# Hello, I'm Elodie's GUI
~~ *Your Personal EXIF-based Photo, Video and Audio Assistant* ~~

My GUI taskbar app sits nestled away in your taskbar until you need me.
Let's say you took a few hundred photos in New York City. I'll have put the photos into a folder named *New York City*. You decide you'd rather organize those photos into a folder named *Summer in NYC*. What you'd do is select the photos using Finder and drag them onto my taskbar icon. I'll display a few options and one of them would be to *Create album*. Type in an album name and I'll add this to the EXIF of your photos and move them to a folder with the same name.
*NOTE: I've extensively used the GUI but it's a work in progress. Feedback is welcome. Due to [gh-44](https://github.com/jmathai/elodie/issues/44) we're unable to provide executables for download but you can build it yourself.*
## See me in action
Updating EXIF of photos using the GUI taskbar app.
[](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fF_jGCaMog0 "Updating Photos Using GUI Taskbar App")
## Building the app
You'll need to bundle up the python dependencies and create an electron app using Node.js.
### Bundling the python libraries
First you'll need to [install the python dependencies](../../../#install-everything-you-need).
Once you've done that you'll need to install `pyinstaller`.
pip install pyinstaller
Next you can `cd` to the root of the repository and run `pyinstaller`.
pyinstaller elodie.spec
This should create a `dist` folder that bundles all of the dependencies. Now you're ready to build the GUI app.
### Building the GUI app
The GUI app is written using [Node.js](https://github.com/nodejs) and [Electron](https://github.com/atom/electron) and you'll need [electron-packager](https://github.com/maxogden/electron-packager) to create an executable file for your operating system.
I'm going to assume you've got *Node.js* installed. I've successfully built the app using version `5.1.0` on OS X.
# use --platform=win32 for Windows or --platform=linux for linux
electron-packager . Elodie --platform=darwin --arch=x64 --version=0.34.2 --overwrite
This will create a folder named `Elodie-darwin-x64` which contains the executable. Running the executable should add my face to your taskbar which you can click on or drag photos over.