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The media module provides a base :class:`Media` class for media objects that
are tracked by Elodie. The Media class provides some base functionality used
by all the media types. Its sub-classes (:class:`~elodie.media.Audio`,
:class:`~elodie.media.Photo`, and :class:`~elodie.media.Video`)
are used to represent the actual files.
.. moduleauthor:: Jaisen Mathai <jaisen@jmathai.com>
import mimetypes
import os
import six
import logging
# load modules
from elodie import log
from dateutil.parser import parse
import re
from elodie.external.pyexiftool import ExifTool
# TODO remove
# try: # Py3k compatibility
# basestring
# except NameError:
# basestring = (bytes, str)
class Media():
"""The media class for all media objects.
:param str source: The fully qualified path to the video file.
__name__ = 'Media'
d_coordinates = {
'latitude': 'latitude_ref',
'longitude': 'longitude_ref'
PHOTO = ('arw', 'cr2', 'dng', 'gif', 'heic', 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'nef', 'png', 'rw2')
AUDIO = ('m4a',)
VIDEO = ('avi', 'm4v', 'mov', 'mp4', 'mpg', 'mpeg', '3gp', 'mts')
extensions = PHOTO + AUDIO + VIDEO
def __init__(self, sources=None):
self.source = sources
self.date_original = [
self.date_created = [
self.date_modified = ['File:FileModifyDate', 'QuickTime:ModifyDate']
self.camera_make_keys = ['EXIF:Make', 'QuickTime:Make']
self.camera_model_keys = ['EXIF:Model', 'QuickTime:Model']
self.album_keys = ['XMP-xmpDM:Album', 'XMP:Album']
self.title_keys = ['XMP:Title', 'XMP:DisplayName']
self.latitude_keys = [
# 'QuickTime:GPSLatitude',
self.longitude_keys = [
# 'QuickTime:GPSLongitude',
self.latitude_ref_key = 'EXIF:GPSLatitudeRef'
self.longitude_ref_key = 'EXIF:GPSLongitudeRef'
self.original_name_key = 'XMP:OriginalFileName'
self.set_gps_ref = True
self.metadata = None
self.exif_metadata = None
def format_metadata(self, **kwargs):
"""Method to consistently return a populated metadata dictionary.
:returns: dict
def get_file_path(self):
"""Get the full path to the video.
:returns: string
return self.source
def get_extension(self):
"""Get the file extension as a lowercased string.
:returns: string or None for a non-video
if(not self.is_valid()):
return None
source = self.source
return os.path.splitext(source)[1][1:].lower()
def get_metadata(self, update_cache=False, album_from_folder=False):
"""Get a dictionary of metadata for any file.
All keys will be present and have a value of None if not obtained.
:returns: dict or None for non-text files
if(not self.is_valid()):
return None
if(isinstance(self.metadata, dict) and update_cache is False):
return self.metadata
source = self.source
folder = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(source))
album = self.get_album()
if album_from_folder and (album is None or album == ''):
album = folder
self.metadata = {
'date_original': self.get_date_attribute(self.date_original),
'date_created': self.get_date_attribute(self.date_created),
'date_modified': self.get_date_attribute(self.date_modified),
'camera_make': self.get_camera_make(),
'camera_model': self.get_camera_model(),
'latitude': self.get_coordinate('latitude'),
'longitude': self.get_coordinate('longitude'),
'album': album,
'title': self.get_title(),
'mime_type': self.get_mimetype(),
'original_name': self.get_original_name(),
'base_name': os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(source)[0]),
'extension': self.get_extension(),
'directory_path': os.path.dirname(source)
return self.metadata
def get_mimetype(self):
"""Get the mimetype of the file.
:returns: str or None for unsupported files.
if(not self.is_valid()):
return None
source = self.source
mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(source)
if(mimetype is None):
return None
return mimetype[0]
def is_valid(self):
# Disable extension check
return True
def set_album_from_folder(self, path):
"""Set the album attribute based on the leaf folder name
:returns: bool
metadata = self.get_metadata()
# If this file has an album already set we do not overwrite EXIF
if(not isinstance(metadata, dict) or metadata['album'] is not None):
return False
folder = os.path.basename(metadata['directory_path'])
# If folder is empty we skip
if(len(folder) == 0):
return False
status = self.set_album(folder, path)
if status == False:
return False
return True
def set_metadata_basename(self, new_basename):
"""Update the basename attribute in the metadata dict for this instance.
