
157 lines
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Author: Jaisen Mathai <jaisen@jmathai.com>
Video package that handles all video operations
# load modules
from distutils.spawn import find_executable
from sys import argv
from datetime import datetime
import mimetypes
import os
import re
import subprocess
import time
from elodie.media.media import Media
Video class for general video operations
class Video(Media):
# class / static variable accessible through get_valid_extensions()
__valid_extensions = ('avi','m4v','mov','mp4','3gp')
@param, source, string, The fully qualified path to the video file
def __init__(self, source=None):
super(Video, self).__init__(source)
Get latitude or longitude of photo from EXIF
@returns, time object or None for non-video files or 0 timestamp
def get_coordinate(self, type='latitude'):
exif_data = self.get_exif()
if(exif_data is None):
return None
coords = re.findall('(GPS %s +: .+)' % type.capitalize(), exif_data)
if(coords is None or len(coords) == 0):
return None
coord_string = coords[0]
coordinate = re.findall('([0-9.]+)', coord_string)
direction = re.search('[NSEW]$', coord_string)
if(coordinate is None or direction is None):
return None
direction = direction.group(0)
decimal_degrees = float(coordinate[0]) + float(coordinate[1])/60 + float(coordinate[2])/3600
if(direction == 'S' or direction == 'W'):
decimal_degrees = decimal_degrees * -1
return decimal_degrees
Get the date which the video was taken.
The date value returned is defined by the min() of mtime and ctime.
@returns, time object or None for non-video files or 0 timestamp
def get_date_taken(self):
if(not self.is_valid()):
return None
source = self.source
seconds_since_epoch = min(os.path.getmtime(source), os.path.getctime(source))
# We need to parse a string from EXIF into a timestamp.
# we use date.strptime -> .timetuple -> time.mktime to do the conversion in the local timezone
exif_data = self.get_exif()
date = re.search('Media Create Date +: +(.+)', exif_data)
if(date is not None):
date_string = date.group(1)
seconds_since_epoch = time.mktime(datetime.strptime(date_string, '%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S').timetuple())
if(seconds_since_epoch == 0):
return None
return time.gmtime(seconds_since_epoch)
Get the duration of a video in seconds.
Uses ffmpeg/ffprobe
@returns, string or None for a non-video file
def get_duration(self):
if(not self.is_valid()):
return None
source = self.source
result = subprocess.Popen(['ffprobe', source],
stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT)
for key in result.stdout.readlines():
if 'Duration' in key:
return re.search('(\d{2}:\d{2}.\d{2})', key).group(1).replace('.', ':')
return None
Get exif data from video file.
Not all video files have exif and this currently relies on the CLI exiftool program
@returns, string or None if exiftool is not found
def get_exif(self):
exiftool = find_executable('exiftool')
if(exiftool is None):
return None
source = self.source
process_output = subprocess.Popen(['%s %s ' % (exiftool, source)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
return process_output.stdout.read()
Get a dictionary of metadata for a video.
All keys will be present and have a value of None if not obtained.
@returns, dictionary or None for non-video files
def get_metadata(self):
if(not self.is_valid()):
return None
source = self.source
metadata = {
"date_taken": self.get_date_taken(),
"latitude": self.get_coordinate('latitude'),
"longitude": self.get_coordinate('longitude'),
"length": self.get_duration(),
"mime_type": self.get_mimetype(),
"base_name": os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(source))[0],
"extension": self.get_extension()
return metadata
Static method to access static __valid_extensions variable.
@returns, tuple
def get_valid_extensions(Video):
return Video.__valid_extensions
class Transcode(object):
# Constructor takes a video object as it's parameter
def __init__(self, video=None):
self.video = video