""" Author: Jaisen Mathai Media package that handles all video operations """ # load modules from sys import argv import mimetypes import os import re import subprocess import time """ Media class for general video operations """ class Media(object): """ @param, source, string, The fully qualified path to the video file """ def __init__(self, source=None): self.source = source """ Get the full path to the video. @returns string """ def get_file_path(self): return self.source """ Check the file extension against valid file extensions as returned by get_valid_extensions() @returns, boolean """ def is_valid(self): source = self.source # we can't use self.__get_extension else we'll endlessly recurse return os.path.splitext(source)[1][1:].lower() in self.get_valid_extensions() """ Get the file extension as a lowercased string. @returns, string or None for a non-video """ def get_extension(self): if(not self.is_valid()): return None source = self.source return os.path.splitext(source)[1][1:].lower() """ Get the mimetype of the file. @returns, string or None for a non-video """ def get_mimetype(self): if(not self.is_valid()): return None source = self.source mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(source) if(mimetype == None): return None return mimetype[0] def get_class_by_file(Media, _file): extension = os.path.splitext(_file)[1][1:].lower() if(extension in Photo.get_valid_extensions()): return Photo elif(extension in Video.get_valid_extensions()): return Video else: return None