.. toctree:: :hidden: self Hello, I'm Elodie ================= *~~ Your Personal EXIF-based Photo, Video and Audio Assistant ~~* .. image:: ../creative/logo@300x.png :align: center I work tirelessly to make sure your photos are always sorted and organized so you can focus on more important things. By photos I mean JPEG, DNG, NEF and common video and audio files. You don't love me yet but you will. I only do 3 things. - Firstly I organize your existing collection of photos. - Second I help make it easy for all the photos you haven't taken yet to flow into the exact location they belong. - Third but not least I promise to do all this without a yucky proprietary database that some friends of mine use. You can find out more information about me on `GitHub`_. .. _GitHub: https://github.com/jmathai/elodie API Documentation ================= This documentation is generated from the Python code. .. contents:: Modules :local: elodie.media ------------ .. automodule:: elodie.media.media :members: .. automodule:: elodie.media.audio :members: .. automodule:: elodie.media.photo :members: .. automodule:: elodie.media.video :members: elodie.arguments ---------------- .. automodule:: elodie.arguments :members: elodie.constants ---------------- .. automodule:: elodie.constants :members: elodie.dependencies ------------------- .. automodule:: elodie.dependencies :members: elodie.filesystem ----------------- .. automodule:: elodie.filesystem :members: elodie.geolocation ------------------ .. automodule:: elodie.geolocation :members: elodie.localstorage ------------------- .. automodule:: elodie.localstorage :members: elodie.plist_parser ------------------- .. automodule:: elodie.plist_parser :members: Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`