""" The media module provides a base :class:`Media` class for media objects that are tracked by Elodie. The Media class provides some base functionality used by all the media types, but isn't itself used to represent anything. Its sub-classes (:class:`~elodie.media.audio.Audio`, :class:`~elodie.media.photo.Photo`, and :class:`~elodie.media.video.Video`) are used to represent the actual files. .. moduleauthor:: Jaisen Mathai """ from __future__ import print_function import os import six # load modules from elodie import log from dateutil.parser import parse import re from elodie.external.pyexiftool import ExifTool from elodie.media.base import Base class Media(Base): """The base class for all media objects. :param str source: The fully qualified path to the video file. """ __name__ = 'Media' d_coordinates = { 'latitude': 'latitude_ref', 'longitude': 'longitude_ref' } def __init__(self, source=None): super(Media, self).__init__(source) self.date_original = ['EXIF:DateTimeOriginal'] self.date_created = ['EXIF:CreateDate', 'QuickTime:CreateDate'] self.date_modified = ['File:FileModifyDate', 'QuickTime:ModifyDate'] self.camera_make_keys = ['EXIF:Make', 'QuickTime:Make'] self.camera_model_keys = ['EXIF:Model', 'QuickTime:Model'] self.album_keys = ['XMP-xmpDM:Album', 'XMP:Album'] self.title_key = 'XMP:Title' self.latitude_keys = ['EXIF:GPSLatitude'] self.longitude_keys = ['EXIF:GPSLongitude'] self.latitude_ref_key = 'EXIF:GPSLatitudeRef' self.longitude_ref_key = 'EXIF:GPSLongitudeRef' self.original_name_key = 'XMP:OriginalFileName' self.set_gps_ref = True self.exif_metadata = None def get_album(self): """Get album from EXIF :returns: None or string """ if(not self.is_valid()): return None exiftool_attributes = self.get_exiftool_attributes() if exiftool_attributes is None: return None for album_key in self.album_keys: if album_key in exiftool_attributes: return exiftool_attributes[album_key] return None def get_coordinate(self, type='latitude'): """Get latitude or longitude of media from EXIF :param str type: Type of coordinate to get. Either "latitude" or "longitude". :returns: float or None if not present in EXIF or a non-photo file """ exif = self.get_exiftool_attributes() if not exif: return None # The lat/lon _keys array has an order of precedence. # The first key is writable and we will give the writable # key precence when reading. direction_multiplier = 1.0 for key in self.latitude_keys + self.longitude_keys: if key not in exif: continue if isinstance(exif[key], six.string_types) and len(exif[key]) == 0: # If exiftool GPS output is empty, the data returned will be a str # with 0 length. # https://github.com/jmathai/elodie/issues/354 continue # Cast coordinate to a float due to a bug in exiftool's # -json output format. # https://github.com/jmathai/elodie/issues/171 # http://u88.n24.queensu.ca/exiftool/forum/index.php/topic,7952.0.html # noqa this_coordinate = float(exif[key]) # TODO: verify that we need to check ref key # when self.set_gps_ref != True if type == 'latitude' and key in self.latitude_keys: if self.latitude_ref_key in exif and \ exif[self.latitude_ref_key] == 'S': direction_multiplier = -1.0 return this_coordinate * direction_multiplier elif type == 'longitude' and key in self.longitude_keys: if self.longitude_ref_key in exif and \ exif[self.longitude_ref_key] == 'W': direction_multiplier = -1.0 return this_coordinate * direction_multiplier return None def get_exiftool_attributes(self): """Get attributes for the media object from exiftool. :returns: dict, or False if exiftool was not available. """ source = self.source #Cache exif metadata results and use if already exists for media if(self.exif_metadata is None): self.exif_metadata = ExifTool().get_metadata(source) if not self.exif_metadata: return False return self.exif_metadata def get_date_attribute(self, tag): """Get a date attribute. :returns: time object or None """ exif = self.get_exiftool_attributes() if not exif: return None # We need to parse a string from EXIF into a timestamp. # EXIF DateTimeOriginal and EXIF DateTime are both stored # in %Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S format # we split on a space and then r':|-' -> convert to int -> .timetuple() # the conversion in the local timezone # EXIF DateTime is already stored as a timestamp # Sourced from https://github.com/photo/frontend/blob/master/src/libraries/models/Photo.php#L500 # noqa for key in tag: try: if(key in exif): # correct nasty formated date regex = re.compile('(\d{4}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})') if(re.match(regex , exif[key]) is not None): # noqa exif[key] = re.sub(regex ,'\g<1>-\g<2>-\g<3>',exif[key]) return parse(exif[key]) # if(re.match('\d{4}(-|:)\d{2}(-|:)\d{2}', exif[key]) is not None): # noqa # dt, tm = exif[key].split(' ') # dt_list = compile(r'-|:').split(dt) # dt_list = dt_list + compile(r'-|:').split(tm) # dt_list = map(int, dt_list) # return datetime(*dt_list) except BaseException or dateutil.parser._parser.ParserError as e: log.error(e) return None return None def get_camera_make(self): """Get the camera make stored in EXIF. :returns: str """ if(not self.is_valid()): return None exiftool_attributes = self.get_exiftool_attributes() if exiftool_attributes is None: return None for camera_make_key in self.camera_make_keys: if camera_make_key in exiftool_attributes: return exiftool_attributes[camera_make_key] return None def get_camera_model(self): """Get the camera make stored in EXIF. :returns: str """ if(not self.is_valid()): return None exiftool_attributes = self.get_exiftool_attributes() if exiftool_attributes is None: return None for camera_model_key in self.camera_model_keys: if camera_model_key in exiftool_attributes: return exiftool_attributes[camera_model_key] return None def get_original_name(self): """Get the original name stored in EXIF. :returns: str """ if(not self.is_valid()): return None exiftool_attributes = self.get_exiftool_attributes() if exiftool_attributes is None: return None if(self.original_name_key not in exiftool_attributes): return None return exiftool_attributes[self.original_name_key] def get_title(self): """Get the title for a photo of video :returns: str or None if no title is set or not a valid media type """ if(not self.is_valid()): return None exiftool_attributes = self.get_exiftool_attributes() if exiftool_attributes is None: return None if(self.title_key not in exiftool_attributes): return None return exiftool_attributes[self.title_key] def reset_cache(self): """Resets any internal cache """ self.exiftool_attributes = None self.exif_metadata = None super(Media, self).reset_cache() def set_album(self, name, path): """Set album EXIF tag if not already set. :returns: True, False, None """ if self.get_album() is not None: return None tags = {self.album_keys[0]: name} status = ExifTool().set_tags(tags, path) self.reset_cache() return status != '' def set_date_original(self, time): """Set the date/time a photo was taken. :param datetime time: datetime object of when the photo was taken :returns: bool """ if(time is None): return False tags = {} formatted_time = time.strftime('%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S') for key in self.date_original: tags[key] = formatted_time status = self.__set_tags(tags) if status == False: # exif attribute date_original d'ont exist for key in self.date_created: tags[key] = formatted_time status = self.__set_tags(tags) self.reset_cache() return status def set_location(self, latitude, longitude): if(not self.is_valid()): return None # The lat/lon _keys array has an order of precedence. # The first key is writable and we will give the writable # key precence when reading. tags = { self.latitude_keys[0]: latitude, self.longitude_keys[0]: longitude, } # If self.set_gps_ref == True then it means we are writing an EXIF # GPS tag which requires us to set the reference key. # That's because the lat/lon are absolute values. if self.set_gps_ref: if latitude < 0: tags[self.latitude_ref_key] = 'S' if longitude < 0: tags[self.longitude_ref_key] = 'W' status = self.__set_tags(tags) self.reset_cache() return status def set_original_name(self, path): """Sets the original name EXIF tag if not already set. :returns: True, False, None """ # If EXIF original name tag is set then we return. if self.get_original_name() is not None: return None name = os.path.basename(path) tags = {self.original_name_key: name} status = ExifTool().set_tags(tags, path) self.reset_cache() return status != '' def set_title(self, title): """Set title for a photo. :param str title: Title of the photo. :returns: bool """ if(not self.is_valid()): return None if(title is None): return None tags = {self.title_key: title} status = self.__set_tags(tags) self.reset_cache() return status def __set_tags(self, tags): if(not self.is_valid()): return None source = self.source status = '' status = ExifTool().set_tags(tags,source) if status.decode().find('unchanged') != -1 or status == '': return False if status.decode().find('error') != -1: return False return True