""" General file system methods. .. moduleauthor:: Jaisen Mathai """ from __future__ import print_function from builtins import object import os import re import shutil import time from elodie import compatability from elodie import geolocation from elodie import log from elodie.config import load_config from elodie.localstorage import Db from elodie.media.base import Base, get_all_subclasses class FileSystem(object): """A class for interacting with the file system.""" def __init__(self): # The default folder path is along the lines of 2015-01-Jan/Chicago self.default_folder_path_definition = { 'date': '%Y-%m-%b', 'location': '%city', 'full_path': '%date/%album|%location|"{}"'.format( geolocation.__DEFAULT_LOCATION__ ), } self.cached_folder_path_definition = None self.default_parts = ['album', 'city', 'state', 'country'] def create_directory(self, directory_path): """Create a directory if it does not already exist. :param str directory_name: A fully qualified path of the to create. :returns: bool """ try: if os.path.exists(directory_path): return True else: os.makedirs(directory_path) return True except OSError: # OSError is thrown for cases like no permission pass return False def delete_directory_if_empty(self, directory_path): """Delete a directory only if it's empty. Instead of checking first using `len([name for name in os.listdir(directory_path)]) == 0`, we catch the OSError exception. :param str directory_name: A fully qualified path of the directory to delete. """ try: os.rmdir(directory_path) return True except OSError: pass return False def get_all_files(self, path, extensions=None): """Recursively get all files which match a path and extension. :param str path string: Path to start recursive file listing :param tuple(str) extensions: File extensions to include (whitelist) :returns: generator """ # If extensions is None then we get all supported extensions if not extensions: extensions = set() subclasses = get_all_subclasses(Base) for cls in subclasses: extensions.update(cls.extensions) for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path): for filename in filenames: # If file extension is in `extensions` then append to the list if os.path.splitext(filename)[1][1:].lower() in extensions: yield os.path.join(dirname, filename) def get_current_directory(self): """Get the current working directory. :returns: str """ return os.getcwd() def get_file_name(self, media): """Generate file name for a photo or video using its metadata. We use an ISO8601-like format for the file name prefix. Instead of colons as the separator for hours, minutes and seconds we use a hyphen. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#General_principles :param media: A Photo or Video instance :type media: :class:`~elodie.media.photo.Photo` or :class:`~elodie.media.video.Video` :returns: str or None for non-photo or non-videos """ if(not media.is_valid()): return None metadata = media.get_metadata() if(metadata is None): return None # First we check if we have metadata['original_name']. # We have to do this for backwards compatibility because # we original did not store this back into EXIF. if('original_name' in metadata and metadata['original_name']): base_name = os.path.splitext(metadata['original_name'])[0] else: # If the file has EXIF title we use that in the file name # (i.e. my-favorite-photo-img_1234.jpg) # We want to remove the date prefix we add to the name. # This helps when re-running the program on file which were already # processed. base_name = re.sub( '^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}_\d{2}-\d{2}-\d{2}-', '', metadata['base_name'] ) if(len(base_name) == 0): base_name = metadata['base_name'] if( 'title' in metadata and metadata['title'] is not None and len(metadata['title']) > 0 ): title_sanitized = re.sub('\W+', '-', metadata['title'].strip()) base_name = base_name.replace('-%s' % title_sanitized, '') base_name = '%s-%s' % (base_name, title_sanitized) file_name = '%s-%s.%s' % ( time.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S', metadata['date_taken'] ), base_name, metadata['extension']) return file_name.lower() def get_folder_path_definition(self): """Returns a list of folder definitions. Each element in the list represents a folder. Fallback folders are supported and are nested lists. Return values take the following form. [ ('date', '%Y-%m-%d'), [ ('location', '%city'), ('album', ''), ('"Unknown Location", '') ] ] :returns: list """ # If we've done this already then return it immediately without # incurring any extra work if self.cached_folder_path_definition is not None: return self.cached_folder_path_definition config = load_config() # If Directory is in the config we assume full_path and its # corresponding values (date, location) are also present config_directory = self.default_folder_path_definition if('Directory' in config): config_directory = config['Directory'] # Find all subpatterns of full_path that map to directories. # I.e. %foo/%bar => ['foo', 'bar'] # I.e. %foo/%bar|%example|"something" => ['foo', 'bar|example|"something"'] path_parts = re.findall( '(\%[^/]+)', config_directory['full_path'] ) if not path_parts or len(path_parts) == 0: return self.default_folder_path_definition self.cached_folder_path_definition = [] for part in path_parts: part = part.replace('%', '') if part in config_directory: self.cached_folder_path_definition.append( [(part, config_directory[part])] ) elif part in self.default_parts: self.cached_folder_path_definition.append( [(part, '')] ) else: this_part = [] for p in part.split('|'): this_part.append( (p, config_directory[p] if p in config_directory else '') ) self.cached_folder_path_definition.append(this_part) return self.cached_folder_path_definition def get_folder_path(self, metadata): """Given a media's metadata this function returns the folder path as a string. :param dict metadata: Metadata dictionary. :returns: str """ path_parts = self.get_folder_path_definition() path = [] for path_part in path_parts: # We support fallback values so that # 'album|city|"Unknown Location" # %album|%city|"Unknown Location" results in # My Album - when an album exists # Sunnyvale - when no album exists but a city exists # Unknown Location - when neither an album nor location exist for this_part in path_part: part, mask = this_part this_path = self.get_dynamic_path(part, mask, metadata) if