 'text',
'SrcPath': 'text',
'Subdirs': 'text',
'Filename': 'text'
location_header = {
'Latitude': 'real not null',
'Longitude': 'real not null',
'LatitudeRef': 'text',
'LongitudeRef': 'text',
'City': 'text',
'State': 'text',
'Country': 'text',
'Default': 'text'
self.tables = {
'metadata': {
'header': metadata_header,
'primary_keys': ('FilePath',)
'location': {
'header': location_header,
'primary_keys': ('Latitude', 'Longitude')
self.primary_metadata_keys = self.tables['metadata']['primary_keys']
self.primary_location_keys = self.tables['location']['primary_keys']
# Create tables
if not self.is_table('file'):
if not self.is_table('location'):
for table, d in self.tables.items():
if not self.is_table(table):
self.create_table(table, d['header'], d['primary_keys'])
def is_Sqlite3(self, filename):
import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
if not os.path.isfile(filename):
return False
if os.path.getsize(filename) < 100: # SQLite database file header is 100 bytes
@ -57,7 +102,7 @@ class Sqlite:
# get the count of tables with the name
self.cur.execute(f"SELECT count(name) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='{table}'")
self.cur.execute(f"select count(name) from sqlite_master where type='table' and name='{table}'")
except sqlite3.DatabaseError as e:
# raise type(e)(e.message + ' :{self.filename} %s' % arg1)
raise sqlite3.DatabaseError(f"{self.filename} is not valid database")
@ -84,77 +129,101 @@ class Sqlite:
return True
def create_file_table(self):
query = """create table file (
FilePath text not null primary key,
Checksum text,
OriginalName text,
DateOriginal text,
Album text,
LocationId integer)
def create_table(self, table, header, primary_keys):
def add_file_data(self, FilePath, Checksum, OriginalName, DateOriginal,
Album, LocationId):
query =f"""insert into file values
('{FilePath}', '{Checksum}', '{OriginalName}',
'{DateOriginal}', '{Album}', '{LocationId}')"""
:params: row data (dict), primary_key (tuple)
:returns: bool
fieldset = []
for col, definition in header.items():
fieldset.append(f"'{col}' {definition}")
items = ', '.join(primary_keys)
fieldset.append(f"primary key ({items})")
if len(fieldset) > 0:
query = "create table {0} ({1})".format(table, ", ".join(fieldset))
self.tables[table]['header'] = header
return True
return False
def add_row(self, table, row_data):
:returns: lastrowid (int)
header = self.tables[table]['header']
if len(row_data) != len(header):
raise ValueError(f'''Table {table} length mismatch: row_data
{row_data}, header {header}''')
columns = ', '.join(row_data.keys())
placeholders = ', '.join('?' * len(row_data))
# If duplicate primary keys, row is replaced(updated) with new value
query = f'replace into {table} values ({placeholders})'
values = []
for key, value in row_data.items():
if key in self.tables[table]['primary_keys'] and value is None:
# Ignore entry is primary key is None
return None
if isinstance(value, bool):
self.cur.execute(query, values)
def add_file_values(self, table_list):
query = f"insert into file values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
return self._run_many(query)
return self.cur.lastrowid
def get_header(self, row_data):
:params: row data (dict)
:returns: header
sql_table = {}
for key, value in row_data.items():
for sql_type, t in self.types.items():
# Find corresponding sql_type from python type
if type(value) in t:
sql_table[key] = sql_type
return sql_table
def build_table(self, table, row_data, primary_keys):
header = self.get_header(row_data)
create_table(table, row_data, primary_keys)
def build_row(self, table, row_data):
:params: row data (dict), primary_key (tuple)
:returns: bool
if not self.tables[table]['header']:
result = self.build_table(table, row_data,
if not result:
return False
return self.add_row(table, row_data)
def get_checksum(self, FilePath):
query = f"select Checksum from file where FilePath='{FilePath}'"
query = f"select Checksum from metadata where FilePath='{FilePath}'"
return self._run(query)
def get_file_data(self, FilePath, data):
query = f"select {data} from file where FilePath='{FilePath}'"
def get_metadata_data(self, FilePath, data):
query = f"select {data} from metadata where FilePath='{FilePath}'"
return self._run(query)
def create_location_table(self):
query = """create table location (
Latitude real not null,
Longitude real not null,
City text,
State text,
Country text,
'Default' text)
