""" Settings. """ from os import environ, path from sys import version_info #: If True, debug messages will be printed. debug = False #: Directory in which to store Dozo settings. application_directory = '{}/.dozo'.format(path.expanduser('~')) if ( 'ELODIE_APPLICATION_DIRECTORY' in environ and path.isdir(environ['ELODIE_APPLICATION_DIRECTORY']) ): application_directory = environ['ELODIE_APPLICATION_DIRECTORY'] default_path = '{%Y-%m-%b}/{album}|{city}|{"Unknown Location"}' default_name = '{%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S}-{name}-{title}.%l{ext}' default_geocoder = 'Nominatim' # Checksum storage file. hash_db = 'hash.json' # TODO will be removed eventualy later # hash_db = '{}/hash.json'.format(application_directory) # Geolocation details file. location_db = 'location.json' # TODO will be removed eventualy later # location_db = '{}/location.json'.format(application_directory) # Dozo installation directory. script_directory = path.dirname(path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__))) #: Path to ExifTool config file. exiftool_config = path.join(script_directory, 'configs', 'ExifTool_config') #: Accepted language in responses from MapQuest accepted_language = 'en' # check python version, required in filesystem.py to trigger appropriate method python_version = version_info.major CONFIG_FILE = '%s/config.ini' % application_directory