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"""Look up geolocation information for media objects."""
from os import path
import geopy
from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim
import logging
from ordigi import constants
from ordigi.config import load_config, get_geocoder
__KEY__ = None
__DEFAULT_LOCATION__ = 'Unknown Location'
def coordinates_by_name(name, db):
# Try to get cached location first
cached_coordinates = db.get_location_coordinates(name)
if(cached_coordinates is not None):
return {
'latitude': cached_coordinates[0],
'longitude': cached_coordinates[1]
# If the name is not cached then we go ahead with an API lookup
geocoder = get_geocoder()
if geocoder == 'Nominatim':
timeout = 10
locator = Nominatim(user_agent='myGeocoder', timeout=timeout)
geolocation_info = locator.geocode(name)
if geolocation_info is not None:
return {
'latitude': geolocation_info.latitude,
'longitude': geolocation_info.longitude
raise NameError(geocoder)
return None
def decimal_to_dms(decimal):
decimal = float(decimal)
decimal_abs = abs(decimal)
minutes, seconds = divmod(decimal_abs*3600, 60)
degrees, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60)
degrees = degrees
sign = 1 if decimal >= 0 else -1
return (degrees, minutes, seconds, sign)
def dms_to_decimal(degrees, minutes, seconds, direction=' '):
sign = 1
if direction[0] in 'WSws':
sign = -1
return (degrees + minutes / 60 + seconds / 3600) * sign
def dms_string(decimal, type='latitude'):
# Example string -> 38 deg 14' 27.82" S
dms = decimal_to_dms(decimal)
if type == 'latitude':
direction = 'N' if decimal >= 0 else 'S'
elif type == 'longitude':
direction = 'E' if decimal >= 0 else 'W'
return '{} deg {}\' {}" {}'.format(dms[0], dms[1], dms[2], direction)
def get_prefer_english_names():
if __PREFER_ENGLISH_NAMES__ is not None:
config = load_config(constants.CONFIG_FILE)
if('prefer_english_names' not in config['Geolocation']):
return False
__PREFER_ENGLISH_NAMES__ = bool(config['Geolocation']['prefer_english_names'])
def place_name(lat, lon, db, cache=True, logger=logging.getLogger()):
lookup_place_name_default = {'default': __DEFAULT_LOCATION__}
if(lat is None or lon is None):
return lookup_place_name_default
# Convert lat/lon to floats
if(not isinstance(lat, float)):
lat = float(lat)
if(not isinstance(lon, float)):
lon = float(lon)
# Try to get cached location first
# 3km distace radious for a match
cached_place_name = None
if cache:
cached_place_name = db.get_location_name(lat, lon, 3000)
# We check that it's a dict to coerce an upgrade of the location
# db from a string location to a dictionary. See gh-160.
if(isinstance(cached_place_name, dict)):
return cached_place_name
lookup_place_name = {}
geocoder = get_geocoder()
if geocoder == 'Nominatim':
geolocation_info = lookup_osm(lat, lon, logger)
raise NameError(geocoder)
if(geolocation_info is not None and 'address' in geolocation_info):
address = geolocation_info['address']
# gh-386 adds support for town
# taking precedence after city for backwards compatability
for loc in ['city', 'town', 'village', 'state', 'country']:
if(loc in address):
lookup_place_name[loc] = address[loc]
# In many cases the desired key is not available so we
# set the most specific as the default.
if('default' not in lookup_place_name):
lookup_place_name['default'] = address[loc]
db.add_location(lat, lon, lookup_place_name)
# TODO: Maybe this should only be done on exit and not for every write.
if('default' not in lookup_place_name):
lookup_place_name = lookup_place_name_default
return lookup_place_name
def lookup_osm(lat, lon, logger=logging.getLogger()):
prefer_english_names = get_prefer_english_names()
timeout = 10
locator = Nominatim(user_agent='myGeocoder', timeout=timeout)
coords = (lat, lon)
locator_reverse = locator.reverse(coords, language=lang)
if locator_reverse is not None:
return locator_reverse.raw
return None
except geopy.exc.GeocoderUnavailable or geopy.exc.GeocoderServiceError as e:
return None
# Fix *** TypeError: `address` must not be None
except (TypeError, ValueError) as e:
return None