#!/usr/bin/env python import os import shutil import sys from elodie import arguments from elodie.media.photo import Photo from elodie.media.video import Video from elodie.filesystem import FileSystem from elodie.localstorage import Db def main(argv): args = arguments.parse(argv, None, ['type=','source=','destination='], './import.py --type= --source= -destination=') db = Db() source = args['source'] destination = args['destination'] filesystem = FileSystem() if(args['type'] == 'photo'): media_type = Photo else: media_type = Video write_counter = 0 for current_file in filesystem.get_all_files(source, media_type.get_valid_extensions()): checksum = db.checksum(current_file) if(checksum == None): print 'Could not get checksum for %s. Skipping...' % current_file continue if(db.check_hash(checksum) == True): print '%s already exists at %s. Skipping...' % (current_file, db.get_hash(checksum)) continue media = media_type(current_file) if(media_type.__name__ == 'Video'): filesystem.set_date_from_path_video(media) metadata = media.get_metadata() directory_name = filesystem.get_folder_path(date=metadata['date_taken'], latitude=metadata['latitude'], longitude=metadata['longitude']) #directory_name = filesystem.get_folder_path(date=metadata['date_taken']) dest_directory = '%s/%s' % (destination, directory_name) # TODO remove the day prefix of the file that was there prior to the crawl file_name = filesystem.get_file_name(media) dest_path = '%s/%s' % (dest_directory, file_name) filesystem.create_directory(dest_directory) print '%s -> %s' % (current_file, dest_path) shutil.copy2(current_file, dest_path) #shutil.move(current_file, dest_path) db.add_hash(checksum, dest_path) # Write to the hash database every 10 iterations write_counter += 1 if(write_counter % 10 == 0): db.update_hash_db() # If there's anything we haven't written to the hash database then write it now if(write_counter % 10 != 10): db.update_hash_db() if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv[1:])