var exports = module.exports = {}; var path = require('path'); var exec = require('child_process').exec, config = require('./config.js'); // The main process listens for events from the web renderer. // When photos are dragged onto the toolbar and photos are requested to be updated it will fire an 'update-photos' ipc event. // The web renderer will send the list of photos, type of update and new value to apply // Once this main process completes the update it will send a 'update-photos-completed' event back to the renderer with information // so a proper response can be displayed. exports.importPhotos = function(event, args) { var params = args, normalize; console.log('import-photos'); console.log(args); if(typeof(args['source']) === 'undefined' || args['source'].length === 0 || typeof(args['destination']) === 'undefined' || args['destination'].length === 0) { console.log('no source or destination passed in to import-photos'); event.sender.send('update-import-no-photos', null); return; } args['source'] = args['source'].normalize(); args['destination'] = args['destination'].normalize(); update_command = path.normalize(__dirname + '/../../') + ' import --source="' + args['source'] + '" --destination="' + args['destination'] + '"'; //update_command = __dirname + '/../../ import --source="' + args['source'] + '" --destination="' + args['destination'] + '"'; console.log(update_command); exec(update_command, function(error, stdout, stderr) { console.log('out ' + stdout); console.log('err ' + stderr); /*params['error'] = error params['stdout'] = '[' + stdout.replace(/\n/g,',').replace(/\,+$/g, '').replace(/\n/g,'') + ']' params['stderr'] = stderr console.log('parsed') console.log(params['stdout'])*/ event.sender.send('update-import-success', args); }); }; exports.updateConfig = function(event, args) { var params = args, status; status = config.writeConfig(params); if(status) { event.sender.send('update-config-status', true); } else { event.sender.send('update-config-status', false); } }; // When photos are dragged onto the toolbar and photos are requested to be updated it will fire an 'update-photos' ipc event. // The web renderer will send the list of photos, type of update and new value to apply // Once this main process completes the update it will send a 'update-photos-completed' event back to the renderer with information // so a proper response can be displayed. exports.updatePhotos = function(event, args) { var params = args, normalize; console.log('update-photos'); console.log(args); if(typeof(args['files']) === 'undefined' || args['files'].length === 0) { console.log('no files passed in to update-photos'); return; } normalize = function(files) { for(var i=0; i 0) { update_command += ' --location="' + args['location'] + '"'; } if(args['album'].length > 0) { update_command += ' --album="' + args['album'] + '"'; } if(args['datetime'].length > 0) { update_command += ' --time="' + args['datetime'] + '"'; } if(args['title'].length > 0) { update_command += ' --title="' + args['title'] + '"'; } update_command += ' "' + files.join('" "') + '"' console.log(update_command) exec(update_command, function(error, stdout, stderr) { console.log('out ' + stdout) console.log('err ' + stderr) params['error'] = error params['stdout'] = '[' + stdout.replace(/\n/g,',').replace(/\,+$/g, '').replace(/\n/g,'') + ']' params['stderr'] = stderr console.log('parsed') console.log(params['stdout']) event.sender.send('update-photos-success', params); }); }; exports.launchFinder = function(event, path) { console.log(path); var shell = require('shell'); shell.showItemInFolder(path); }; exports.launchUrl = function(event, url) { console.log(url); var shell = require('shell'); shell.openExternal(url); }; exports.programQuit = function(event, path) { console.log('program-quit'); //mb.tray.destroy(); mb.quit(); };