""" Yet another simple exiftool wrapper from: https://github.com/RhetTbull/osxphotos/blob/master/osxphotos/exiftool.py """ import atexit import json import logging import os import re import shutil import subprocess from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from functools import lru_cache # pylint: disable=syntax-error # exiftool -stay_open commands outputs this EOF marker after command is run EXIFTOOL_STAYOPEN_EOF = "{ready}" EXIFTOOL_STAYOPEN_EOF_LEN = len(EXIFTOOL_STAYOPEN_EOF) # list of exiftool processes to cleanup when exiting or when terminate is called EXIFTOOL_PROCESSES = [] def exiftool_is_running(): ps = subprocess.run(["ps"], capture_output=True) stdout = ps.stdout.decode("utf-8") return "exiftool" in stdout @atexit.register def terminate_exiftool(): """Terminate any running ExifTool subprocesses; call this to cleanup when done using ExifTool """ for proc in EXIFTOOL_PROCESSES: proc._stop_proc() @lru_cache(maxsize=1) def get_exiftool_path(): """ return path of exiftool, cache result """ exiftool_path = shutil.which("exiftool") if exiftool_path: return exiftool_path.rstrip() else: raise FileNotFoundError( "Could not find exiftool. Please download and install from " "https://exiftool.org/" ) class _ExifToolProc: """Runs exiftool in a subprocess via Popen Creates a singleton object""" def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): """ create new object or return instance of already created singleton """ if not hasattr(cls, "instance") or not cls.instance: cls.instance = super().__new__(cls) return cls.instance def __init__(self, exiftool=None, logger=logging.getLogger()): """construct _ExifToolProc singleton object or return instance of already created object exiftool: optional path to exiftool binary (if not provided, will search path to find it)""" self.logger = logger if hasattr(self, "_process_running") and self._process_running: # already running if exiftool is not None and exiftool != self._exiftool: self.logger.warning( f"exiftool subprocess already running, " f"ignoring exiftool={exiftool}" ) return self._process_running = False self._exiftool = exiftool or get_exiftool_path() self._start_proc() @property def process(self): """ return the exiftool subprocess """ if self._process_running: return self._process else: self._start_proc() return self._process @property def pid(self): """ return process id (PID) of the exiftool process """ return self._process.pid @property def exiftool(self): """ return path to exiftool process """ return self._exiftool def _start_proc(self): """ start exiftool in batch mode """ if self._process_running: self.logger.warning("exiftool already running: {self._process}") return # open exiftool process self._process = subprocess.Popen( [ self._exiftool, "-stay_open", # keep process open in batch mode "True", # -stay_open=True, keep process open in batch mode "-@", # read command-line arguments from file "-", # read from stdin "-common_args", # specifies args common to all commands subsequently run "-n", # no print conversion (e.g. print tag values in machine readable format) "-P", # Preserve file modification date/time "-G", # print group name for each tag ], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) self._process_running = True EXIFTOOL_PROCESSES.append(self) def _stop_proc(self): """ stop the exiftool process if it's running, otherwise, do nothing """ if not self._process_running: return try: self._process.stdin.write(b"-stay_open\n") self._process.stdin.write(b"False\n") self._process.stdin.flush() except Exception as e: pass try: self._process.communicate(timeout=5) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: self._process.kill() self._process.communicate() del self._process self._process_running = False class ExifTool: """ Basic exiftool interface for reading and writing EXIF tags """ def __init__(self, filepath, exiftool=None, overwrite=True, flags=None, logger=logging.getLogger()): """Create ExifTool object Args: file: path to image file exiftool: path to exiftool, if not specified will look in path overwrite: if True, will overwrite image file without creating backup, default=False flags: optional list of exiftool flags to prepend to exiftool command when writing metadata (e.g. -m or -F) Returns: ExifTool instance """ self.file = filepath self.overwrite = overwrite self.flags = flags or [] self.data = {} self.warning = None self.error = None # if running as a context manager, self._context_mgr will be True self._context_mgr = False self._exiftoolproc = _ExifToolProc(exiftool=exiftool, logger=logger) self._read_exif() @property def _process(self): return self._exiftoolproc.process def setvalue(self, tag, value): """Set tag to value(s); if value is None, will delete tag Args: tag: str; name of tag to set value: str; value to set tag to Returns: True if success otherwise False If error generated by exiftool, returns False and sets self.error to error string If warning generated by exiftool, returns True (unless there was also an error) and sets self.warning to warning string If called in context manager, returns True (execution is delayed until exiting context manager) """ if value is None: value = "" command = [f"-{tag}={value}"] if self.overwrite and not self._context_mgr: command.append("-overwrite_original") # avoid "Warning: Some character(s) could not be encoded in Latin" warning command.append("-iptc:codedcharacterset=utf8") if self._context_mgr: self._commands.extend(command) return True else: _, _, error = self.run_commands(*command) return error == "" def addvalues(self, tag, *values): """Add one or more value(s) to tag If more than one value is passed, each value will be added to the tag Args: tag: str; tag to set *values: str; one or more values to set Returns: True if success otherwise False If error generated by exiftool, returns False and sets self.error to error string If warning generated by exiftool, returns True (unless there was also an error) and sets self.warning to warning string If called in context manager, returns True (execution is delayed until exiting context manager) Notes: exiftool may add duplicate values for some tags so the caller must ensure the values being added are not already in the EXIF data For some tags, such as IPTC:Keywords, this will add a new value to the list of keywords, but for others, such as EXIF:ISO, this will literally add a value to the existing value. It's up to the caller to know what exiftool will do for each tag If setvalue called before addvalues, exiftool does not appear to add duplicates, but if addvalues called without first calling setvalue, exiftool will add duplicate values """ if not values: raise ValueError("Must pass at least one value") command = [] for value in values: if value is None: raise ValueError("Can't add None value to tag") command.append(f"-{tag}+={value}") if self.overwrite and not self._context_mgr: command.append("-overwrite_original") if self._context_mgr: self._commands.extend(command) return True else: _, _, error = self.run_commands(*command) return error == "" def run_commands(self, *commands, no_file=False): """Run commands in the exiftool process and return result. Args: *commands: exiftool commands to run no_file: (bool) do not pass the filename to exiftool (default=False) by default, all commands will be run against self.file use no_file=True to run a command without passing the filename Returns: (output, warning, errror) output: bytes is containing output of exiftool commands warning: if exiftool generated warnings, string containing warning otherwise empty string error: if exiftool generated errors, string containing otherwise empty string Note: Also sets self.warning and self.error if warning or error generated. """ if not (hasattr(self, "_process") and self._process): raise ValueError("exiftool process is not running") if not commands: raise TypeError("must provide one or more command to run") if self._context_mgr and self.overwrite: commands = list(commands) commands.append("-overwrite_original") filename = os.fsencode(self.file) if not no_file else b"" if self.flags: # need to split flags, e.g. so "--ext AVI" becomes ["--ext", "AVI"] flags = [] for f in self.flags: flags.extend(f.split()) command_str = b"\n".join([f.encode("utf-8") for f in flags]) command_str += b"\n" else: command_str = b"" command_str += ( b"\n".join([c.encode("utf-8") for c in commands]) + b"\n" + filename + b"\n" + b"-execute\n" ) # send the command self._process.stdin.write(command_str) self._process.stdin.flush() # read the output output = b"" warning = b"" error = b"" while EXIFTOOL_STAYOPEN_EOF not in str(output): line = self._process.stdout.readline() if line.startswith(b"Warning"): warning += line.strip() elif