this_path: path.append(this_path.strip()) # We break as soon as we have a value to append # Else we continue for fallbacks break return os.path.join(*path) def get_dynamic_path(self, part, mask, metadata): """Parse a specific folder's name given a mask and metadata. :param part: Name of the part as defined in the path (i.e. date from %date) :param mask: Mask representing the template for the path (i.e. %city %state :param metadata: Metadata dictionary. :returns: str """ # Each part has its own custom logic and we evaluate a single part and return # the evaluated string. if part in ('custom'): custom_parts = re.findall('(%[a-z_]+)', mask) folder = mask for i in custom_parts: folder = folder.replace( i, self.get_dynamic_path(i[1:], i, metadata) ) return folder elif part in ('date'): config = load_config() # If Directory is in the config we assume full_path and its # corresponding values (date, location) are also present config_directory = self.default_folder_path_definition if('Directory' in config): config_directory = config['Directory'] date_mask = '' if 'date' in config_directory: date_mask = config_directory['date'] return time.strftime(date_mask, metadata['date_taken']) elif part in ('day', 'month', 'year'): return time.strftime(mask, metadata['date_taken']) elif part in ('location', 'city', 'state', 'country'): place_name = geolocation.place_name( metadata['latitude'], metadata['longitude'] ) location_parts = re.findall('(%[^%]+)', mask) parsed_folder_name = self.parse_mask_for_location( mask, location_parts, place_name, ) return parsed_folder_name elif part in ('album', 'camera_make', 'camera_model'): if metadata[part]: return metadata[part] elif part.startswith('"') and part.endswith('"'): # Fallback string return part[1:-1] return '' def parse_mask_for_location(self, mask, location_parts, place_name): """Takes a mask for a location and interpolates the actual place names. Given these parameters here are the outputs. mask=%city location_parts=[('%city','%city','city')] place_name={'city': u'Sunnyvale'} output=Sunnyvale mask=%city-%state location_parts=[('%city-','%city','city'), ('%state','%state','state')] place_name={'city': u'Sunnyvale', 'state': u'California'} output=Sunnyvale-California mask=%country location_parts=[('%country','%country','country')] place_name={'default': u'Sunnyvale', 'city': u'Sunnyvale'} output=Sunnyvale :param str mask: The location mask in the form of %city-%state, etc :param list location_parts: A list of tuples in the form of [('%city-', '%city', 'city'), ('%state', '%state', 'state')] :param dict place_name: A dictionary of place keywords and names like {'default': u'California', 'state': u'California'} :returns: str """ found = False folder_name = mask for loc_part in location_parts: # We assume the search returns a tuple of length 2. # If not then it's a bad mask in config.ini. # loc_part = '%country-random' # component_full = '%country-random' # component = '%country' # key = 'country component_full, component, key = re.search( '((%([a-z]+))[^%]*)', loc_part ).groups() if(key in place_name): found = True replace_target = component replace_with = place_name[key] else: replace_target = component_full replace_with = '' folder_name = folder_name.replace( replace_target, replace_with, ) if(not found and folder_name == ''): folder_name = place_name['default'] return folder_name def process_file(self, _file, destination, media, **kwargs): move = False if('move' in kwargs): move = kwargs['move'] allow_duplicate = False if('allowDuplicate' in kwargs): allow_duplicate = kwargs['allowDuplicate'] if(not media.is_valid()): print('%s is not a valid media file. Skipping...' % _file) return media.set_original_name() metadata = media.get_metadata() directory_name = self.get_folder_path(metadata) dest_directory = os.path.join(destination, directory_name) file_name = self.get_file_name(media) dest_path = os.path.join(dest_directory, file_name) db = Db() checksum = db.checksum(_file) if(checksum is None): log.info('Could not get checksum for %s. Skipping...' % _file) return # If duplicates are not allowed then we check if we've seen this file # before via checksum. We also check that the file exists at the # location we believe it to be. # If we find a checksum match but the file doesn't exist where we # believe it to be then we write a debug log and proceed to import. checksum_file = db.get_hash(checksum) if(allow_duplicate is False and checksum_file is not None): if(os.path.isfile(checksum_file)): log.info('%s already exists at %s. Skipping...' % ( _file, checksum_file )) return else: log.info('%s matched checksum but file not found at %s. Importing again...' % ( # noqa _file, checksum_file )) # If source and destination are identical then # we should not write the file. gh-210 if(_file == dest_path): print('Final source and destination path should not be identical') return self.create_directory(dest_directory) if(move is True): stat = os.stat(_file) shutil.move(_file, dest_path) os.utime(dest_path, (stat.st_atime, stat.st_mtime)) else: compatability._copyfile(_file, dest_path) self.set_utime_from_metadata(media.get_metadata(), dest_path) db.add_hash(checksum, dest_path) db.update_hash_db() return dest_path def set_utime_from_metadata(self, metadata, file_path): """ Set the modification time on the file based on the file name. """ # Initialize date taken to what's returned from the metadata function. # If the folder and file name follow a time format of # YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS-IMG_0001.JPG then we override the date_taken date_taken = metadata['date_taken'] base_name = metadata['base_name'] year_month_day_match = re.search( '^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})_(\d{2})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})', base_name ) if(year_month_day_match is not None): (year, month, day, hour, minute, second) = year_month_day_match.groups() # noqa date_taken = time.strptime( '{}-{}-{} {}:{}:{}'.format(year, month, day, hour, minute, second), # noqa '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ) os.utime(file_path, (time.time(), time.mktime(date_taken))) else: # We don't make any assumptions about time zones and # assume local time zone. date_taken_in_seconds = time.mktime(date_taken) os.utime(file_path, (time.time(), (date_taken_in_seconds)))