""" General file system methods. .. moduleauthor:: Jaisen Mathai """ from __future__ import print_function import sys from json import dumps from elodie import constants def all(message): _print(message) def info(message): _print_debug(message) def info_json(payload): _print_debug(dumps(payload)) def progress(message='.', new_line=False): if not new_line: print(message, end="") else: print(message) def warn(message): _print_debug(message) def warn_json(payload): _print_debug(dumps(payload)) def error(message): _print_debug(message) def error_json(payload): _print_debug(dumps(payload)) def _print_debug(string): # Print if debug == True or if running with nosetests # Commenting out because this causes failures in other tests # which verify that output is correct. # Use the line below if you want output printed during tests. # if(constants.debug is True or 'nose' in sys.modules.keys()): if(constants.debug is True): _print(string) def _print(s): try: print(s) except UnicodeEncodeError: for c in s: try: print(c, end='') except UnicodeEncodeError: print('?', end='')