line.startswith(b"Error"): error += line.strip() else: output += line.strip() warning = "" if warning == b"" else warning.decode("utf-8") error = "" if error == b"" else error.decode("utf-8") self.warning = warning self.error = error return output[:-EXIFTOOL_STAYOPEN_EOF_LEN], warning, error @property def pid(self): """ return process id (PID) of the exiftool process """ return self._process.pid @property def version(self): """ returns exiftool version """ ver, _, _ = self.run_commands("-ver", no_file=True) return ver.decode("utf-8") def asdict(self, tag_groups=True, normalized=False): """return dictionary of all EXIF tags and values from exiftool returns empty dict if no tags Args: tag_groups: if True (default), dict keys have tag groups, e.g. "IPTC:Keywords"; if False, drops groups from keys, e.g. "Keywords" normalized: if True, dict keys are all normalized to lower case (default is False) """ json_str, _, _ = self.run_commands("-json") if not json_str: return dict() try: exifdict = json.loads(json_str) except Exception as e: # will fail with some commands, e.g --ext AVI which produces # 'No file with specified extension' instead of json return dict() exifdict = exifdict[0] if not tag_groups: # strip tag groups exif_new = {} for k, v in exifdict.items(): k = re.sub(r".*:", "", k) exif_new[k] = v exifdict = exif_new if normalized: exifdict = {k.lower(): v for (k, v) in exifdict.items()} return exifdict def json(self): """ returns JSON string containing all EXIF tags and values from exiftool """ json, _, _ = self.run_commands("-json") return json def _read_exif(self): """ read exif data from file """ data = self.asdict() self.data = {k: v for k, v in data.items()} def __str__(self): return f"file: {self.file}\nexiftool: {self._exiftoolproc._exiftool}" def __enter__(self): self._context_mgr = True self._commands = [] return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): if exc_type: return False elif self._commands: # run_commands sets self.warning and self.error as needed self.run_commands(*self._commands) class ExifToolCaching(ExifTool): """ Basic exiftool interface for reading and writing EXIF tags, with caching. Use this only when you know the file's EXIF data will not be changed by any external process. Creates a singleton cached ExifTool instance """ _singletons = {} def __new__(cls, filepath, exiftool=None, logger=logging.getLogger()): """ create new object or return instance of already created singleton """ if filepath not in cls._singletons: cls._singletons[filepath] = _ExifToolCaching(filepath, exiftool=exiftool, logger=logger) return cls._singletons[filepath] class _ExifToolCaching(ExifTool): def __init__(self, filepath, exiftool=None, logger=logging.getLogger()): """Create read-only ExifTool object that caches values Args: file: path to image file exiftool: path to exiftool, if not specified will look in path Returns: ExifTool instance """ self._json_cache = None self._asdict_cache = {} super().__init__(filepath, exiftool=exiftool, overwrite=False, flags=None, logger=logger) def run_commands(self, *commands, no_file=False): if commands[0] not in ["-json", "-ver"]: raise NotImplementedError(f"{self.__class__} is read-only") return super().run_commands(*commands, no_file=no_file) def setvalue(self, tag, value): raise NotImplementedError(f"{self.__class__} is read-only") def addvalues(self, tag, *values): raise NotImplementedError(f"{self.__class__} is read-only") def json(self): if not self._json_cache: self._json_cache = super().json() return self._json_cache def asdict(self, tag_groups=True, normalized=False): """return dictionary of all EXIF tags and values from exiftool returns empty dict if no tags Args: tag_groups: if True (default), dict keys have tag groups, e.g. "IPTC:Keywords"; if False, drops groups from keys, e.g. "Keywords" normalized: if True, dict keys are all normalized to lower case (default is False) """ try: return self._asdict_cache[tag_groups][normalized] except KeyError: if tag_groups not in self._asdict_cache: self._asdict_cache[tag_groups] = {} self._asdict_cache[tag_groups][normalized] = super().asdict( tag_groups=tag_groups, normalized=normalized ) return self._asdict_cache[tag_groups][normalized] def flush_cache(self): """ Clear cached data so that calls to json or asdict return fresh data """ self._json_cache = None self._asdict_cache = {}