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# Ordigi
## Description
This tool aims to make media files organized among giving pattern. It is based on
exif metadata and use Sqlite database.
- Organize your existing collection of photos or others media types into a customizable folder structure.
- Record metadata and other file data to an Sqlite database
- Ability to edit metadata
## Install
Ordigi relies on the great [ExifTool library by Phil Harvey](http://www.sno.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool/). Make sure is installed.
Clone this repository and install ordigi:
pip install .
## Usage Instructions
### Client interface
You can invoke several commands from the client interface.
Use `ordigi --help` and `ordigi [command] --help` for usage
instructions. For each command there are several options that can be invoked.
#### Import photos to collection
The default behavior is to move files from one or several sources directories
to your destination directory. However, if you want to copy use `-c` or
`--copy` flag.
ordigi import -c /source1 /source2 /collection
#### Sort photos into collection
The `sort` command is essentially the same as import but restricted to the files already into the
ordigi sort /subdir1 /subdir2 /collection
#### Compare images into collection
Sort file by similarity:
ordigi compare /subdir1 /subdir2 /collection
Undo sort files:
ordigi compare --revert-compare /subdir1 /subdir2 /collection
#### Verify collection against bit rot / data rot
ordigi check
### Edit metadata and Reorganize by changing location and dates (WIP)
ordigi edit --location="Las Vegas, NV" --sort
ordigi edit --time="2015-04-15" --sort
### Configuration
#### Config file
The sample configuration file `ordigi.conf` can be copied to `~/.config/ordigi/ordigi.conf` (default location).
Numerous of option like the folder structure, exclusions and other options can
be configured in this file.
#### Folder structure and name
The folder structure and name can be customized via placeholders, a *f-String like* bracket
keywords. Each keyword can be freely combined in any part of the path
Default folder structure:
Example folder structure:
├── 2015
│ ├── 06-Jun-California
│ │ ├── 20150629_163414-img_3900.jpg
│ │ └── 20150629_170706-img_3901.jpg
│ └── Paris
│ └── 20150630_024043-img_3903.jpg
├── 2015
│ ├── 07-Jul-Mountain View
│ │ ├── 20150719_171637-img_9426.jpg
│ │ └── 20150724_190633-img_9432.jpg
└── 2015
│ ├── 09-Sep
│ ├── 20150927_014138-_dsc8705.dng
│ └── 20150927_014138-_dsc8705.nef
The folder structure use standard unix path separator (`/`). Fallback folder part can be optionally specified using a pipe (`|`) separator.
Valid keywords are:
- Date string like *%Y%m%d* pattern For details of the supported formats see [strftime.org](https://strftime.org/).
- Geolocation info from OpenStreetMap: *country, city, location, state*
- Folder structure of source subdirectories like *folder* or *folders[1:]* pattern,
similar to python list syntax.
- File data : *basename, ext, name, original_name*
- Exif metadata info: *album, camera_make, camera_model, title*.
- custom string using *custom* keyword.
- Special modifiers *%u*/*%l* for upper/lower case respectively.
The default file path structure would look like `2015/07-Jul-Mountain_View/20150712-142231-original_name.jpg`.
## Retrieving data from media
### EXIF and XMP tags
Ordigi use embedded Exif metadata to organize media files and store them in a Sqlite database.
| Data type | Tags | Notes |
| Date Original | EXIF:DateTimeOriginal, H264:DateTimeOriginal, EXIF:ModifyDate, file created, file modified | |
| Date Created | EXIF:CreateDate, QuickTime:CreationDate, QuickTime:CreateDate, QuickTime:CreationDate-und-US, QuickTime:MediaCreateDate | |
| Date Modified | 'File:FileModifyDate', 'QuickTime:ModifyDate' | |
| Location | EXIF:GPSLatitude/EXIF:GPSLatitudeRef, EXIF:GPSLongitude/EXIF:GPSLongitudeRef, XMP:GPSLatitude, Composite:GPSLatitude, XMP:GPSLongitude, Composite:GPSLongitude | Composite tags are read-only |
| Title | XMP:Title, XMP:DisplayName | |
| Album | XMP-xmpDM:Album, XMP:Album | XMP:Album is user defined in `configs/ExifTool_config` for backwards compatability |
| Camera Make | EXIF:Make, QuickTime:Make, EXIF:Model, QuickTime:Model | |
For example, the media date can be retrieved, by order of preference, from
*Date Original*, *Date Created*. Optionally *Date Modified* and even filename *date string* can be used, depending of options used (see `ordigi sort --help`).
### Geolocation info
Ordigi use *location* Exif metadata *Nominatim* geocoder to retrive geolocation info from OpenStreetMap
## Credits
The code is based on [Elodie](https://github.com/jmathai/elodie) media organizer and take inspiration from [SortPhotos](https://github.com/andrewning/sortphotos/blob/master/src/sortphotos.py) and [OSXPhotos](https://github.com/RhetTbull/osxphotos) for the Exiftool module.