def match_location(self, Latitude, Longitude):
query = f"""select 1 from location where Latitude='{Latitude}'
and Longitude='{Longitude}'"""
return self._run(query)
def add_location(self, Latitude, Longitude, City, State, Country, Default):
# Check if row with same latitude and longitude have not been already
# added
location_id = self.get_location(Latitude, Longitude, 'ROWID')
if not location_id:
query = f"""insert into location values
('{Latitude}', '{Longitude}', '{City}', '{State}',
'{Country}', '{Default}')
return self._run('select last_insert_rowid()')
return location_id
def add_location_values(self, table_list):
query = f"insert into location values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
return _insert_many_query(query)
def get_location_data(self, LocationId, data):
query = f"select {data} from file where ROWID='{LocationId}'"
query = f"select {data} from location where ROWID='{LocationId}'"
return self._run(query)
def get_location(self, Latitude, Longitude, column):
@ -75,3 +75,17 @@ def get_date_from_string(string, user_regex=None):
return date
# Conversion functions
# source:
def snake2camel(name):
return re.sub(r'(?:^|_)([a-z])', lambda x:, name)
def snake2camelback(name):
return re.sub(r'_([a-z])', lambda x:, name)
def camel2snake(name):
return name[0].lower() + re.sub(r'(?!^)[A-Z]', lambda x: '_' +, name[1:])
def camelback2snake(name):
return re.sub(r'[A-Z]', lambda x: '_' +, name)
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
import pytest
import shutil
@ -12,8 +13,38 @@ class TestSqlite:
def setup_class(cls, tmp_path):
cls.sqlite = Sqlite(tmp_path)
cls.sqlite.add_file_data('filename', 'ksinslsdosic', 'original_name', 'date_original', 'album', 1)
cls.sqlite.add_location(24.2, 7.3, 'city', 'state', 'country', 'default')
row_data = {
'FilePath': 'file_path',
'Checksum': 'checksum',
'Album': 'album',
'LocationId': 2,
'DateTaken': datetime(2012, 3, 27),
'DateOriginal': datetime(2013, 3, 27),
'DateCreated': 'date_created',
'DateModified': 'date_modified',
'CameraMake': 'camera_make',
'CameraModel': 'camera_model',
'SrcPath': 'src_path',
'Subdirs': 'subdirs',
'Filename': 'filename'
location_data = {
'Latitude': 24.2,
'Longitude': 7.3,
'LatitudeRef': 'latitude_ref',
'LongitudeRef': 'longitude_ref',
'City': 'city',
'State': 'state',
'Country': 'country',
'Default': 'default'
cls.sqlite.add_row('metadata', row_data)
cls.sqlite.add_row('location', location_data)
# cls.sqlite.add_metadata_data('filename', 'ksinslsdosic', 'original_name', 'date_original', 'album', 1)
# cls.sqlite.add_location(24.2, 7.3, 'city', 'state', 'country', 'default')
@ -24,29 +55,27 @@ class TestSqlite:
assert isinstance(self.sqlite.con, sqlite3.Connection)
assert isinstance(self.sqlite.cur, sqlite3.Cursor)
def test_create_file_table(self):
assert self.sqlite.is_table('file')
def test_create_table(self):
assert self.sqlite.is_table('metadata')
assert self.sqlite.is_table('location')
def test_add_file_data(self):
result = tuple(self.sqlite.cur.execute("""select * from file where
def test_add_metadata_data(self):
result = tuple(self.sqlite.cur.execute("""select * from metadata where
assert result == ('filename', 'ksinslsdosic', 'original_name', 'date_original', 'album', 1)
assert result == ('file_path', 'checksum', 'album', 2, '2012-03-27 00:00:00', '2013-03-27 00:00:00', 'date_created', 'date_modified', 'camera_make', 'camera_model', 'src_path', 'subdirs', 'filename')
def test_get_checksum(self):
assert not self.sqlite.get_checksum('checksum')
assert self.sqlite.get_checksum('filename') == 'ksinslsdosic'
assert not self.sqlite.get_checksum('invalid')
assert self.sqlite.get_checksum('file_path') == 'checksum'
def test_get_file_data(self):
assert not self.sqlite.get_file_data('invalid', 'DateOriginal')
assert self.sqlite.get_file_data('filename', 'Album') == 'album'
def test_create_location_table(self):
assert self.sqlite.is_table('location')
def test_get_metadata_data(self):
assert not self.sqlite.get_metadata_data('invalid', 'DateOriginal')
assert self.sqlite.get_metadata_data('file_path', 'Album') == 'album'
def test_add_location(self):
result = tuple(self.sqlite.cur.execute("""select * from location where
assert result == (24.2, 7.3, 'city', 'state', 'country', 'default')
assert result == (24.2, 7.3, 'latitude_ref', 'longitude_ref', 'city', 'state', 'country', 'default')
def test_get_location_data(self, LocationId, data):
Reference in New Issue