This is used for when we update the EXIF title of a media file. Since
that determines the name of a file if we update the title of a file
more than once it appends to the file name.
i.e. 2015-12-31_00-00-00-my-first-title-my-second-title.jpg
:param str new_basename: New basename of file (with the old title
self.metadata['base_name'] = new_basename
def set_metadata(self, **kwargs):
"""Method to manually update attributes in metadata.
:params dict kwargs: Named parameters to update.
metadata = self.get_metadata()
for key in kwargs:
if(key in metadata):
self.metadata[key] = kwargs[key]
def get_class_by_file(cls, _file, classes):
"""Static method to get a media object by file.
basestring = (bytes, str)
if not isinstance(_file, basestring) or not os.path.isfile(_file):
return None
extension = os.path.splitext(_file)[1][1:].lower()
if len(extension) > 0:
for i in classes:
if(extension in i.extensions):
return i(_file)
exclude_list = ['.DS_Store', '.directory']
if os.path.basename(_file) == '.DS_Store':
return None
return Media(_file)
def get_valid_extensions(cls):
"""Static method to access static extensions variable.
:returns: tuple(str)
return cls.extensions
def get_album(self):
"""Get album from EXIF
:returns: None or string
if(not self.is_valid()):
return None
exiftool_attributes = self.get_exiftool_attributes()
if exiftool_attributes is None:
return None
for album_key in self.album_keys:
if album_key in exiftool_attributes:
return exiftool_attributes[album_key]
return None
def get_coordinate(self, type='latitude'):
"""Get latitude or longitude of media from EXIF
:param str type: Type of coordinate to get. Either "latitude" or
:returns: float or None if not present in EXIF or a non-photo file
exif = self.get_exiftool_attributes()
if not exif:
return None
# The lat/lon _keys array has an order of precedence.
# The first key is writable and we will give the writable
# key precence when reading.
direction_multiplier = 1.0
for key in self.latitude_keys + self.longitude_keys:
if key not in exif:
if isinstance(exif[key], six.string_types) and len(exif[key]) == 0:
# If exiftool GPS output is empty, the data returned will be a str
# with 0 length.
# https://github.com/jmathai/elodie/issues/354
# Cast coordinate to a float due to a bug in exiftool's
# -json output format.
# https://github.com/jmathai/elodie/issues/171
# http://u88.n24.queensu.ca/exiftool/forum/index.php/topic,7952.0.html # noqa
this_coordinate = float(exif[key])
# TODO: verify that we need to check ref key
# when self.set_gps_ref != True
if type == 'latitude' and key in self.latitude_keys:
if self.latitude_ref_key in exif and \
exif[self.latitude_ref_key] == 'S':
direction_multiplier = -1.0
return this_coordinate * direction_multiplier
elif type == 'longitude' and key in self.longitude_keys:
if self.longitude_ref_key in exif and \
exif[self.longitude_ref_key] == 'W':
direction_multiplier = -1.0
return this_coordinate * direction_multiplier
return None
def get_exiftool_attributes(self):
"""Get attributes for the media object from exiftool.
:returns: dict, or False if exiftool was not available.
source = self.source
#Cache exif metadata results and use if already exists for media
if(self.exif_metadata is None):
self.exif_metadata = ExifTool().get_metadata(source)
if not self.exif_metadata:
return False
return self.exif_metadata
def get_date_attribute(self, tag):
"""Get a date attribute.
:returns: time object or None
exif = self.get_exiftool_attributes()
if not exif:
return None
# We need to parse a string from EXIF into a timestamp.
# EXIF DateTimeOriginal and EXIF DateTime are both stored
# in %Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S format
# we split on a space and then r':|-' -> convert to int -> .timetuple()
# the conversion in the local timezone
# EXIF DateTime is already stored as a timestamp
# Sourced from https://github.com/photo/frontend/blob/master/src/libraries/models/Photo.php#L500 # noqa
for key in tag:
if(key in exif):
# correct nasty formated date
regex = re.compile('(\d{4}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})')
if(re.match(regex , exif[key]) is not None): # noqa
exif[key] = re.sub(regex ,'\g<1>-\g<2>-\g<3>',exif[key])
return parse(exif[key])
# if(re.match('\d{4}(-|:)\d{2}(-|:)\d{2}', exif[key]) is not None): # noqa
# dt, tm = exif[key].split(' ')
# dt_list = compile(r'-|:').split(dt)
# dt_list = dt_list + compile(r'-|:').split(tm)
# dt_list = map(int, dt_list)
# return datetime(*dt_list)
except BaseException or dateutil.parser._parser.ParserError as e:
return None
return None
def get_camera_make(self):
"""Get the camera make stored in EXIF.
