#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import print_function import os import re import sys from datetime import datetime import click from send2trash import send2trash # Verify that external dependencies are present first, so the user gets a # more user-friendly error instead of an ImportError traceback. from elodie.dependencies import verify_dependencies if not verify_dependencies(): sys.exit(1) from elodie import constants from elodie import geolocation from elodie import log from elodie.compatability import _decode from elodie.config import load_config from elodie.filesystem import FileSystem from elodie.localstorage import Db from elodie.media.base import Base, get_all_subclasses from elodie.media.media import Media from elodie.media.text import Text from elodie.media.audio import Audio from elodie.media.photo import Photo from elodie.media.video import Video from elodie.plugins.plugins import Plugins from elodie.result import Result from elodie.external.pyexiftool import ExifTool from elodie.dependencies import get_exiftool from elodie import constants FILESYSTEM = FileSystem() def import_file(_file, destination, album_from_folder, trash, allow_duplicates): _file = _decode(_file) destination = _decode(destination) """Set file metadata and move it to destination. """ if not os.path.exists(_file): log.warn('Could not find %s' % _file) log.all('{"source":"%s", "error_msg":"Could not find %s"}' % (_file, _file)) return # Check if the source, _file, is a child folder within destination elif destination.startswith(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(_file))+os.sep): log.all('{"source": "%s", "destination": "%s", "error_msg": "Source cannot be in destination"}' % ( _file, destination)) return media = Media.get_class_by_file(_file, get_all_subclasses()) if not media: log.warn('Not a supported file (%s)' % _file) log.all('{"source":"%s", "error_msg":"Not a supported file"}' % _file) return if album_from_folder: media.set_album_from_folder() dest_path = FILESYSTEM.process_file(_file, destination, media, allowDuplicate=allow_duplicates, move=False) if dest_path: log.all('%s -> %s' % (_file, dest_path)) if trash: send2trash(_file) return dest_path or None @click.command('batch') @click.option('--debug', default=False, is_flag=True, help='Override the value in constants.py with True.') def _batch(debug): """Run batch() for all plugins. """ constants.debug = debug plugins = Plugins() plugins.run_batch() @click.command('import') @click.option('--destination', type=click.Path(file_okay=False), required=True, help='Copy imported files into this directory.') @click.option('--source', type=click.Path(file_okay=False), help='Import files from this directory, if specified.') @click.option('--file', type=click.Path(dir_okay=False), help='Import this file, if specified.') @click.option('--album-from-folder', default=False, is_flag=True, help="Use images' folders as their album names.") @click.option('--trash', default=False, is_flag=True, help='After copying files, move the old files to the trash.') @click.option('--allow-duplicates', default=False, is_flag=True, help='Import the file even if it\'s already been imported.') @click.option('--debug', default=False, is_flag=True, help='Override the value in constants.py with True.') @click.option('--exclude-regex', default=set(), multiple=True, help='Regular expression for directories or files to exclude.') @click.argument('paths', nargs=-1, type=click.Path()) def _import(destination, source, file, album_from_folder, trash, allow_duplicates, debug, exclude_regex, paths): """Import files or directories by reading their EXIF and organizing them accordingly. """ constants.debug = debug has_errors = False result = Result() destination = _decode(destination) destination = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(destination)) files = set() paths = set(paths) if source: source = _decode(source) paths.add(source) if file: paths.add(file) # if no exclude list was passed in we check if there's a config if len(exclude_regex) == 0: config = load_config(constants.CONFIG_FILE) if 'Exclusions' in config: exclude_regex = [value for key, value in config.items('Exclusions')] exclude_regex_list = set(exclude_regex) for path in paths: path = os.path.expanduser(path) if os.path.isdir(path): files.update(FILESYSTEM.get_all_files(path, None, exclude_regex_list)) else: if not FILESYSTEM.should_exclude(path, exclude_regex_list, True): files.add(path) for current_file in files: dest_path = import_file(current_file, destination, album_from_folder, trash, allow_duplicates) result.append((current_file, dest_path)) has_errors = has_errors is True or not dest_path result.write() if has_errors: sys.exit(1) @click.command('generate-db') @click.option('--source', type=click.Path(file_okay=False), required=True, help='Source of your photo library.') @click.option('--debug', default=False, is_flag=True, help='Override the value in constants.py with True.') def _generate_db(source, debug): """Regenerate the hash.json database which contains all of the sha256 signatures of media files. The hash.json file is located at ~/.elodie/. """ constants.debug = debug result = Result() source = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(source)) if not os.path.isdir(source): log.error('Source is not a valid directory %s' % source) sys.exit(1) db = Db() db.backup_hash_db() db.reset_hash_db() for current_file in FILESYSTEM.get_all_files(source): result.append((current_file, True)) db.add_hash(db.checksum(current_file), current_file) log.progress() db.update_hash_db() log.progress('', True) result.write() @click.command('verify') @click.option('--debug', default=False, is_flag=True, help='Override the value in constants.py with True.') def _verify(debug): constants.debug = debug result = Result() db = Db() for checksum, file_path in db.all(): if not