""" The base module provides a base :class:`Base` class for all objects that are tracked by Elodie. The Base class provides some base functionality used by all the media types, but isn't itself used to represent anything. Its sub-classes (:class:`~elodie.media.audio.Audio`, :class:`~elodie.media.photo.Photo`, :class:`~elodie.media.video.Video`, and :class:`~elodie.media.text.Text`) are used to represent the actual files. .. moduleauthor:: Jaisen Mathai """ import mimetypes import os class Base(object): """The base class for all media objects. :param str source: The fully qualified path to the video file. """ __name__ = 'Base' extensions = () def __init__(self, source=None): self.source = source self.reset_cache() def format_metadata(self, **kwargs): """Method to consistently return a populated metadata dictionary. :returns: dict """ def get_album(self): """Base method for getting an album :returns: None """ return None def get_file_path(self): """Get the full path to the video. :returns: string """ return self.source def get_coordinate(self, type): return None def get_extension(self): """Get the file extension as a lowercased string. :returns: string or None for a non-video """ if(not self.is_valid()): return None source = self.source return os.path.splitext(source)[1][1:].lower() def get_metadata(self, update_cache=False): """Get a dictionary of metadata for any file. All keys will be present and have a value of None if not obtained. :returns: dict or None for non-text files """ if(not self.is_valid()): return None if(isinstance(self.metadata, dict) and update_cache is False): return self.metadata source = self.source self.metadata = { 'date_taken': self.get_date_taken(), 'latitude': self.get_coordinate('latitude'), 'longitude': self.get_coordinate('longitude'), 'album': self.get_album(), 'title': self.get_title(), 'mime_type': self.get_mimetype(), 'base_name': os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(source))[0], 'extension': self.get_extension(), 'directory_path': os.path.dirname(source) } return self.metadata def get_mimetype(self): """Get the mimetype of the file. :returns: str or None for a non-video """ if(not self.is_valid()): return None source = self.source mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(source) if(mimetype is None): return None return mimetype[0] def get_title(self): """Base method for getting the title of a file :returns: None """ return None def is_valid(self): """Check the file extension against valid file extensions. The list of valid file extensions come from self.extensions. :returns: bool """ source = self.source return os.path.splitext(source)[1][1:].lower() in self.extensions def reset_cache(self): """Resets any internal cache """ self.metadata = None def set_album(self, name): """Base method for setting the album of a file :returns: None """ return None def set_album_from_folder(self): """Set the album attribute based on the leaf folder name :returns: bool """ metadata = self.get_metadata() # If this file has an album already set we do not overwrite EXIF if(not isinstance(metadata, dict) or metadata['album'] is not None): return False folder = os.path.basename(metadata['directory_path']) # If folder is empty we skip if(len(folder) == 0): return False self.set_album(folder) return True def set_metadata_basename(self, new_basename): """Update the basename attribute in the metadata dict for this instance. This is used for when we update the EXIF title of a media file. Since that determines the name of a file if we update the title of a file more than once it appends to the file name. i.e. 2015-12-31_00-00-00-my-first-title-my-second-title.jpg :param str new_basename: New basename of file (with the old title removed). """ self.get_metadata() self.metadata['base_name'] = new_basename def set_metadata(self, **kwargs): """Method to manually update attributes in metadata. :params dict kwargs: Named parameters to update. """ metadata = self.get_metadata() for key in kwargs: if(key in metadata): self.metadata[key] = kwargs[key] @classmethod def get_class_by_file(cls, _file, classes): if not isinstance(_file, basestring) or not os.path.isfile(_file): return None extension = os.path.splitext(_file)[1][1:].lower() for i in classes: if(extension in i.extensions): return i(_file) return None @classmethod def get_valid_extensions(cls): """Static method to access static extensions variable. :returns: tuple(str) """ return cls.extensions