#!/usr/bin/env python import os import shutil import sys from elodie.media.video import Video from elodie.filesystem import FileSystem destination = '%s/tmp' % os.path.expanduser('~') filesystem = FileSystem() for video_file in filesystem.get_all_files('/Users/jaisenmathai/Pictures/Videos/', Video.get_valid_extensions()): video = Video(video_file) filesystem.set_date_from_path_video(video) metadata = video.get_metadata() directory_name = filesystem.get_folder_name_by_date(metadata['date_taken']) dest_directory = '%s/%s' % (destination, directory_name) # TODO remove the day prefix of the file that was there prior to the crawl file_name = filesystem.get_file_name_for_video(video) dest_path = '%s/%s' % (dest_directory, file_name) filesystem.create_directory(dest_directory) print '%s -> %s' % (video_file, dest_path) shutil.copy2(video_file, dest_path)