""" Google Photos plugin object. This plugin will queue imported photos into the plugin's database file. Using this plugin should have no impact on performance of importing photos. In order to upload the photos to Google Photos you need to run the following command. ``` ./elodie.py batch ``` That command will execute the batch() method on all plugins, including this one. This plugin's batch() function reads all files from the database file and attempts to upload them to Google Photos. This plugin does not aim to keep Google Photos in sync. Once a photo is uploaded it's removed from the database and no records are kept thereafter. Upload code adapted from https://github.com/eshmu/gphotos-upload .. moduleauthor:: Jaisen Mathai """ from __future__ import print_function import json from os.path import basename, isfile from google_auth_oauthlib.flow import InstalledAppFlow from google.auth.transport.requests import AuthorizedSession from google.oauth2.credentials import Credentials from elodie.media.photo import Photo from elodie.media.video import Video from elodie.plugins.plugins import PluginBase class GooglePhotos(PluginBase): """A class to execute plugin actions. Requires a config file with the following configurations set. secrets_file: The full file path where to find the downloaded secrets. auth_file: The full file path where to store authenticated tokens. """ __name__ = 'GooglePhotos' def __init__(self): super(GooglePhotos, self).__init__() self.upload_url = 'https://photoslibrary.googleapis.com/v1/uploads' self.media_create_url = 'https://photoslibrary.googleapis.com/v1/mediaItems:batchCreate' self.scopes = ['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/photoslibrary.appendonly'] self.secrets_file = None if('secrets_file' in self.config_for_plugin): self.secrets_file = self.config_for_plugin['secrets_file'] # 'client_id.json' self.auth_file = None if('auth_file' in self.config_for_plugin): self.auth_file = self.config_for_plugin['auth_file'] self.session = None def after(self, file_path, destination_folder, final_file_path, metadata): extension = metadata['extension'] if(extension in Photo.extensions or extension in Video.extensions): self.log(u'Added {} to db.'.format(final_file_path)) self.db.set(final_file_path, metadata['original_name']) else: self.log(u'Skipping {} which is not a supported media type.'.format(final_file_path)) def batch(self): queue = self.db.get_all() status = True count = 0 for key in queue: this_status = self.upload(key) if(this_status): # Remove from queue if successful then increment count self.db.delete(key) count = count + 1 self.display('{} uploaded successfully.'.format(key)) else: status = False self.display('{} failed to upload.'.format(key)) return (status, count) def before(self, file_path, destination_folder): pass def set_session(self): # Try to load credentials from an auth file. # If it doesn't exist or is not valid then catch the # exception and reauthenticate. try: creds = Credentials.from_authorized_user_file(self.auth_file, self.scopes) except: try: flow = InstalledAppFlow.from_client_secrets_file(self.secrets_file, self.scopes) creds = flow.run_local_server() cred_dict = { 'token': creds.token, 'refresh_token': creds.refresh_token, 'id_token': creds.id_token, 'scopes': creds.scopes, 'token_uri': creds.token_uri, 'client_id': creds.client_id, 'client_secret': creds.client_secret } # Store the returned authentication tokens to the auth_file. with open(self.auth_file, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(cred_dict)) except: return self.session = AuthorizedSession(creds) self.session.headers["Content-type"] = "application/octet-stream" self.session.headers["X-Goog-Upload-Protocol"] = "raw" def upload(self, path_to_photo): self.set_session() if(self.session is None): self.log('Could not initialize session') return None self.session.headers["X-Goog-Upload-File-Name"] = basename(path_to_photo) if(not isfile(path_to_photo)): self.log('Could not find file: {}'.format(path_to_photo)) return None with open(path_to_photo, 'rb') as f: photo_bytes = f.read() upload_token = self.session.post(self.upload_url, photo_bytes) if(upload_token.status_code != 200 or not upload_token.content): self.log('Uploading media failed: ({}) {}'.format(upload_token.status_code, upload_token.content)) return None create_body = json.dumps({'newMediaItems':[{'description':'','simpleMediaItem':{'uploadToken':upload_token.content.decode()}}]}, indent=4) resp = self.session.post(self.media_create_url, create_body).json() if( 'newMediaItemResults' not in resp or 'status' not in resp['newMediaItemResults'][0] or 'message' not in resp['newMediaItemResults'][0]['status'] or ( resp['newMediaItemResults'][0]['status']['message'] != 'Success' and # photos resp['newMediaItemResults'][0]['status']['message'] != 'OK' # videos ) ): self.log('Creating new media item failed: {}'.format(resp['newMediaItemResults'][0]['status'])) return None return resp['newMediaItemResults'][0]