
184 lines
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The media module provides a base :class:`Media` class for media objects that
are tracked by Elodie. The Media class provides some base functionality used
by all the media types, but isn't itself used to represent anything. Its
sub-classes (:class:`~elodie.media.audio.Audio`,
:class:`~elodie.media.photo.Photo`, and :class:`~elodie.media.video.Video`)
are used to represent the actual files.
.. moduleauthor:: Jaisen Mathai <jaisen@jmathai.com>
# load modules
from elodie import constants
from elodie.dependencies import get_exiftool
from elodie.media.base import Base
import os
import pyexiv2
import re
import subprocess
class Media(Base):
"""The base class for all media objects.
:param str source: The fully qualified path to the video file.
__name__ = 'Media'
d_coordinates = {
'latitude': 'latitude_ref',
'longitude': 'longitude_ref'
def __init__(self, source=None):
super(Media, self).__init__(source)
self.exif_map = {
'date_taken': ['Exif.Photo.DateTimeOriginal', 'Exif.Image.DateTime', 'Exif.Photo.DateTimeDigitized'], # , 'EXIF FileDateTime'], # noqa
'latitude': 'Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLatitude',
'latitude_ref': 'Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLatitudeRef',
'longitude': 'Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLongitude',
'longitude_ref': 'Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLongitudeRef',
def get_album(self):
"""Get album from EXIF
:returns: None or string
if(not self.is_valid()):
return None
exiftool_attributes = self.get_exiftool_attributes()
if(exiftool_attributes is None or 'album' not in exiftool_attributes):
return None
return exiftool_attributes['album']
def get_exif(self):
"""Read EXIF from a photo file.
We store the result in a member variable so we can call get_exif()
often without performance degredation.
:returns: list or none for a non-photo file
if(not self.is_valid()):
return None
if(self.exif is not None):
return self.exif
source = self.source
self.exif = pyexiv2.ImageMetadata(source)
return self.exif
def get_exiftool_attributes(self):
"""Get attributes for the media object from exiftool.
:returns: dict, or False if exiftool was not available.
if(self.exiftool_attributes is not None):
return self.exiftool_attributes
exiftool = get_exiftool()
if(exiftool is None):
return False
source = self.source
process_output = subprocess.Popen(
'%s "%s"' % (exiftool, source),
output = process_output.stdout.read()
# Get album from exiftool output
album = None
album_regex = re.search('Album +: +(.+)', output)
if(album_regex is not None):
album = album_regex.group(1)
# Get title from exiftool output
title = None
for key in ['Displayname', 'Headline', 'Title', 'ImageDescription']:
title_regex = re.search('%s +: +(.+)' % key, output)
if(title_regex is not None):
title_return = title_regex.group(1).strip()
if(len(title_return) > 0):
title = title_return
self.exiftool_attributes = {
'album': album,
'title': title
return self.exiftool_attributes
def get_title(self):
"""Get the title for a photo of video
:returns: str or None if no title is set or not a valid media type
if(not self.is_valid()):
return None
exiftool_attributes = self.get_exiftool_attributes()
if(exiftool_attributes is None or 'title' not in exiftool_attributes):
return None
return exiftool_attributes['title']
def reset_cache(self):
"""Resets any internal cache
self.exiftool_attributes = None
super(Media, self).reset_cache()
def set_album(self, name):
"""Set album for a photo
:param str name: Name of album
:returns: bool
if(name is None):
return False
exiftool = get_exiftool()
if(exiftool is None):
return False
source = self.source
stat = os.stat(source)
exiftool_config = constants.exiftool_config
if(constants.debug is True):
print '%s -config "%s" -xmp-elodie:Album="%s" "%s"' % (exiftool, exiftool_config, name, source) # noqa
process_output = subprocess.Popen(
'%s -config "%s" -xmp-elodie:Album="%s" "%s"' %
(exiftool, exiftool_config, name, source),
if(process_output.returncode != 0):
return False
os.utime(source, (stat.st_atime, stat.st_mtime))
exiftool_backup_file = '%s%s' % (source, '_original')
if(os.path.isfile(exiftool_backup_file) is True):
return True