
131 lines
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Author: Jaisen Mathai <jaisen@jmathai.com>
Video package that handles all video operations
import os
import re
import time
from elodie import geolocation
General file system methods
class FileSystem:
Create a directory if it does not already exist..
@param, directory_name, string, A fully qualified path of the directory to create.
def create_directory(self, directory_path):
if not os.path.exists(directory_path):
Recursively get all files which match a path and extension.
@param, path, string, Path to start recursive file listing
@param, extensions, tuple, File extensions to include (whitelist)
def get_all_files(self, path, extensions=None):
files = []
for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path):
# print path to all filenames.
for filename in filenames:
if(extensions == None or filename.lower().endswith(extensions)):
files.append('%s/%s' % (dirname, filename))
return files
Get the current working directory
@returns, string
def get_current_directory(self):
return os.getcwd()
Generate file name for a video using its metadata.
We use an ISO8601-like format for the file name prefix.
Instead of colons as the separator for hours, minutes and seconds we use a hyphen.
@param, video, Video, A Video instance
@returns, string or None for non-videos
def get_file_name(self, video):
if(not video.is_valid()):
return None
metadata = video.get_metadata()
if(metadata == None):
return None
# We want to remove the date prefix we add to the name.
# This helps when re-running the program on file which were already processed.
base_name = re.sub('^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}_\d{2}-\d{2}-\d{2}-', '', metadata['base_name'])
if(len(base_name) == 0):
base_name = metadata['base_name']
file_name = '%s-%s.%s' % (time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S', metadata['date_taken']), base_name, metadata['extension'])
return file_name.lower()
Get date based folder name.
@param, time_obj, time, Time object to be used to determine folder name.
@returns, string
def get_folder_name_by_date(self, time_obj):
return time.strftime('%Y-%m-%b', time_obj)
Get folder path by various parameters.
@param, time_obj, time, Time object to be used to determine folder name.
@returns, string
def get_folder_path(self, **kwargs):
path = []
if('date' in kwargs):
path.append(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%b', kwargs['date']))
if('latitude' in kwargs and 'longitude' in kwargs):
place_name = geolocation.place_name(kwargs['latitude'], kwargs['longitude'])
if(place_name is None):
path.append('Unknown Location')
return '/'.join(path)
Set the modification time on the file based on the file path.
Noop if the path doesn't match the format YYYY-MM/DD-IMG_0001.JPG.
def set_date_from_path_video(self, video):
date_taken = None
video_file_path = video.get_file_path()
# Initialize date taken to what's returned from the metadata function.
# If the folder and file name follow a time format of YYYY-MM/DD-IMG_0001.JPG then we override the date_taken
(year, month, day) = [None] * 3
directory = os.path.dirname(video_file_path)
# If the directory matches we get back a match with groups() = (year, month)
year_month_match = re.search('(\d{4})-(\d{2})', directory)
if(year_month_match is not None):
(year, month) = year_month_match.groups()
day_match = re.search('^(\d{2})', os.path.basename(video.get_file_path()))
if(day_match is not None):
day = day_match.group(1)
# check if the file system path indicated a date and if so we override the metadata value
if(year is not None and month is not None):
if(day is not None):
date_taken = time.strptime('{}-{}-{}'.format(year, month, day), '%Y-%m-%d')
date_taken = time.strptime('{}-{}'.format(year, month), '%Y-%m')
os.utime(video_file_path, (time.time(), time.mktime(date_taken)))