:returns: str
if(not self.is_valid()):
return None
exiftool_attributes = self.get_exiftool_attributes()
if exiftool_attributes is None:
return None
for camera_make_key in self.camera_make_keys:
if camera_make_key in exiftool_attributes:
return exiftool_attributes[camera_make_key]
return None
def get_camera_model(self):
"""Get the camera make stored in EXIF.
:returns: str
if(not self.is_valid()):
return None
exiftool_attributes = self.get_exiftool_attributes()
if exiftool_attributes is None:
return None
for camera_model_key in self.camera_model_keys:
if camera_model_key in exiftool_attributes:
return exiftool_attributes[camera_model_key]
return None
def get_original_name(self):
"""Get the original name stored in EXIF.
:returns: str
if(not self.is_valid()):
return None
exiftool_attributes = self.get_exiftool_attributes()
if exiftool_attributes is None:
return None
if(self.original_name_key not in exiftool_attributes):
return None
return exiftool_attributes[self.original_name_key]
def get_title(self):
"""Get the title for a photo of video
:returns: str or None if no title is set or not a valid media type
if(not self.is_valid()):
return None
exiftool_attributes = self.get_exiftool_attributes()
if exiftool_attributes is None:
return None
for title_key in self.title_keys:
if title_key in exiftool_attributes:
return exiftool_attributes[title_key]
return None
def reset_cache(self):
"""Resets any internal cache
self.exiftool_attributes = None
self.exif_metadata = None
def set_album(self, name, path):
"""Set album EXIF tag if not already set.
:returns: True, False, None
if self.get_album() is not None:
return None
tags = {}
for key in self.album_keys:
tags[key] = name
status = self.__set_tags(tags, path)
return status
def set_date_original(self, time, path):
"""Set the date/time a photo was taken.
:param datetime time: datetime object of when the photo was taken
:returns: bool
if(time is None):
return False
tags = {}
formatted_time = time.strftime('%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S')
for key in self.date_original:
tags[key] = formatted_time
status = self.__set_tags(tags, path)
if status == False:
# exif attribute date_original d'ont exist
for key in self.date_created:
tags[key] = formatted_time
status = self.__set_tags(tags, path)
return status
def set_location(self, latitude, longitude, path):
if(not self.is_valid()):
return None
# The lat/lon _keys array has an order of precedence.
# The first key is writable and we will give the writable
# key precence when reading.
# TODO check
# tags = {
# self.latitude_keys[0]: latitude,
# self.longitude_keys[0]: longitude,
# }
tags = {}
for key in self.latitude_keys:
tags[key] = latitude
for key in self.longitude_keys:
tags[key] = longitude
# If self.set_gps_ref == True then it means we are writing an EXIF
# GPS tag which requires us to set the reference key.
# That's because the lat/lon are absolute values.
# TODO set_gps_ref = False for Video ?
if self.set_gps_ref:
if latitude < 0:
tags[self.latitude_ref_key] = 'S'
if longitude < 0:
tags[self.longitude_ref_key] = 'W'
status = self.__set_tags(tags, path)
return status
def set_original_name(self, path, name=None):
"""Sets the original name EXIF tag if not already set.
:returns: True, False, None
# If EXIF original name tag is set then we return.
if self.get_original_name() is not None:
return None
if name == None:
name = os.path.basename(self.source)
tags = {self.original_name_key: name}
status = self.__set_tags(tags, path)
return status
def set_title(self, title, path):
"""Set title for a photo.
:param str title: Title of the photo.
:returns: bool
if(not self.is_valid()):
return None
if(title is None):
return None
tags = {}
for key in self.title_keys:
tags[key] = title
status = self.__set_tags(tags, path)
return status
def __set_tags(self, tags, path):
if(not self.is_valid()):
return None
status = ''
status = ExifTool().set_tags(tags, path)
if status.decode().find('unchanged') != -1 or status == '':
return False
if status.decode().find('error') != -1:
return False
return True
def get_all_subclasses(cls=None):
"""Module method to get all subclasses of Media.
subclasses = set()
this_class = Media
if cls is not None:
this_class = cls
this_class_subclasses = this_class.__subclasses__()
for child_class in this_class_subclasses:
return subclasses
def get_media_class(_file):
if not os.path.exists(_file):
logging.warning(f'Could not find {_file}')
logging.error(f'Could not find {_file}')
return False
media = Media.get_class_by_file(_file, get_all_subclasses())
if not media:
logging.warning(f'File{_file} is not supported')
logging.error(f'File {_file} can\'t be imported')
return False
return media