"""Look up geolocation information for media objects.""" from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import division from future import standard_library from past.utils import old_div standard_library.install_aliases() # noqa from os import path import requests import urllib.request import urllib.parse import urllib.error from elodie.config import load_config from elodie import constants from elodie import log from elodie.localstorage import Db __KEY__ = None __DEFAULT_LOCATION__ = 'Unknown Location' __PREFER_ENGLISH_NAMES__ = None def coordinates_by_name(name): # Try to get cached location first db = Db() cached_coordinates = db.get_location_coordinates(name) if(cached_coordinates is not None): return { 'latitude': cached_coordinates[0], 'longitude': cached_coordinates[1] } # If the name is not cached then we go ahead with an API lookup geolocation_info = lookup(location=name) if(geolocation_info is not None): if( 'results' in geolocation_info and len(geolocation_info['results']) != 0 and 'locations' in geolocation_info['results'][0] and len(geolocation_info['results'][0]['locations']) != 0 ): # By default we use the first entry unless we find one with # geocodeQuality=city. geolocation_result = geolocation_info['results'][0] use_location = geolocation_result['locations'][0]['latLng'] # Loop over the locations to see if we come accross a # geocodeQuality=city. # If we find a city we set that to the use_location and break for location in geolocation_result['locations']: if( 'latLng' in location and 'lat' in location['latLng'] and 'lng' in location['latLng'] and location['geocodeQuality'].lower() == 'city' ): use_location = location['latLng'] break return { 'latitude': use_location['lat'], 'longitude': use_location['lng'] } return None def decimal_to_dms(decimal): decimal = float(decimal) decimal_abs = abs(decimal) minutes, seconds = divmod(decimal_abs*3600, 60) degrees, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60) degrees = degrees sign = 1 if decimal >= 0 else -1 return (degrees, minutes, seconds, sign) def dms_to_decimal(degrees, minutes, seconds, direction=' '): sign = 1 if(direction[0] in 'WSws'): sign = -1 return ( float(degrees) + old_div(float(minutes), 60) + old_div(float(seconds), 3600) ) * sign def dms_string(decimal, type='latitude'): # Example string -> 38 deg 14' 27.82" S dms = decimal_to_dms(decimal) if type == 'latitude': direction = 'N' if decimal >= 0 else 'S' elif type == 'longitude': direction = 'E' if decimal >= 0 else 'W' return '{} deg {}\' {}" {}'.format(dms[0], dms[1], dms[2], direction) def get_key(): global __KEY__ if __KEY__ is not None: return __KEY__ if constants.mapquest_key is not None: __KEY__ = constants.mapquest_key return __KEY__ config = load_config(constants.CONFIG_FILE) if('Geolocation' not in config): return None __KEY__ = config['Geolocation']['mapquest_key'] return __KEY__ def get_prefer_english_names(): global __PREFER_ENGLISH_NAMES__ if __PREFER_ENGLISH_NAMES__ is not None: return __PREFER_ENGLISH_NAMES__ config = load_config(constants.CONFIG_FILE) if('prefer_english_names' not in config['Geolocation']): return False __PREFER_ENGLISH_NAMES__ = bool(config['Geolocation']['prefer_english_names']) return __PREFER_ENGLISH_NAMES__ def place_name(lat, lon): lookup_place_name_default = {'default': __DEFAULT_LOCATION__} if(lat is None or lon is None): return lookup_place_name_default # Convert lat/lon to floats if(not isinstance(lat, float)): lat = float(lat) if(not isinstance(lon, float)): lon = float(lon) # Try to get cached location first db = Db() # 3km distace radious for a match cached_place_name = db.get_location_name(lat, lon, 3000) # We check that it's a dict to coerce an upgrade of the location # db from a string location to a dictionary. See gh-160. if(isinstance(cached_place_name, dict)): return cached_place_name lookup_place_name = {} geolocation_info = lookup(lat=lat, lon=lon) if(geolocation_info is not None and 'address' in geolocation_info): address = geolocation_info['address'] # gh-386 adds support for town # taking precedence after city for backwards compatability for loc in ['city', 'town', 'state', 'country']: if(loc in address): lookup_place_name[loc] = address[loc] # In many cases the desired key is not available so we # set the most specific as the default. if('default' not in lookup_place_name): lookup_place_name['default'] = address[loc] if(lookup_place_name): db.add_location(lat, lon, lookup_place_name) # TODO: Maybe this should only be done on exit and not for every write. db.update_location_db() if('default' not in lookup_place_name): lookup_place_name = lookup_place_name_default return lookup_place_name def lookup(**kwargs): if( 'location' not in kwargs and 'lat' not in kwargs and 'lon' not in kwargs ): return None key = get_key() prefer_english_names = get_prefer_english_names() if(key is None): return None try: params = {'format': 'json', 'key': key} params.update(kwargs) path = '/geocoding/v1/address' if('lat' in kwargs and 'lon' in kwargs): path = '/nominatim/v1/reverse.php' url = '%s%s?%s' % ( constants.mapquest_base_url, path, urllib.parse.urlencode(params) ) headers = {} if(prefer_english_names): headers = {'Accept-Language':'en-EN,en;q=0.8'} r = requests.get(url, headers=headers) return parse_result(r.json()) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: log.error(e) return None except ValueError as e: log.error(r.text) log.error(e) return None def parse_result(result): if('error' in result): return None if( 'results' in result and len(result['results']) > 0 and 'locations' in result['results'][0] and len(result['results'][0]['locations']) > 0 and 'latLng' in result['results'][0]['locations'][0] ): latLng = result['results'][0]['locations'][0]['latLng'] if(latLng['lat'] == 39.78373 and latLng['lng'] == -100.445882): return None return result