os.path.isfile(file_path): result.append((file_path, False)) log.progress('x') continue actual_checksum = db.checksum(file_path) if checksum == actual_checksum: result.append((file_path, True)) log.progress() else: result.append((file_path, False)) log.progress('x') log.progress('', True) result.write() def update_location(media, file_path, location_name): """Update location exif metadata of media. """ location_coords = geolocation.coordinates_by_name(location_name) if location_coords and 'latitude' in location_coords and \ 'longitude' in location_coords: location_status = media.set_location(location_coords[ 'latitude'], location_coords['longitude']) if not location_status: log.error('Failed to update location') log.all(('{"source":"%s",' % file_path, '"error_msg":"Failed to update location"}')) sys.exit(1) return True def update_time(media, file_path, time_string): """Update time exif metadata of media. """ time_format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' if re.match(r'^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$', time_string): time_string = '%s 00:00:00' % time_string elif re.match(r'^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}\d{2}$', time_string): msg = ('Invalid time format. Use YYYY-mm-dd hh:ii:ss or YYYY-mm-dd') log.error(msg) log.all('{"source":"%s", "error_msg":"%s"}' % (file_path, msg)) sys.exit(1) time = datetime.strptime(time_string, time_format) media.set_date_taken(time) return True @click.command('update') @click.option('--album', help='Update the image album.') @click.option('--location', help=('Update the image location. Location ' 'should be the name of a place, like "Las ' 'Vegas, NV".')) @click.option('--time', help=('Update the image time. Time should be in ' 'YYYY-mm-dd hh:ii:ss or YYYY-mm-dd format.')) @click.option('--title', help='Update the image title.') @click.option('--debug', default=False, is_flag=True, help='Override the value in constants.py with True.') @click.argument('paths', nargs=-1, required=True) def _update(album, location, time, title, paths, debug): """Update a file's EXIF. Automatically modifies the file's location and file name accordingly. """ constants.debug = debug has_errors = False result = Result() files = set() for path in paths: path = os.path.expanduser(path) if os.path.isdir(path): files.update(FILESYSTEM.get_all_files(path, None)) else: files.add(path) for current_file in files: if not os.path.exists(current_file): has_errors = True result.append((current_file, False)) log.warn('Could not find %s' % current_file) log.all('{"source":"%s", "error_msg":"Could not find %s"}' % (current_file, current_file)) continue current_file = os.path.expanduser(current_file) # The destination folder structure could contain any number of levels # So we calculate that and traverse up the tree. # '/path/to/file/photo.jpg' -> '/path/to/file' -> # ['path','to','file'] -> ['path','to'] -> '/path/to' current_directory = os.path.dirname(current_file) destination_depth = -1 * len(FILESYSTEM.get_folder_path_definition()) destination = os.sep.join( os.path.normpath( current_directory ).split(os.sep)[:destination_depth] ) media = Media.get_class_by_file(current_file, get_all_subclasses()) if not media: continue updated = False if location: update_location(media, current_file, location) updated = True if time: update_time(media, current_file, time) updated = True if album: media.set_album(album) updated = True # Updating a title can be problematic when doing it 2+ times on a file. # You would end up with img_001.jpg -> img_001-first-title.jpg -> # img_001-first-title-second-title.jpg. # To resolve that we have to track the prior title (if there was one. # Then we massage the updated_media's metadata['base_name'] to remove # the old title. # Since FileSystem.get_file_name() relies on base_name it will properly # rename the file by updating the title instead of appending it. remove_old_title_from_name = False if title: # We call get_metadata() to cache it before making any changes metadata = media.get_metadata() title_update_status = media.set_title(title) original_title = metadata['title'] if title_update_status and original_title: # @TODO: We should move this to a shared method since # FileSystem.get_file_name() does it too. original_title = re.sub(r'\W+', '-', original_title.lower()) original_base_name = metadata['base_name'] remove_old_title_from_name = True updated = True if updated: updated_media = Media.get_class_by_file(current_file, get_all_subclasses()) # See comments above on why we have to do this when titles # get updated. if remove_old_title_from_name and len(original_title) > 0: updated_media.get_metadata() updated_media.set_metadata_basename( original_base_name.replace('-%s' % original_title, '')) dest_path = FILESYSTEM.process_file(current_file, destination, updated_media, move=True, allowDuplicate=True) log.info(u'%s -> %s' % (current_file, dest_path)) log.all('{"source":"%s", "destination":"%s"}' % (current_file, dest_path)) # If the folder we moved the file out of or its parent are empty # we delete it. FILESYSTEM.delete_directory_if_empty(os.path.dirname(current_file)) FILESYSTEM.delete_directory_if_empty( os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(current_file))) result.append((current_file, dest_path)) # Trip has_errors to False if it's already False or dest_path is. has_errors = has_errors is True or not dest_path else: has_errors = False result.append((current_file, False)) result.write() if has_errors: sys.exit(1) @click.group() def main(): pass main.add_command(_import) main.add_command(_update) main.add_command(_generate_db) main.add_command(_verify) main.add_command(_batch) if __name__ == '__main__': #Initialize ExifTool Subprocess exiftool_addedargs = [ u'-config', u'"{}"'.format(constants.exiftool_config) ] with ExifTool(executable_=get_exiftool(), addedargs=exiftool_addedargs) as et: main()